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    Czech Republic

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  1. Hi @ericvini, could you please re-upload those login screen files? Thanks in advance!
  2. could you send me please link to the patch notes you are talking about? Thanks!
  3. i've tried web archive before i posted the question, and i found it incomplete. I'd really like to get full site download. But thanks for the suggestion anyway!
  4. Hey guys, i noticed that the legacy.lineage2.com site was completely removed. Isn't there anyone who downloaded it and can share it? Thanks a lot.
  5. @MasterToma can you please post whole hander code for the original and compiled ai.obj? Can you also share decompiled code?
  6. AFAICT you have to use proper AI for the mob to make it aggressive.
  7. Hey guys, i wrote simple a Symfony 3 Drop and Spoil application for our L2OFF L2 Shrine server, and i'd like to share it. It can be easily used together with our MyExt64 extender, as extender can generate drop / spoil data from it's files. You can find it on our bitbucket https://bitbucket.org/l2shrine/dropspoil. and you can have a look at it here https://dropspoil.l2shrine.com/. Cheers.
  8. Can you describe in more detail what are you trying to achieve? I suppose you don't want to spawn RBs level < xx, right?
  9. AFAICT you have to specify all the ids and check them separately, something like this: In CREATED handler of the NPC: myself.int_list.Add( ID1 ); myself.int_list.Add( ID2 ); myself.int_list.Add( ID3 ); myself.int_list.Add( ID3 ); ... And then in TALKED handler loop trough the int_list and remove all the items: for( i0 = 0; i0 <= myself.int_list.GetSize(); ++i0 ) { i1 = myself.int_list.Get( i0 ); if( OwnItemCount( talker, i1 ) > 0 ) { DeleteItem1( talker, i1 ); ... // do other stuff } } Hope this helps.
  10. Hi, if i am not mistaken, restart_point_begin where players are teleported after they die, no? I want users to be teleported to town when for example some doors in game closes, some npc dies, etc ..
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