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Everything posted by Vision

  1. Read the rules of the marketplace and add prices for everything you sell. It's required. Thank you.
  2. It depends on the game I think. Easy Anti-Cheat it's not huge project of anti-cheating. I prefer AAC.
  3. First of all, if a abuse my power or not you are not the right person to tell me that. Second of all, Kara is a well known past scammer and toxic person who got multiple bans and for some reason he is here unbanned for all his actions and he dare to speak and lecture everyone and everything so I'm not gonna hate Kara I will just pity these guys you still defend your friend you are talking about respect but you didn't started well here on your report you drove yourself MAD using Caps like I'm a old man and I need glasses to see what are you writing. You are clearly mad because your respect damaged? All this could be avoided but you decided to summon Kara and in that point everything fucked up.
  4. Anyway it's mixed up because when Kara came he instantly advertised his topic to get more clients how pathetic is this. Also you co-operating with Kara so it has some logic to defend him to play along like true friends. I don't have time to think friendships between developers that's why I also hide your post and after that all this happened. If you want to help you can answer without Kara just by yourself.
  5. I told you about chat banning because you were ironic quoting the phrase "I didn't ask you". If you didn't continue there like a kid I wouldn't tell you about chat banning.
  6. Your post has been restored it was mixed up with adaption quote you did summoning Kara that was off. Check the topic again to see what it's changed. Next time, you will talk me this way you are two weeks banned for me. That is a warning.
  7. Let's say I'm wrong and you are right. Answer me on this: How is the adaption related with the topic? And why Kara provide his services for this adaption? Although, the fact that Kara posting his services it's advertisement of his work you can't deny that. My reply about "I didn't ask you" it's because I don't need from anyone to justify or explain me why and how. I just don't care you are spamming you are breaking a rule. From the staff spamming is not considerable. Even if the adaption is related with the topic you can't suggest your services in a share topic. Is that so hard to understand that? Kara have his topic at marketplace I don't need to see anywhere else except from there. You want to argue but you don't have idea why to argue.
  8. Moved to Private Servers.
  9. Only posts that are related on this topic /ONTOPIC should be taken into consideration. Careful how you talk and how you behave.
  10. Thanks for this dude. You did some brilliant job.
  11. Insults posts are removed. I saw your report. If any of you have some more personal opinion for someone else just keep it for yourself. I don't wanna know.
  12. Don't worry you will be banned too it's just matter of time with their stupidity.
  13. I got also two accounts banned not L2 related but ye they are banning too many accounts for some reason. I quit using PayPal after this.
  14. Wrd πολύ active είσαι και ανησυχώ. Καλημέρα.
  15. Provide prices for everything your describe it's required. Read the rules before you open a topic.
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