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Everything posted by Vision

  1. @EhoqDo not downvote because you didn't like an answer. This tool it's not supposed to work like that.
  2. Moved to Private Servers.
  3. Welcome mate, I hope you will find plenty of things such as (shares, guides) to help you move even further. Have a nice stay.
  4. Χρήστο μας κούρασε xd
  5. Moved to Private Servers.
  6. Αυτοί οι τρεις νομίζω κάνουν αυτό που θες επικοινώνησε μαζι τους.
  7. Moved to Private Servers.
  8. Moved to Private Servers. Good luck with your proejct!
  9. Moved to Private Servers. Good luck!
  10. Hello, this is 8th MLO I've made presenting a nice Bar called "Baraki" MLO for a job of selling drinks like wines/whiskey and what ever you like. It contains a Front Area for sitting and chilling. It's considered a low sized MLO it's not so big but it's beautiful. What the MLO contains? All the necessity files of the current MLO. Instructions (.txt file). You need to place the files I'm giving you in the resources folder. At your server.cfg ensure (Name of interior). I can provide slight support if you face any kind of problem. Download it HERE Video: https://streamable.com/dbqxnx Credits: Vision
  11. Put a better description of your server and don't forget prefixes [L2J] or [L2OFF]. Read the rules.
  12. You need to be Premium Member so you can see hidden content.
  13. Moved to Private Servers.
  14. Since it's Live, I move this one to Private Servers. Good luck!
  15. Vision


    I think that what Tryskell said it's the most obvious here. L2OFF devs will have copyright problems and such. Although, I think all of these 3 options somehow they gonna have problems because the game it's not owned by them but from NCSoft so I don't know it's fucked up. If they wanted to cause any problems to the devs they would already have done it. Since they don't either, they don't care or devs giving a serious huge advertisement for their product (NCSoft - Lineage II)
  16. I guess you are Live so I move this one to Private Servers. Nice project and very professional! Also, fix your video something broke.
  17. Vision

    Covid Vaccine

    Αν είσαι αετός τα πιάνεις στον αέρα στη δική του περίπτωση γεράκι xd
  18. Vision

    Covid Vaccine

    Εγω πιστεύω πως μπορει να δημιουργεί παρενέργειες που θα ειναι σε μόνιμο επίπεδο ίσως και κάτι ανίατο σε μερικά χρόνια και μετά gg. Ο ιός υπάρχει αλλιώς δεν θα πεθαίναν τόσοι άνθρωποι απλά διαλέγεις η θα ζείς με παρενέργειες η δεν θα ζεις καθόλου η επιλογή που κάνει ο καθένας είναι δική του υπόθεση μήπως χεστήκαμε λίγο τώρα με αυτό το Δέλτα και τρέχουμε όλοι να εμβολιαστούμε κανείς δεν ξέρει θα περιμένουμε να δούμε αν θα πέσουμε σαν τα κοτόπουλα να δούμε αν υπάρχει ιός xd. Μόνο καλό θα κάνει να εμβολιαστούμε όλοι αλλά είμαστε βλάκες οπότε λέμε δεν το κάνω ας το κάνουν οι άλλοι
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