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About Abaddon3169

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  1. So i have a script for specific server but i want to make it to detect when quest is completed can anyone help ? Script: var i:integer; begin print(user.target.attackable); while true do begin delay(user.cast.endtime); for i:=0 to CharList.count-1 do if ((not CharList.Items(i).Dead) and (not CharList.Items(i).Name.Contains('Bot')) //and CharList.Items(i).attackable //and CharList.Items(i).InZone //and (CharList.Items(i).ClanID<>User.ClanID) ) then begin engine.settarget(CharList.Items(i)); Engine.UseSkill(19); break; end; while ((not user.target.dead) and (not user.dead)) and (not user.target.Name.Contains('Bot')) do begin Engine.UseSkill(19); Engine.UseSkill(369); Engine.UseSkill(101); delay(user.cast.endtime); end; engine.canceltarget; end; end. Is it even possible with this script ?
  2. Hi guys. I want to ask you if there is any way to bypass/remove hwid ban? Im banned on destorus.ru if that is going to help . :)
  3. Hi guys can someone tell me why do i get this error when im using cracked adrenaline bot please?
  4. Hi guys im using script for adrenaline bot to farm this kind of mobs How can i make it so it wont target Anti Bot's ? Here is my script : Help me please
  5. Hey Its me againt This is my script : How can i make it so it checks targets title and if it contains specific word for example than it starts attacking ? Please help
  6. Hi guys im looking for help this is my adrenaline bot script: How can i check for targets name ? For example NpC name Please help me :)
  7. Can someone give me auto enchanter/auto clicker that works on smartguard please?
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