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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
MrPro* MrPro* 04/06/2015 Made a deal with him. Trustful, quick and recommended. SirLionheart SirLionheart
MrPro* MrPro* 04/06/2015 Perfect, earned what I expected Dexter Dexter
MrPro* MrPro* 04/01/2015 Very good and trusted ++1 PAC PAC
MrPro* MrPro* 04/01/2015 Had a deal! Good video maker! Frank Frank
Strain Strain 03/18/2015 Good designer with low prices vampir vampir
miyukichannn miyukichannn 03/17/2015 trust seller 100% just buy some stuff, easy and fast!! lordas12346 lordas12346
DBSK DBSK 03/16/2015 Fantastic buyer. Highly recomended. +++ getadena.com getadena.com
MrPro* MrPro* 03/15/2015 Seem good guy and skilled on this.. 'Baggos' 'Baggos'
sunt_cinic@yahoo.com sunt_cinic@yahoo.com 03/10/2015 Trusted guy! Source is clean and complete! Recommended! doken1313 doken1313
doken1313 doken1313 03/10/2015 Good guy! sunt_cinic@yahoo.com sunt_cinic@yahoo.com
L2ForFun L2ForFun 03/06/2015 Great Customer `iAndre `iAndre
MrPro* MrPro* 03/06/2015 Great person , amazing Dection Dection
MrPro* MrPro* 03/04/2015 Bought an intro for my youtube channel. Trusted & skilled. `iAndre `iAndre
MrPro* MrPro* 03/04/2015 Trusted guy and skilled on his work! I recommend him! Deamnd Deamnd
MrPro* MrPro* 03/04/2015 Good services, very trusted person. Lothar Lothar
RammusOP RammusOP 02/25/2015 Trusted seller. You should not be afraid when dealing with this member. Vouched. N1nj4Styl3 N1nj4Styl3
Strain Strain 02/25/2015 Skilled guy. Chuck Norris approved. SweeTs SweeTs
Strain Strain 02/25/2015 Skilled, friendly and active. 100% recommended. LogicalMind LogicalMind
Strain Strain 02/24/2015 Excellent job! Recommend him! ladyofl2 ladyofl2
Elfosass Elfosass 02/21/2015 is a lier without any skill and he took me 65Euro He is a big scammer! Vagrancy™ Vagrancy™
Strain Strain 02/15/2015 trusted and skilled. Incred Incred
marcin88 marcin88 02/10/2015 Sell char for him in l2core, all went perfect. +1 for this guy reviveLT reviveLT
JDruidas JDruidas 02/10/2015 Gived me an idea of an thing I was looking for and worked code:) sunt_cinic@yahoo.com sunt_cinic@yahoo.com
MaxusHost MaxusHost 02/08/2015 Very Fast delivery&Helpful Support PAC PAC
ČυяŞŀŅğ ČυяŞŀŅğ 02/05/2015 Trusted seller and amazing pack `Sapphire `Sapphire
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