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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
dhm.msd dhm.msd 03/13/2014 Just bought Xtreme Panel. Dont have enough words to thank the developer about it MrMayhᙤm MrMayhᙤm
fergussonl2 fergussonl2 03/04/2014 look like a scammer be care citygamer citygamer
Slade Slade 03/03/2014 Legit buyer, trusted person! Andrew™ Andrew™
StinkyMadness StinkyMadness 02/28/2014 really trusted and faster Ovenuç® Ovenuç®
bronkerz bronkerz 02/26/2014 very good buyer SafeTrade SafeTrade
xRiVaLx xRiVaLx 02/23/2014 Scammer don't trust him ,he already scammed 3 persons maxicroma maxicroma
Synerge Synerge 02/18/2014 Person didn't made whole deal, not answering anymore. Blast0 Blast0
mg13gr mg13gr 02/07/2014 Good trader :) thanks !!! I recommend. iMini iMini
NinjaStep NinjaStep 02/07/2014 Bestest Matthew Matthew
StinkyMadness StinkyMadness 02/05/2014 Trusted and patient customer :) Matthew Matthew
~Grey Hat~ ~Grey Hat~ 02/05/2014 Failed scam attempt,well known scammer on l2 marketplace. Matthew Matthew
Lotriem Lotriem 02/05/2014 Great Code. Perfect Support. `iAndre `iAndre
GhostBreakeR GhostBreakeR 01/31/2014 Highly trusted guy. You have nothing to afraid of. `iAndre `iAndre
Neonart Neonart 01/27/2014 trusted and fast. UnSponsored UnSponsored
Beastlike Beastlike 01/26/2014 Fast,Helpful,Cheap & Trustworthy.I totally recommend him! HackMeUpReturns HackMeUpReturns
HackMeUpReturns HackMeUpReturns 01/26/2014 Reliable buyer, Fast payment. ++ Vouch ! Beastlike Beastlike
`xFrost `xFrost 01/18/2014 I sent him the money and crying that i didnt,proofs on my topic Matthew Matthew
JonasDotGG JonasDotGG 01/10/2014 Delete please the other positive. Gyllene Gyllene
Cathie75 Cathie75 01/09/2014 Fast and safe exchange. Also her paypal is veriefed. Gyllene Gyllene
JonasDotGG JonasDotGG 01/09/2014 Thief Stolen me 50 euro http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/174349-report-scammer-j Gyllene Gyllene
bronkerz bronkerz 01/06/2014 trusted bueyr and good contact :) SafeTrade SafeTrade
iMini iMini 01/06/2014 good seller and very nice friend . up up up citygamer citygamer
DBSK DBSK 01/02/2014 Exchanged his paysafe, thanks, trusted. Matthew Matthew
jotajj jotajj 01/01/2014 Nice buyer, fast paymment. Everything went smooth Paradise Paradise
Paradise Paradise 01/01/2014 Nice seller recommend jotajj jotajj
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