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Receiver Date Comment Sender  
MrPro* MrPro* 05/13/2015 very nice jobe hope you grow up with this! gygaman gygaman
MrPro* MrPro* 05/10/2015 Trusted & skilled. Don't be afraid of using any of his services. xDMSx xDMSx
MrPro* MrPro* 05/09/2015 Trusted, Efficient, Recommended (Will sure continue to use his Services) DEV|Supreme DEV|Supreme
Strain Strain 05/04/2015 Trusted and very skilled! Lothar Lothar
Cray-Z Cray-Z 05/02/2015 Until the above feedback gets removed, I won't touch this one. Stupid user. N1nj4Styl3 N1nj4Styl3
MrPro* MrPro* 05/02/2015 Trusted :) Versus Versus
Cray-Z Cray-Z 05/01/2015 Provided the lol cracker for free. mg13gr mg13gr
MrPro* MrPro* 04/28/2015 +1 lineageru lineageru
MrPro* MrPro* 04/28/2015 He offer great services at best prices + quality claww claww
MrPro* MrPro* 04/27/2015 HQ services, highly recommended for L2 servers' owners. Vouched. mg13gr mg13gr
MrPro* MrPro* 04/26/2015 trusted seller!! mjst mjst
MrPro* MrPro* 04/25/2015 gg Krea Krea
Strain Strain 04/23/2015 Trusted & fast, amazing work. Devlin Devlin
MrPro* MrPro* 04/23/2015 trusted trader/seller recommened Vagrancy™ Vagrancy™
MrPro* MrPro* 04/22/2015 acquired his services . Noble® Noble®
MrPro* MrPro* 04/20/2015 Good guy! sunt_cinic@yahoo.com sunt_cinic@yahoo.com
Strain Strain 04/20/2015 He's services are very good, a serious guy, for sure I will keep buy hes service Eurytus Eurytus
MrPro* MrPro* 04/19/2015 Trusted and skilled person, thanks for all! Hyo Hyo
MrPro* MrPro* 04/18/2015 trustable & skilled person. ! keep up the good works. Ravin3~ Ravin3~
MrPro* MrPro* 04/15/2015 +1 Sellers andFriends Sellers andFriends
MrPro* MrPro* 04/13/2015 Great. Cheap and good services. GLO GLO
MrPro* MrPro* 04/13/2015 Trusted Devlin Devlin
danywtfk danywtfk 04/12/2015 Trusted Seller!! Totally recommend :-) Pulentolento Pulentolento
pto pto 04/10/2015 After purchasing he blocked me and disputed the payment on paypal Scammer. sunt_cinic@yahoo.com sunt_cinic@yahoo.com
sunt_cinic@yahoo.com sunt_cinic@yahoo.com 04/09/2015 Selling half working pack, with lots of erros, and totaly unstable. pto pto
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