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VPS for hosting server

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1 hour ago, La2Aria said:

I, see and thanks for your reply! i was reading the comments here, because most they are saying that OVH has a nice DDos protection! you might tell me some other host companies?

Most open pride like servers with 2006 shared files and claim its unique server!!!. This mean "most" is good to follow?


Edited by Kara`
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10 hours ago, Kara` said:

OVH is in my opinion over-rated and too expensive. Thre are plenty VPS out there with i7, 8 GB ram, 512 SSD with 20 e per month. Give it a search and prefer server's in France-Berlin e.t.c




what about this , i m just asking , i could try this only for a beta server :P

just wonder xd


on OVH


Datacentre location
Frankfurt, Germany1 X
VPS 2018 Cloud RAM 2
12 GB
50 GB
Windows Server 2016 Standard 64 English
Microsoft Windows options
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43 minutes ago, Rootware said:

The half price is Windows Server license.

Hello Mr rootware we are from Stop a Douchebag. You can't park here. We ask you to move it.

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1 hour ago, Kara` said:

Hello Mr rootware we are from Stop a Douchebag. You can't park here. We ask you to move it.

After which word should I laugh?

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On 1/19/2019 at 8:47 PM, SweeTs said:

I would not trust those cheap wannabe sites, resellers. It may bring more problems than you expect. Stick with known, original site rather than a reseller.


Better to pay few euro more and sleep in peace.


This dude. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Sry for bump this 1y old thopic but if you rly want something good and stable for not rly expensive money try

IONOS <--- Click Here

I'm there with this config, and it cost me about 50-60$ per month ( depends also on online time of my machine)

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  • 11 months later...
On 2/13/2020 at 1:28 AM, Cr1t1calDMG said:

What about Contabo? https://contabo.com/?show=vps

It's a good-cheap option in order to host a test server. Although almost any vps is not capable of handling a live server. Especially contabo's ones

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I'm using Contabo VPS more than 2 years and is the worst company I've ever partnered with. Stay away from Contabo really.

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5 hours ago, SectoneART said:

I'm using Contabo VPS more than 2 years and is the worst company I've ever partnered with. Stay away from Contabo really.

Why you keep using then? 😛

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1 hour ago, Zake said:

Why you keep using then? 😛

I was paying annually so this summer it will be over.

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