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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Maybe you should find someone with more experience before you open a server. Or play in private for a while. http://databases.about.com/od/sqlserver/a/storedprocedure.htm Now go learn about databases!
  2. Most popular way was simply changing the create char sql procedure/function, wasn't it? that's a simple option, short of having some start npc teleporting and changing exp.
  3. Regardless, download c4 files, ask for help / pay for help to create whatever you want. Uber simpleness. hell learn and do it yourself. @Boxan Wouldn't suprise me if you don't even know what a .bak file is ;)
  4. How about we dó the opposite - you show proof and let one of us few experienced devs judge it. This is pretty much like a bum trying to sell a broken car as a BMW to highschool student. None you are in any position to judge the cars worth or How broken it is. So Will you prove yourself or prove your scammer by flaming back ?
  5. first you need to learn english to describe what you want.
  6. Could also search shared shit here or describe what you want and get some people to do it.
  7. They already do. Find a not operated territory, start license. SEA has non ncsoft driven area, so does RU. Stop complaining start paying. I believe it will set you back onetime fee of some hundred thousands dollars +/- and X monthly payments for license to run. So when will you do it?
  8. Raw data/materials can only be used in a limited ammount of ways without the tool to form them :)
  9. There is no natively class manager like in l2j. Make it yourself or use test server helper from the retail beta's. Beware however in its original state, the AI is flawed like c1 AI and does not have proper checks for all calls / states. Meaning players can exploit it.
  10. Enable named pipes in configuration manager. check that sql is actually running.
  11. it's humordwarfs, with his open authserver in C#. I didnt get a chance to check it in IDA - but obviously contains abnormals, herbs and other things. It seems to build on the xml principle he tried creating way back on PP. Where you could use the xml format to write memory, to change stuff like clan limits and so on. Will check it later in IDA. DB Scripts are C4, and the ones that leaked with the original LEAK,no the cleaned up sql scripts you see with all packs now from L2Storm. Seems to be no new Skill effects, which means its very limited. No information about any systems. The NPC ID limit and ammount limit seems not done. Looking at his script6 he seems to fake switch it, probably on sendnpcinfo. Which is kinda a "cheap" fix - but this was done early on when not many people knew much about l2server. On top of that config file seems to do small fixes like malort reports, call reports nopping - and annoying red "warning" messages that are usually not errors. Sell limits, item drop cleaner and other weird things based on their description. It seems even more basic than Ezme's interlude ext that came out first. But only one way to clearly tell :)
  12. You will not. His a simple hook, and change for RSA Keys. It's an extremely small and all it does is this ;) Youll learn more from looking at Open PP, and opening up ida and trying to learn structure of authD. http://www.2shared.com/file/j42WseCe/InterludeAuth.html
  13. Question is why you want it? Better "products" freely exist on the market in form of hAuthd. All his does is control encryption keys and algorhythms.
  14. he shared his auth dll sources. Pretty simple and to the point. ill see if i can find them.
  15. If it happens during l2npc its obviously AI. Logic again helps alot. Most likely some non c4 code that has some bad pointers to inventories. Combined with some new functions from dVamp for the clan maybe? You could try load various segments of npcpos to try determine what area, and what npcs it is. Short of being some weird bad char in npcpos that just crashes, but highly unlikely. EDIT:* Could also check what we have here: 00789c9f. Also it's important to post logs from same crash, since i can't tell if the inventory pop happens mili secs beforecrash, or long time before with those timestamps.
  16. Don't ever buy "files" from random idiots in regards to L2Off. Buy files from the less than 5 people left that can actually develop. good rule of thumb.
  17. Yes! Because a c4 server with a dll is completely different! Cannot work with interlude! And if it did, How would we ever be able to search for "78" and change it to "80". Oh woe is us! Its hard to be l2off dev.
  18. Logical deduction of facts gets you far. What happens, why does it happen and when is it happening gets you far.
  19. What it maybe says you very competent l2 silver developer! That system message occurs when a certain system is enabled, and a condition within the system is reached. Geuss what! That's right shadow weapon! No go check, if the redemption bow is marked this way. (Which looks like to be a diff ID and version of it from your message). Also check the AI, since it's obviously suplied to you for what item ID, triggers the attacked handler. In case there is a cock up of Item ID going on. Which also happens to be where the whole event is created. (Spawning npcs from eventdata doesn't make it happen magicly).
  20. Wrong armorgrp, weapongrp, etcitem grp and so on. Linking of item id's is incorrect compared to what server THINKS they are.
  21. Sameway you create kamael. Redefine and recode base class arrays, pc parameter parsers, validation checks, settings parser, skillacquire parser. FYI: You have no idea what your doing - and i'd probably abandon this if i were you. Instead use a simple approach and make a bloody macro to add to players.
  22. Well i don't know how dVamp's injection check works, and how many checks he has, wether in cached or l2server. Not gonna research into something useless for me :P But without viewing the lotto htmls, don't they have a lot of variables? Could be he checks on html load, for static htmls and this would cause alotta issues with any html with vars in it. No matter what, your problem stays the same. Lotto works natively on c4, so it's obviously some condition in dVamp. Wasn't there some fstring cockup ? Perhaps it's that, but that's mega old - can't even remember anymore. Some other oldhead try remember and post here.
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