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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. And what different would it be from c4, or interlude? it's a standard action packet used in so many other things. which then by AI causes the baium stone to suicide and create a private And funnily enough clients are the same wether l2j or l2off. amazing huh?
  2. suggestion is to describe your problem PROPER. your including 2 nonsensical screenshots, and nothing whats' wrong ? L2NPC cannot find L2server, due to it not running. Run L2server. And yes, due to a bad load instruction in vista/2008 l2server should crash during loadtime sometime after fishing data, ors omething of the alikes. You'll need to nop or skip this load. Adresses will vary from each of the 3 exe's.
  3. L2NPC can't connect to L2Server. Cached is fine, atleast on second picture. try starting it first ;) Second, l2server natively can't run in Win2008 due to some bad cmp's by NCSoft. Actually can't remember right now, never had servers with 2008, so never bothered.
  4. You hook it thru viewing it in a dissassembler like IDA or olly. Writing a hook to it in a dll. Idea 2 would require you to write and extend skilldata lexer/tokens for new skilleffects of course. while 1 would be finding ar egister with the itemobject, hooking and checking if itemid is .. your special scrolls and then skipping the cmp. Seeing your massive lack of knowledge, i doubt youll succeed. Perhaps a skill that summons an npc, and uses SetEnchantOfWeapon AI function. would be more equivelant for you. That'd be by raw AI.
  5. If you can't figure it out by looking thru the script folder (Keyword being NPC), maybe l2j is the way go.
  6. Hook User/CItem::EnchantItem There's 3 RandomDouble compares, for blessed enchant, normal.. and forgot the 3rd. or ..make your own skill effect(CDB::RequestEnchantItem), manually update ItemInfo/SharedItemInfo, and send approriate packets.
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