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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. And lets not forget all daemons have their own logs, containing the same information anyhow. Just less user friendly to navigate everything.
  2. I like you. Unlike the other kids, you give up and then turn to the other alternative ending with a remark that it's "better" anyway. Again raising the question why bother with something more tedious and steeper resource requirements - AMIRITE?=!?! Plug'n'play gogogo! L2J r0x0r0rzrzrz
  3. Well unknowing how dvampire codes - they could be global vars in his project, or local ones whenever needed. So it could be a tedious long hunt, or a few small simple changes. Maybe if more people want it, you could convince fr3d to sell it :O
  4. ai.obj. individual mobs ai classes. Most likely your t-rex has none, and/or it's not taken from some of the many other mobs not properly.
  5. Dvampire created some AI functions for this - but i'm assuming you mean when people kill each other, and creating academies, recruiting etc. Therefor it would be inside the dll - seeing as i can't see anywhere he loads the values from ini or something else. Which means some good ol memory replacing is the way to go(or even more "oldschool" hexing!). Gotta find them first of course.
  6. You might wanna reveal more about the server. And who your looking for - and what they should be able to do. Especially if it's l2off. lots of people here with good "marketing skills", so to speak.
  7. Seriously. l2ds.org. If your interested, and don't sound like a retard(which you obviously are close to) - they'll reply.
  8. l2ds.org would certainly not be a bad idea.
  9. Maybe this old ver only works on "Rus" Exe. not, native "c4 normal" exe.
  10. . No, this is a custom feature a little russian wrote for you. Check your ini's in ..//script
  11. Obviously you need to allow ports in 2003, if firewall is on ;) However i seem to recall some issues with loopbacking into or a network adress. Remember to check your dbo.server for public accepted ip and if your l2.ini is pointing to local, lan or wan ip.
  12. L2server crashes..si? senor! looks like a bad NPC wether npcdata, or AI, could be up for debate. any extender or?
  13. Further research indicates they're inside the client maps :) You'll have to remove them inside the map files and find /and or make some editor to read the format they're in.
  14. Can't quite directly remember this, but it's partly doordata and aprtly client. Should be some object something client grp your able to modify. If memory serves... altho i'm quite unsure.
  15. Monster Epic Fail. Will the rest of join a new server by Shakal ? :O
  16. You will have to learn the magical world of RCE, and disassembling. Popular culture often calls it "cracking/hacking". IDA is a popular 64bit disassembler, i'd suggest to start there. However seeing you have no idea what your doing, you might wanna start on a more basic level and find some good ol tutorials. And perhaps start smearing all over smeli's c1 project.
  17. Everything is possible. Problem lies in, what your asking for is a nullifcation of the pick up rules inside l2server.exe. And from the looks of your post, you can barely add an item :O - but lest not judge. Extra problem being, you'd want the condition only active from drops by RB's. I'd suggest investigating CWorld::PickItem/TryPickItem. could be as simple as nopping a few compare's. If this make no sense, you might wanna give up on your request and outsource it - so to speak.
  18. Shakal is funny. He's butthurt cause his fired fail dev, made a server with his files - cause he sucked too much to secure dvamp. Fail vs more fail. Epic.
  19. <head> <title>Lineage 2 Vengeance</title> <link rel="StyleSheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> </head> <font color="#ffffff">[ Login: <font color="#00FF00">Online</font> ] [ Game: <font color="#00FF00">Online</font> ]</font> <font color="white">[ Players Online: <font color="00FF00"><b>261</b></font> ] [Max Online: <font color="red"><b>229</b></font> ] Looks static :O
  20. Because then you'll never learn and up like everyone else. I can't help you of course, if you don't wish to learn. Your running a server, granted you won't become an instant genious, you should atleast learn what's directly configurable and how it's scripts work. Script being key here, go thru your folder and check for anything related to your problem ("manor" just in case).
  21. Where exactly are you changing the rates in the first place ? ;) ask yourself that.
  22. http://opensvn.csie.org/l2storm beware of "outdated" security dlls.
  23. Hire one of the awesome l2off forum editors. they're l33t.
  24. Since no one's sharing: here's a simple simple hint Myself::IncrementParam(talker, 0 , @valuetodec);
  25. Why is everyone claiming they made packs - c4 or interlude or whatever? You people did shit. you didn't write the extender, nor collect and insert all new data from items to npcs, correct skills, check all the massive ammounts of data. Adding 20 custom items with some newer chronicle textures / changing AI shared by others / adding a new shop list - is NOT developing. It's messing up balance. Oh well, give the blind kids what they want :D
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