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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Because he's a excentric crazy googoo, who works on older leaked files and with granddelusions that his vision of how l2 should be, is real l2. And you seem to ignore that fact that helping you will be probably benefitless for the "developer". You also have no grasp of L2Off and its mechanics contra l2j (my educated geuss). Even if you offer money, your with a 100% hitrate going to create something lame that most of us developers, belive ruined l2off completely. That being said, 90% of getting a server "running" is straight forward, with some knowledge of windows/networking/server applications. TRY, and then ask questions. Research what you have availeble out of the box, and test shit out, note differences from packs etc etc. Logical deduction.
  2. no it can't - "edit" stuff. It overrides stuff. And without Assembly research, you won't know what to override. So alone it's useless. learn basic application programming and how an Operating System works ;).
  3. Notepad, if your hardcore ;) But the c++ part is minimal...OpenPP provides framework - but then your building on the stuff already researched. More you get acquainted with l2server.exe and IDA better :P
  4. no, you'll pay some random dude to set it up for you. You have no plan, no specification requirement. and apparently not the few braincells it would require to research 15 minutes and do it yourself :)
  5. Based on this lame ass response i predict you shall have a thrilling career in the fast food industry. they're always looking for lazy people with no vision or creative insight. I'd justify myself or the statements, by pointing you further to the massive flaw of your line of thought, but ... yea you won't get that so who cares.
  6. Then try looking at how other npcs do it, and learn from that. It's also very self explanatory.
  7. 1. Bumping old thread 2. Not what he's asking for. You can either a. make some smaller/bigger hooks into the normal subclass system by dll extender. or b. redesign the AI for the current subclass system and when using the bypass links, use your own custom ones.
  8. You won't attract anything unless you look somewhat capable of commanding the english language, and have a somewhat plan and idea for what you want. Then you'll do with someone like michael or endart or shakal or wahtever tartlets hide in the forum. People who will charge you money for extracting a RAR file, and running sql scripts. And maybe copy pasting some simple script and ai. On the other hand, based on your english - you probably need this...
  9. Depends on your view. Obviously server sends info about a Monster ID, that isn't defined in client. Where you fix it, is up to you.
  10. You have a question about an item. Did you consider checking itemdata.txt? And look for a variable having something to do with "Slot" ? If not, do that. Also make sure client files are in order of course.
  11. As far as i remember (And this is old, so i might be wrong). But all new values would be null, such as for pledge skills, levels etc, item augmentation - and therefor wouldn't "crash" or fuck up anything. Therefor using vamps upgrade SQL scripts, would work fine. However limits in pledge membership, and so on, would perhaps be an issue. Nothing not fixable if you know your way around databases and the limits.
  12. dVamp? Kation/Vangath? Obscure screwed up old chinese extender?
  13. It is a geo problem, period. If you don't know anything about a subject, why bloody pretend you do and then reference someone else? However, how you approach to solve the problem for you individually.. that's something else.
  14. don't get it want the answer to a question? or a complete guide ?
  15. Can be fixed by forcing an inventory item update packet, after enter world. So not entirely true :P But it's a fairly harmless cosmetical error imho.
  16. Then ask about the terms foreign to you. Technicly i'd say guide requires nothing - but you won't get much out the concept without knowing atleast bit how computing and programming works :)
  17. Youll know if you bother to read it fully.
  18. Or search the bloody forum since someone asked a month ago and i answered.
  19. I'm sure you can find some discount colocation - which probably features nasty traffic limits and shared connections with no subscription forced - and expensive prices for traffic above the limits. Generally in the situation that starting any "private server" has, colocation of your own hardware is ALOT more risky. (unless there is plan b for other things, and your determined to spend the money). Problem with colo is also, that often in payment disputes your hardware is hostage. With todays uber cheap virtual platforms, and mass sales of oldskool rack servers - renting just seems more riskfree albeit a little more expensive in long run.
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