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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Seriously smeli, are you delusional again? Do you prefer to run 3,5INCH Floppies and 486 processors? It was afterall before dual cores, 2003 and giga ram and clock speeds. Therefor it's best! It's like bitchslapping evolution and rejecting everything the human race has achieved. Stop being so utterly retarded. Are you ever gonna grow up? You may prefer c1 or c2 or wahtever, which is fine. Just accept that others like to drive cars from this century and not Karl Benz's velo from 1984. (Above picture displays Smeli's preferred choice of transport - Because it's only fun to travel when the journey is longer than the stay itself!)
  2. there isn't a solution when people don't post enough info, or are simply not smart enough to do so. And funnily enough i did post a solution. If you read up on these things, you'd know what the /3gb switch means, and when and where you can actually use it.
  3. More expose your massive lack thereof. Might wanna read up on 64bit vs 32bit OS' within Microsoft.
  4. If you have files, you need someone to update them. Whoever wrote them will have to do that, unless you somehow managed to buy source. Oh and btw - If you have no knowledge of something, how the fuck can you know what you have ? ;) But i'll play along if you will. You can find my MSN in my profile. Show me what you have and i'll consider it.
  5. "Finally, it is important to add that all files and programs are already downloaded. " Then you don't need developers. And also proves your extremely unserious and have NO IDEA wtf your going into. It's like trying to recruit software developers for creating the next awesome thing - with only describing this much.
  6. Aaaaaand there's the reason i wrote what i wrote. Your so inept, and unintelligent to research and search yourself with even the slighest logical/rational approach how to solve your problem, and understand the software your dealing with. Congrats on being a Internet Neanderthal!
  7. As above said, probably easiest. Or using your gm commands, if you can figure that out. Removing npc's which have no interaction at all with the system except fetching data won't help.
  8. Of course hes not, just like we aren't that a free framework exists with a shitload of info freely availeble and alot of working features done - is apparently way too crappy for anyone to begin working and learning on. I call it the L2J mentality.
  9. http://www.freerainbowtables.com/?lang=en good hunting!
  10. Probably cause you did it uncorrect. And do not know the rules of precompiled headers for skill objects. Find a script tool either petre's or hellfire's. and create pch's for you.
  11. that depends entirely on availeble resources. if traffic can be identified at OS/Application level and there's enough resources, why bother?
  12. Depends entirely what it's encrypted with and if it's a encryption, and not a hash. If you got it from a database, it was put into a database by something. Investigating what put it in there, will generally tell you everything you need to know.
  13. What is "PVP/T event?" Learn AI. Make system. Learn assembly/c++ Make dll with system. Use //eventmatch. Do nothing.
  14. Alright then. How do you add buffer on gracia epilogue off server?
  15. The rules apply to EVERY item of that item type. Therefor you'd have to duplicate itemtype/id of the donateble items, or all items would be affected.
  16. Tons depending on the situation. Unfourtunately you'll need to understand your situation, how networking works and how the attack is done. Such as, is the traffic posing as legitimate traffic? is it from a single source? and son on.
  17. Some Engrish translated guides to the basics of how the packet/sessions are handled by client auth/l2server.
  18. No, there isn't. Such files would be worth immense as long as they are stable - because of people like you. No one even learns basics of how L2Off retail files are structured. And most likely if anyone would dedicate time to reproduce such files they'd be sold at a high price. Not just 10-50 euro which l2j packs go for. Working on already compiled programs is an immense task comparing to open source hubjob made by 100s of contributing amateurs. I spent 3 years trying to keep up with retail and i got a half finished gracia project - which lacked alot of data even if some alot of features were done. Realize that if you want to do this, it's jut not walsing in and saying "Sure i'll pay a little". By the old standards, 3 Zero numbers will be needed + a shitload of time to actually do it.
  19. itemdata. And remember that's statistical data, not display/graphicly.
  20. Hi, Your new, so you'll get a chance. There's c1 and c4. Rest is modded - some very well done, some not. Modding compiled binaries is generelly more requiring than just changing a few OOP lines of l2j. Therefor you'll pretty much find 4-5 people that can do this left in l2off and rest are kiddies.
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