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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. If you have no idea wtf your talking about, don't try to lecture people. If you can read the TSQL script, you can see it tries to drop(delete/flush) the Databases first and then creates them. Incase some already existed and are corrupted/badly structured etc. Hence, no error.
  2. Stop using kations buffer that by Raw L2Server Functions activates buffs, instead of normal npcbuffer with ranges included?
  3. They don't affect debuffs. They affect skill effects, and each skill effect individually and other params based on the skill in skilldata. Youd have to consult each skill effect to find out.
  4. His point stands, it's like asking how to modify the heartrate of a human being. If a surgeon begins talking to you about pacemakers, how to insert them, names of various objects found in the human body - you won't understand shit. And if you try, you'll kill the test subject most likely. Learn the basics. But it would help to say specificly what you want, since somethings may be easily modified.
  5. C4 Does not run on 2008+ natively. Changes in winAPI somewhere causes a boo boo crash.
  6. You seriously cannot think of anything to check based on what the errors TELL you, to your face? Might also help to tell what your using to see if it's general newb error.
  7. Well checking the skill id's and npc id's AI and that they're correct and working - is a bad idea. You were really able to download and install mssql, and everything, but not read what the damn program tells you?
  8. Then why change a superficial thing , when you can be GM and set everything?
  9. Yes, you must change everything. Honestly, the fact you don't know how to do it fast, makes me think you should stop now. Your just not smart enough. Enchants are also in L2Server, just like c4.
  10. 1. L2Server 2. L2Server 3. SkillAcquire 4. Edit/Recode AI for Subclass Quest or make new npc to set OneTimeQuest mark for subclass quest for free + needed items. 5. //olympiad commands.
  11. why wouldn't it? Structs of tables have not changed(Atleast not much), even if so - i assume you can read a database structure and change the names to the correct column.
  12. Your expert or basic knowledge of C++ is useless. Learn Assembly, x86-64bit. And no, you build your own project from scratch ;) EDIT: Abit more info -we're supportive here on MXC! Consider script the same as L2J Datapack. You can only change already predefined variables and things in AI(Meaning quest and some smaller systems).
  13. What help can you possibly need? Get a box, if it's responding - you win?
  14. That's not really going to help without having the keys to decrypt data. It'll be useless.
  15. You never answered my request, if you can do it or not.
  16. Nice non existant comeback a week later. But i'll cut it out for you wouter. Anyone can learn - anyone does not however learn. Your the second part :O
  17. Does not exist, if your looking for something alla all of l2j's stuff. You'll have to actually learn AI and/or write your own manger with subsequent events and inject it into l2server. or pay some idiot nub dev here, to make you something half arsed that's semi working :D
  18. I highly doubt there's difference from softlayer to hetzner to whatever. If your using a cheaply based hosting where everything is preselected in form of packs and configs, it's a low end hosting where the objective is quantity. No matter where the fuck its hosted and how awesome "theplanet" or whatever is. It's the managed service behind it. Rackspace being a good example, of "a bit" uptear imho for specific solutions. Might as well go with the lowend sites these big companies set up to sell extra of their stock www.server4you.com
  19. So your uncreative and need someone to tell you what players want? or You can't actually do anything except set it up on a box ?
  20. So in retrospect, you bought files from fr3d, but your too poor to buy a dedicated box. (Despite them becoming monster cheap over the past few years, as virtualization offerings tear the market apart for low/mid end) And of course you can make everything with the files, you don't need to do anything. If you can't copy paste a text line and change strings/numbers you shouldn't be touching anything that isn't click'n'play.
  21. You didn't(4+ years now and the same server reopened closed constantly with new packs - we're counting btw). And your not gonna run GF without Fr3d or Kation. so it looks like....my point stands then :O
  22. The "items" aren't unregistered skills.. but who cares when you can buy everything for your server.... right?.- Since your skilldata errors on parsing and you probably just downloaded/bought something - i'd check and remove wth you did with skilldata since it doesn't not parse. If skilldata stops parsing before those skills, obviously they wont exist to use as reference in other data areas or part of l2server in general. So stop screwing your skilldata.
  23. Aaaand you manage to keep the most important window out of view. Check if authd errors on server connection. Wrongly defined accepted ip in lin2db.dbo.server.
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