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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. A. It's option wether you can afford it or not. B. l2service.com same price, same features. C. then google or search or ask, or do something. D. http://coep.svn.sourceforge.net/
  2. 16 GB with 1k players, could cause problems by my mathing. I wouldn't wanna run too much memory intensive programs besides the daemons and sql on it atleast.
  3. A. Buy Fr3d/dVampire. B. Buy Kation. C. Use cracked versions of said above, with potential backdoors and potential bad cracking causing crashing. D. Learn yourself / Finish COEP to state that matches your requirements.. Should i eliminate D already?
  4. When you learn to read and use the internet and a forum for a subculture yes. until then, most likely not.
  5. What exactly do you need anyway? Packages come ready. Any custom mods come ready too with cash. Don't really need a dev ?
  6. First of all. 1. Don't run l2logd unless you have a good plan to use it, and know specifically how it could be used in association with another system scanning/using it's output. 2. Bigger screenshot please. It seems like 2 things are happening. A. Your l2server is trying to connect with authD but you haven't setup lin2db.dbo.server correctly. inner_ip table needs to be the IP that the server is connecting from, if your doing it local. As far as i can skimp out, your innerip is set to localhost. So go to l2server.ini and verify that the ip to connect to under authd, is set to localhost. Other solution is to change inner_ip to, as thats the ip gameserver is trying to connect from. You could have some messed up local network. B. Your l2logd has failed ODBC connections and/or you didn't setup SQL stored procs proper. Id focus on A, since fixing that will solve your issues.
  7. "OMFG SUPER DIFFERENT SERVER ITS TOTALLY NEW SPECIAL MANY HOURS OF WORK! JOIN NOAAW" "So what's different?" "ITS SUPER DIFFERENT!". I'm sure idiots will join regardless, but why would you put the expectation up when you don't reveal shit L2Lita? You dumb?
  8. Id rather you use your brain, look at the format and try yourself. It's in plain text.
  9. Again it's very fukkin simple. Packet causes a boom, wether that's because a. packet is fukked up format wise comparing to client b. data is messed up in packet causing a boom. There's too many causes to those reasons to specificly say what's wrong without more info. Instead stop being a child claiming you did everything the way your supposed to. You clearly didn't - else it would work. How you even get this error is beyond me as copy pasting a system + extracting server files from a .rar and running a few .sql files should be fairly simple
  10. I was wondering when Kiv would attack the market. wonder how much he has done :O
  11. No, there's enough. but when your a 12 year old who downloads and plays with something you have no concept of and don't post all errors, and every error you get, then it's hard to help or find will for it.
  12. So an error appears or not? Regardless the packets are -beep-ed from your error, instead spend time learning what software you have and what extra stuff is added by the community. Causing a crash on charselectioninfo specificly. Protocol has nothing to do with it. Use a correct system with the correct protocol, simple.
  13. .... If nothing appears on l2server console what made your ...inept...brain think it has anything to do with the server?
  14. enable named pipes, just like the error tells you.
  15. Doesn't change the fact, the statements are wrong for any performance index. Writing a Calculator with interface is alot faster in .net/java than in raw Assembly for intel16/intel32/wow64. And you probably won't see a difference between either finished product performance. However run in 80486 machine and you will ;)
  16. All of you arguments points to why c++ is faster and is better. And the EXACT reason why it's the only choice for large scale projects of any kind. If the tool needs to save the user from making dumbass mistakes - it cannot be an effective tool. But love your fanboyism leluche \o/ Try to be objective instead of subjective - next time tho. I geuss no one here remembers the days when c++ was considered highlevel...
  17. No. It's inefficient and underperforms any unmanaged language. Does everyone on MXC just read stuff and make their own theories and then validate eachother? How about discussing brain surgery?
  18. Why bother arguing about what language is best, when NO ONE has written any emulator in any language decently in terms of any milestone in either design, performance or scalability anyway? Any platform independant language is by nature slow cause it's...platform independant... duh.
  19. Not if you write with proper SQL syntax with transactions. Difference is negligeble. But you've only ever sold stuff, never done anything yourself. You respond like a 12 year old without thinking. Your not 12? are you? Why don't you learn from mistakes to maximize your profits from whatever your doing here? The 20% that aren't dumb will know your just reselling something, someone gave you. Probably without knowing what it is. If it was your own C# or just someone else's real thing - Then you'd show it, and not just post text in a forum. (And no, testservers don't show it).
  20. Because changing whatever clients protocol, that is referenced in l2.exe won't do shit. It takes proto from engine, but critical error is too newb and retarded to take the hint given. As evident by his complete lack of understanding the client and how programs work on windows ;) He even keeps just spurting a ton of shit and buzz words now instead of actually explaining anything. "disassemble l2.exe and change the variables right there" RIGHT THERE MAN, RIGHT THERE!! You don't hear me talking about how to fix cars or do brain surgery, cause i read a wikipedia article about it.
  21. No, you can't. Send me a proto 777 Gracia Final exe :) I'll test if it works with forced proto enabled :O
  22. No. And criticalerror - the irony of your statement was very funny. This is why you'll never learn anything - such as unpacking. Why post - if you don't personally know the information? Your just spreading bullshit.
  23. Misunderstood, it's not a user problem it's your daemons. my bad. IP represents the external ip, the socket will be transferred to when switching from AUTH to GS. And the one socket will communicate with, from that poitn on. This is in 99% of the cases the GS WAN IP(Unless your on some proxy routing scheme customly). You need to change the inner ip to the LAN ip, if your L2Server/GS is connecting via LAN and not localhost. If they're on the same Instance of a Windows Server, local should always work. If you have several boxes on a LAN network, LAN ip must be configured as inner ip. EDIT: They're on the same box. Why are you so... stupid... to not just set AUTHD in configs to You don't have a local network to worry about.
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