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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Oh boy, the russians are complete newbies too :D 1. Learn English. 2. Read Error: Can't find default_npc class, super class of gm_shop class. 3. Change father class of gm_shop to existing class. What is your server mr. russky?
  2. Use the commands. Reset your cycle if it fukked up. //olympiad monthly sets it to monthly and finishes whatever season your in and finishes next 1st. Alternatively reset everything in DB, and set it customly ig with olympiad commands.
  3. Search, a million npc buffers shared left and right. Learn AI\NASC, get a compiler write it yourself. Put some effort, hell use google.
  4. edit: i'm blind and can't read due to summer heat.
  5. 500 wont get you much with any brand new servers - from any camp. Might wanna be more specific than this useless post.
  6. Screenshot. When cached complains on sql errors: Check stored proc it complains on, does it exist? Are params cached sending match it? Does tables exist? etc etc. Verify that communication sent matches whats availeble in DB.
  7. No, you haven't. Else you wouldn't have that problem -- and that's not very far fyi. lin2db.dbo.server inner_ip does not match connecting l2server IP.
  8. Does not exist, and would be useless if created by customly\ by us. (Correction: Has not leaked from the few russkies that have it). Use L2J datapacks as a reference point. Even tho that's a lovely joke for data-accuracy it's the best there is.
  9. Can't connect to log server. How the fuck can you possibly misunderstand this message? Please quit using l2off, now.
  10. Copy, Paste all files into correct directories. Make NPCPOS. Done. Why exactly are you trying to run a server if that's hard?
  11. Search->ODBC Click. Click File DSN click Add. Fill in fields with correct ip's or localhost if local.
  12. So fix it. Investigate. Copy pasting crap left and right won't work in 99% of the cases. Are you sure your doing it correctly even? If you don't really know what your doing - why do you expect it to work out of the box?
  13. 1. Look up and create complicated join\inner\union Queries. Google instead of ask - this is SQL, not L2Off. 2. Write 2 queries, one with warehouse = 0 and warehouse = 1. Add together result in php\html where matched char_id.
  14. 1. Get Pack. 2. Unpack pack. 3. Install MSSQL 4. Run MSSQL scripts. 5. add wan ip in lin2db.dbo.server and port. 6. add ODBC entries for lin2world\lin2db - move cached .dsn file from native ODBC to x86 ODBC path in programfiles. 7. Run Exe's -> Auth > CacheD> L2Server > L2NPC Done.
  15. http://fyyre.ivory-tower.de/ Unicode chat. Incl. source and POC. Alternative: Find Arabic server - check system folder for custom dlls and\or filesizes of fire\nwindow .dll
  16. Ai.Obj Each individual mob's ai. For your thing, it'd be a simple changing of giveitem from 1 to 7.
  17. ...and those reasons would be out of curiosity?
  18. infact your searching skills suck as well your social skills with those who have knowledge. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=152463.0
  19. Oh look it's mac that knows nothing. When an answer cannot be found fast - it's cause it requires hooks\code to achieve. General tule of thumb. I remember you can disable drops by l2server.ini under the event\rate parameters. Atleast there we're params for it - wonder if they work tho. EDIT: Actually now i'm unsure - someone go check in IDA.
  20. Google is your friend. Now once you learn that HWID is not a standardized way of trying to define a computer - you'll hopefully also realize trying to change it is impossible - without knowing exactly what the HWID your trying to change consists of in the first place.
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