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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Obfuscation requires new way of calculting opcodes for packets, aka intervening in client aka a client extension. Any change of blowfish or standard RSA keys in client\server - is easily bypasseble. So first you say changing the encryption (Wether opcode first\second byte only) by engine hooks is crap. And then you say the most logical thing to do is changing it - by fixing a few BYTEs in the keypacket?. Any decent implementation of a sniffer\editor (for bot or otherwise) would sniff from a direct socket or ws32 connect and just snap up any key that is not contained within the client rendering any serverside only protection useless. Are you just really...daft and full of ego from praise from idiots on MXC? What the hell? There's absolutely no point in attacking the OP (wether his protection is awesome or just shit) - short of you wanting to flex muscle. Which also reveals the sadstate of MXC - and how no one has any knowledge to verify the information they're presented with.
  2. You mind explaining your near lunatic approach to security without having a secured clientside change to the stan?dard algorhythms Wtf is packet clouding? Or was this just some attack on the creator for whatever reason?
  3. .... puh man take some basic math! It's 3 dimensional game - X Y minZ maxZ Your creating a 3D Polygon as without Z values it would be a flat polygon encapsulating everything, come on man. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygonal_modeling How do you think waterzones are created in caves and such?
  4. A zone is 3 dimensional. The same any other areadata. if there wasn't z cords - it'd be a 2 dimensional space.
  5. I'll be sure to ignore future requests for absolute basic help from you because your lazy as hell. :)
  6. Then search better. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=131590.msg1049240#msg1049240 My advice is to quit - because you can't search a forum and you certainly won't understand anything of how to add and try learn the logic by looking. Unless you willing to invest alot of time everyday the next few months.
  7. There must be atleast few thousand buffer threads. learn to search better.
  8. depmax64.com l2service.com Simple, 99% flawless and ready to roll. Be ready with your wallet comparing to L2J tho.
  9. ....so random people just link to Java \ mySQL \ Navicat in a l2off forum now? Superb. You need to download basic c4 - and learn the basic scripting and you can recreate any l2gold stuff fairly easy.
  10. myself->OwnItemCount(CSharedCreatureData*, int itemid) returns Int with ammount in player inventory. Dynamic html is generated with AI by fhtml- but is limited to AI.obj variables obviously. Requires a handler with a FHTML0 object - like menu_selected Declare a variable like this where you want the dynamic text\number. Death Lord Hallate (<?var?>/1) myself->FHTML_SetFileName(fhtml0,"test_html.htm"); myself->FHTML_SetInt(fhtml0,"var",5); myself->ShowFHTML(talker,fhtml0); Would change <?var?> to 5 as per FHTML_SetInt
  11. Kiv & Denis - are way too smart to sell the grunt hard work of their project. I think he'd have better luck trying to somehow get in contact with the l2off.biz\innova leakers and asking to buy scripts only.
  12. If i make a NPC buffer (with my own custom html) on a Standard Kation\AdvExt 64 pack - i can say i have a unique pack no one has. If i make an NPC that trades exp or other things - for normal event medals - i can say i've got pack no one else has. Perspective is important. Just a note.
  13. Find a AI class of a monster that drops said item. eg; ragna_orc Find the Rand() func call in the DIE handler after the Quest ID is selected and change the compared integer to chance. Go further down and find the GiveItem() and change the ammount parameter. This needs to be done for ALL unique monsters that are part of the quest. Alternatively get a AI decompiler and view non-stack based NASC code, adn recompile. Should be some tools in shares.
  14. AI.obj. And then when you open it - you will realize YOU - cannot do this without learning how it works first.
  15. 1. Is created by NCSoft - and an absurd ammount of professional programmers and man hours. 2. Is made by a bunch of amateur kids over the span of 7 years - with a codebase that's been corrupted and still uses old technology despite JAVA as a langauge has evolved to it's current version SDK. And so spread with god knows how many forks from the original creation by l2chef. ...if you just want to "play for fun with friends" - L2Off is a bad choice. Infact if you don't understand the fundemental difference of - how while they try offer the same for the end user playing - are so far far apart i'd stay the hell away from it. Time invested to get to 99% percentile is probably 1/10th of L2J to L2Off. It's just easier.
  16. It's reality. Only $$$$ will get you want you want - short of learning yourself. Altho for some of us - that took a few years :)
  17. Make one. L2Off is dead because of the mxc greed mentality. You cannot make a scheme buffer without the use of extended code - so stop leeching old broken extenders and support Denis\Kiv @ AdvExt (Don't think kation really cares or is around anymore?). Both kation\advext should have a SchemeBuffer system - if i remember correctly. There's no way to store that kind of active data by AI format - however if you learn AI\NASC you can code your own normal buffer or use the examples shared all over the forum.
  18. You can learn the BYTECODE for .u scripts - and change small things this way. But you will not recompile the .u scripts proper for any l2 engine without sources from ncsoft :)
  19. Maybe if you actually provide information - and what your trying to do with what. people can help.
  20. Well a smart way would be to check where agit info is stored, castledata. there's a little param called agit_auction_min - which happens to be minimum bid ;)
  21. Also a MASSIVE difference from pure leak to extensions. You get what you pay for.
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