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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Oh forgot about getdatetime completely. Then use it, and go make it - what's your issue? You can save the day(hour minute, if you want too) into i_ai vars and have them checked on npc_deleted + on_start. (And be sure to completely check what 1000\1001 does and how to handle it proper based on the event_args from the child classes)) NPCMAKER contain all loose vars like i_ai\i_quest like normal npc and gg objects. Each RR it will reset naturally - but else you can have a perfect 2 day spawn more or less. NPCPOS would just have respawn time as whatever and a instant spawn of the npc. Altho it will not solve your geodata problem - which you should go fix with HDGE instead of trying this imho ;)
  2. I do not think you can fixed weekday spawn with current limitations of the spawn systems. You can get time of day hour wise - but not week by functions. (Atleast of what i can recall @ work - check all functions\vars yourself). You'd definately have to change the entire inheritance down to the base maker classes and create your own for Antharas\Valakas. I'll see if you can do a AI based way when i get home - but i can't remember any function\var way this would be possible. (Everything would be reset at each restart - so omsetimes you'd see longer than 2 day spawn even if you save variables on maker objects). You could do daily respawn by the gettime functions - and do something semi alike it. Let me think about it a bit :P What i don't understand is - why are you trying to fix a geo bug with a fixed spawn time and how will that stop the geo bug at all?
  3. ...you got the answer. If (php_ver > 5.3) go with microsoft sql driver for PHP, if not, make sure the extension for the php_mssql.dll is inside php.ini uncommented. Go google instead of ask for links - what the hell? plenty of easy packages like wamp and xampp and easyphp.
  4. If you can help - why didn't you create a project fixing the GF PTS bugs and share it? It's been leaked for quite a while now :)
  5. This was never meant to be a free ride - only a oppertunity for people to try run GF servers without having to worry about exploits\bugs - and start learning etc. Not meant to be a feature request bonanza for all to have offshop or pvp event mod or etc. Atleast... for now :) But people are free to request handy small features they miss.
  6. The idea was to give people an oppertunity to run stuff for free live - without having to pay for vangath\advext. depending on how many use or give feedback - i can update stuff. IF there's new exploits, or small features people want. So far there's not been much feedback - so a bit disappointed ;)
  7. The fact you name terms like "Datapack + source" - "Free sources" Such things are NOT synonymous with L2Off - nor the fact the there is no public "pack" for Freya. It seems more like you know it exists for L2J and just decided to slap l2off on cause you heard l2off is good or something of that nature.
  8. Might wanna switch your tag to L2J - as you what describe does not equal L2OFF.
  9. Sort of useless without the script itself - but the standard one is enabling this in php.ini extension=php_mssql.dll However php5.3 dropped support for it - so if your using that, you should follow this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc296203.aspx dl it, add it, add it to php ini, and use the macro: dl('php_pdo_sqlsrv_53_ts.dll'); on a .header type include page or on each place you use mssql.
  10. Kation & Advext are relatively 99% the same. I believe script retail wise advext has a few more quests and stuff like that fixed. while kation delivers much more custom systems tvt, pvp, event wise, area change systems etc. Else they're more or less the same. Pick your poison.
  11. How have you checked? Your releaving zero information - might as well geuss why. Wrong ODBC configuration - screwed tables - wrong perms on Users set on Startup. There will be some errors - and unless you go thru all and check it - you won't find out where the error is. Specially via cacheD as well.
  12. authD will fail, atleast most of them i think. Due to the expectations in code to be able to respond to inet_addr() winsock functions. atleast from my quick peak @ authd. It's cool that hint wrote support for it tho - but it'd be interesting to know if you can exceed 15 chars on authd for a domain or not. Since that will cripple you.
  13. Well withou having the files here at work - it's because hAuthD translates the hostname into a resolved IP before sending to client. As the packet server-list - sends DWORD\4x BYTE\CHAR for the ip of each server. So if you wish to do this - use hAuthD and your done :)
  14. Geuss i remember wrong - however if it's hostname and auth resolves it to an ip before sending to client theres no issue either. Does it work both with AuthD or hAuthD?
  15. Test it and see. I highly doubt it however - as i believe the IP is sent from auth as a DWORD not as a string. I'm not sure. Now that i think about it more - the field in the DB that hAuthD \ Official Auth Servers use are also INT if i remember. So you'd both need to code support for string\char in auth and have client be able to interpret\receive a string and fetch an IP.
  16. MMORPGs are about Socializing. Your Social Network within Gaming. Players are all PVP - but alot of the fun and intrigue in the older times was teamwork and political wars. From choosing who to help in a siege - to defeating a big boss like Antharas etc. That seems to have been lost - both the element that PVE can actually be fun and that there can be dramatic choices from the leaders of clans. One reason for this could be the communication has broken down and that well the average IQ has dropped. See many people's english at this forum as an example. If you can't communicate you can't embrace the social aspect much :P
  17. Probably, might wanna check console\logs for errors because it's impossible to tell where you made a mistake from geussing like this.
  18. DELETE * from user_account remove * not used - seriously try a bit yourself. where last_login < 2013-17-01 needs to be > - it's reversed bits in the way dateformat is stored.
  19. use lin2db select * from user_account where last_login > 2013-08-29 replace date. well if you want an automatic script you'll have to use joins\innerjoins to delete between lin2db\lin2world Read up on SQL queries - and how delete from several tables with 1 select. EDIT: Ninja edit - i'd probably create multi'tiered Stored Procedure to run by SQL agent. so you first delete from table where last_login > DATEADD(mm,-30,GETDATE()) --// example with 30 days not logged accounts. from user_account and then run a series of queries for user_data etc like this: DELETE FROM [lin2db].[dbo].[user_auth] WHERE account Not In (SELECT account FROM [lin2db].[dbo].[user_account]); DELETE FROM [lin2world].[dbo].[user_data] WHERE account_id Not In (SELECT uid FROM [lin2db].[dbo].[user_account]); same for char_id in user_item and all other tables.
  20. None, cause such a thing doesn't exist in L2Off. Please learn to post in the correct forums.
  21. http://pastebin.com/JASwd6BQ here's a quick one - that contains all. should be roughly same for GF.
  22. Cached Admin packets. CacheD is designed to load all data(90% anyway) into active memory - to avoid constant disk I/O ala l2j. try search off forum. i think my proof of concept paypal auto donate has the data information as well.
  23. I misundestood. try find on MXC - there's several cached web scripts if i remember.
  24. Does not matter - if it's remote. You cannot change data in DB - without requiring to restart (for most data) before the effect takes place. No one wants an APP - that changes db and then has to RR cacheD for effect.
  25. Most people would probably want this in web-based "app". For ease of access and use. But take a page from Araylon's old CacheD app. PS: You cannot change in DB only, or you'll need to restart everytime. It's useless if you just change enchant or charname, by DB everytime. Else there's a need to wait for restart after each change and your app becomes alot less useful. Hence you should code it - to use cacheD packets instead.
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