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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. 1. 4 jobs exist - not 3. 2. You already set subjob_acu to 1 before even making the loop effectively skipping all skills learned for the main\base class. 3. IF EXISTS(SELECT skill_lev FROM user_skill WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND subjob_id = @subjob_acu) UPDATE user_skill SET skill_lev = @skill_level WHERE char_id = @char_id AND skill_id = @skill_id AND subjob_id = @subjob_acu ELSE INSERT INTO user_skill (char_id, subjob_id, skill_id, skill_lev) VALUES (@char_id, @subjob_acu, @skill_id, @skill_level) set @subjob_fer = (@subjob_acu + 1) Done.
  2. If you want to re-trieve everything yes. The problem comes that many calculations ...such as getting the values of stats and how they effect a normal attack, and all the different skill effects that populate the skilldata itself - are different. One skill effect uses INT in part of a small formula in one way - and others a complete another. That and it'll take time - i wouldn't mind doing it for cash but i certainly wouldn't do it l2j prices (i sell mod 20e!!) - and nor be required to finish it by Y time. There's little of ext people left - and we...or i atleast value my time highly :D I would start small - and then work my way thru things over time. (If you've got a serious development goal). I imagine L2J is while not even close to the retali formula - simulate rather well for the end user(player) at any rate.
  3. Cannot be 2 instances of l2server\l2npc on the same OS. Can VM the fuck out of it tho - so depends on resources.
  4. You need to specify what you want first and foremost. Secondly - the biz\info guys can demand what they what - since they serve a unique product ;)
  5. You will because sadly the time invested in creating this from the public leaks there currently are requires an absurd ammount of knowledge and time. Consider the fact that 99% of people know how to drive a car - but rarely anyone knows why Bolt number 45544 is screwed tight on the left side of any engine. If you get my analogy :)
  6. I can always count on your alts Outlaw to create me some Custom Codework - that weren't included in this leak\purchase right ? :))))
  7. I've requested MMOs posts be removed along with ours(eric\me) that have no relevance to your thread. Regardless of my own theories :)
  8. I think you can do anything you want. Your essentially trying to conform a game designed for X to your Y scenario. There's no cheating, no unfair - there's pretty much only you and your design ideas. Everything you do - will only conform to your oppinion. I'd remember however that in order to experience the awesome of anything - there needs to be the shit as well to know what's awesome and what's shit. Careful - changing way too much to your singleplayer world might eventually kill the experience in itself.
  9. And you fail to understand what little use a simple hooking lib(And one for Windows API's - who gives a shit?) - and a bloody class to parse text - is to someone who builds extensions\code upon big leaked BINs while researching them ;)
  10. "But libraries used for sure". There are no "libraries" - not with any info pertaining to the daemons atleast. Else everyone would extend. Which points me more and more to my supposed theory of your acquisition of a certain project. (Which is fine by itself - good luck building from that). You've said you can't just release a test license because cracking it would be too easy to me on skype as well (atleast if working with limited sockets\users online). Which would dictate your not very well versed\equipped (You\Your Dev ) within this world as well. (Or you dev's have poor capability - seeing as you haven't build stuff from the ground up in my head). Either way - i geuss we'll figure out once someone buys or you share a testlicense.
  11. You would do well to research - before you speculate on who can do what in this forum. I do not believe you've built stuff from ground up. As said, there may be more to certain seller fronts than others. There's alot more than skilleffects and clansystem and class extensions - to a more complete interlude extension. Your poor english and poor technical description of certain things makes it very sure - you personally haven't been spending cozy nights infront of IDA. I don't care if you illegimately obtained one of the camps sources - or bought it. That's your job to create a compelling product and sell it however you want - i'm just interested in the full story. So share a "testlicense".
  12. 1x rate for gremlin has always been 29.39 since... c1 more or less. So that would be retail - yours would be 13x, precisely.
  13. If he sold it - it's not a ripoff. But i wonder what "Part of" means specificly. They're certainly not interested in talking to me on skype :)
  14. Since you couldn't write ANYTHING of that yourself - how is it crap? It's a shitload of free knowledge of the L2Off structure - and a framework for handling many things.
  15. I'm wondering if it's a scam. No one has gotten test dlls at all - and can look at how the custom .txt scripts are done if they're like advext or vanganth?
  16. which l2gold? Seems to be many... and some floating with a few custom exts too :)
  17. stop spamming when you can't speak any english - or somehow express your problem. (Which lies in the masterclass - not the child class you posted). Go ask AdvExt for help - that's what you pay them for ;)
  18. Hmm, then i geuss they're not as price competitive as i thought. There would be some key indicators - but even i can rip off vangath's script and write my skill\npc\item parsers to match it within a day. I'd be more interested in poking it on a lowlevel - if vangath has worked with them somehow there'd be compiler intricsics\similarities in functions that would show the connection. ...but that just tells us there's a shared link.. not how it came to be or how it relates to one-another. @Xel: That would mean we have a seller front - and it may just be a reselling program for either vang\advext. Or someone got his source thru illicit means.
  19. If you do not know the story, you cannot call it a rebrand. There is perhaps some truth to the years of own development - but it depends on unknowns we do not know....yet anyway. If you've heard some of the rumours there certainly are several possible story arcs to this - with a little bit of imagination. But if someone buys this - please send it to me. I would fully unpack this just to find out the source comparisons.
  20. How about prove you have it.... instead of the typical bullshit you do? (Still waiting on i_m_attack formula from c4 exe) everything to gain, nothing to loose here O.o.
  21. Share a test pack - or at-least prove it's your own. Seems extremely unlikely you've developed your own from ground up. Infact i'll sell my left nut - if there's not some involvement within the 2 established "brands". ...I smell a good story ;)
  22. TIP: Go look outside petty mxc\l2server scene for a webdev\php d00d - get the cacheD packet documentation and get someone to do it cheaply from codeguru. You'll get it more complete too - and integrate proper with any theme you have. If a packet is annoying or something cocks - there's always posting in help.
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