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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. You should probably post in L2J. There is no pack that magicly works - there is no one to magicly do all of this stuff for you. Knowledge is slowly dying, no one wants to learn and the best "packs" are created over the past 4-5 years with LOTS of time invested into Extender\RCE research. Not me, nor any of the others are going to give that away for free. Wether you want a interlude pack, GF pack, or HF Pack - your probably gonna have to fork up or start learning youself since us L2Off people have better oppertunities in protecting and licensing than Managed code like Java. There's cracked version of early work from Dvampire (And probably Vangath? can't remember) - which would probably be fine to start learning the scripts and how to do AI\NASC. (but probably wouldn't be good due to old bugs, unfixed\newer exploits and possibly stability on large scale 1000++).
  2. For starters maybe if i wanted to write a quest - i'd find a simple one and go see how it's created. http://l2.eogamer.com/wiki/Letters_of_Love Oh look it starts at Darin - maybe i should decompile the darin AI class and see if the NASC makes sense to me. If i'm completely lost maybe i could post the code asking to explain certain parts - or explain what i do understand the logic in. Like what is the choice stuff and code and memo functions...i'd do something. The other choice of course is passive aggressive whining in other threads - and asking until someone caves in doing everything for me. Might be faster - i'll give you that.
  3. Funny way to mention completely different languages tho.
  4. He's looking for someone to do what he says. Reverse engineer vangath or advext + l2server to create some customs he's been told are impossible to do with just l2off script. Granted hes' doing it in a funny way - and he should be more specific.
  5. Learn AI\NASC. All quests are handled by memo states set by AI.obj. Should be c4 decompiler\compiler tools shared around if you search.
  6. I love how no one responds to the questions - but just collectively saddlewanks over the initiative that has yet to take any form. You can't teach goldfish, rival - but good luck :P
  7. I'm never going to bleed out on packets. Why would i bleed out on something i can send static data to? You are again spending all your time feeling buttuhurt like the typical MXC kid. Wether l2j or l2off. If you were proud of you work - you wouldn't bother because you've done tons of feature analysis. Creating whatever new systems exists in Etheria - and making sure their calculations are as retail as possible. Making a Server respond in the way a Client accepts on a base level - is not hard. And why L2 could have "c2\c3\c4" servers in the old days with 20% of the feature set working. I don't know what else you've done - which i also mention btw. You may have done a ton of work researching how X works with Y. I never once mention that your work is shit - you mention you somehow feel inferrior. ....but that wasn't what the original poster of this thread tried to sensationalize , was it. Doesn't really matter - however. If you want goodjob on your fixing correct packets go to l2j subsections. I'm sure they'll praise you. But while L2Off has been elitest - it's also been required to have greater standards. People play on "Interlude L2Off" - because the basis for retail calculations have not changed(And general marketing hype). It's the same as C4 - with a few new things and bigger new systems that don't touch the base calculation gameplay. As said before - if you feel offense that's your issue. I don't have L2J vs L2Off beef - you do. Get over it - i don't in ANYWAY in all of my posts in this thread seem negative towards your personal work. Infact i encourage it - because l2j seems to have died as public open source effort. Personally i think it's awesome - but it also requires more than just "AYEE - client connects without issues! woohoo" - to be able to be used. PS: ....oh and PS: If you want cumshots on your work - show something that determines your ability to do more than just "fix packets". No matter how much you want to sound elite - EVERY SINGLE PACKET FORMAT - is stored in client and in 99% of the cases can be "NULLED" until further research shows their purpose.
  8. Don't flatter yourself. The picture shows a client and - at best - a few packets for login fixed on a new client. This has and will always be the LEAST work when upgrading to a new chronicle. It shows nothing of severe thought and work - wether or not it has that and will continue to have more work. I can make that aswell in extremely short time - and show the same for promotion and go "OMFG LOOK VALIANCE L2OFF EXTENDER - IN TIME!!". It doesn't however make it complete in anyway or useful for anything except my e-penis size. The entire purpose of this thread was to "OMFG LOOK MAYBE NEW L2OFF LEAK?!". Since you came forth as creator - i asked why one would put that in the first place. The ONLY reason (I can think of) to put it there is to imitate retail\l2off - and if that is THE goal - there's alot of other stuff to do except making sure rather pointless sysmsg's are sent to client. HENCE - the comment. If you took offence to it - then that's your issue buddy.
  9. I don't see where i was rude. Someone posted something that is made to "look" like l2off. You claimed it was yours. L2Off (Atleast somewhat still) has a reputation for certain "retailness correctnessessseses". If you want to emulate that - there's plenty of core things to change in every single l2j fork that hasnt' been changed since Chef wrote it more or less. ..... i imagine doing that and providing proof would make for a "great selling pack".
  10. so why are you not posting the errors to help solve the problem?
  11. Instead of imitating with pointless aesthetics - why not try to recreate what actually matters from l2off to elevate l2j?
  12. ...O.o Can't teach someone that doesn't want to learn.
  13. You could learn AI and do it yourself. It's stupidly simple to mod this stuff. You could write your own menu_selected handler to give crown, if user does not have crown ID in inventory. that way your not touching anything retail, just adding new menu_selected bypasses to the htmls.
  14. yikes at your "serius". but here's a perfect example to get the raw Gracia Final files and do: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/168184-lineage-2-gracia-final-x64-extender-by-maxcheaters/ and then see what you'll need of development.
  15. He said developer - not "oppertunisic" seller of anything publicly shared.
  16. While i haven't tested - if he releases a demo we'll all figure it out\reverse his method unless it's BS. It's on my list ot test if you can iframe or post from the client - and if that's possible then it opens up the possbility of doing it without client hooks.
  17. l2off.info Ask for a test - and see if they'll let you. If your un-serious they might not however.
  18. Maybe you could show where you got this screenshot from. It could be an official screenshot from a beta - where they forgot to remove SYS. Not completely unthinkable. Could be innova leaking again like h5, god, tauti, glory, lindvior. could be.. anything.
  19. You could just use C1 Auth with c4 blowfish key (or whatever key, is for CN c4).
  20. Problem is not key, but changed procedure\protocol.
  21. He will need to use the c1 auth, with the correct blowfish key for c4 yes.
  22. If your using a KR\CN\TW release you might not be able to connect with hAuthd. C4 marked the change of the protocol procedures for authlogin - (and so again with c6\int) and it's possible since ASIA got releases alot earlier they hadn't switched to the new protocols C4 NA had. Unless there's some specific reason you need a CN base system - i'd avoid it.
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