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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Here's a general tip... Deliver a good product, good customer service, and follow up so your end of a deal is done. If you have to make whiny topics about others criticizing you - then....there's probably something to it... isn't there?
  2. ....As long as your able to detect a bot\packet pattern - that is. Nevermind false positives and no real factual proof someone is botting other than a pattern is extremely similar to a bot. It's an interesting design choice - but eventually will require absurd amounts of processing power and storage to study\analyze patterns in any meaningful way. Something i suspect yours doesn't do - because the chance of someone writing an actual data-mining algorhithm and storing them proper in the "l2-scence" is par 0.0000000001%. Most likely you check for certain packet orders and just warn based on them - because you've studied a few ways the basic bots send packets. (Which can be changed immediately by the end user, mind you). Point being - good luck but alot of talk without any factual\technical information as usual. Don't use the word impossible as a tagline - when it's not even remotely true.
  3. xDex meaning catalin's server? I didn't have time to re-check - but the middle D is linked to more data that gets sent by server, hence why using random values for it won't work. I can check it today - if you wish. @xdem: well if you don't wanna bother fix it - then no. It's not a omg awesome system anyhow.
  4. Elfo does not seem to understand basic logical and computing concepts. C4 works natively. GF works natively. Elfo's logic dictates that because he cannot make it work by sending "elfocrash super data" ncsoft somehow CRIPPLED a completely working system concept during c5\interlude that has changed very little but albeit still changed for no other apparent reason than heeey... why not?ore And then of course restored it to work sometime during hellbound\kamael. Yup. If you log the data and formats respectively (L2Off leaks are free) or go thru the engine packet handler yourself you'll discover why.
  5. Ding. Sniff from GF and work your way from there ;)
  6. Example: d(ConvoID)s(Name)d(d)d(Type)s(Speaker)s(Msg) dSddS Anyone can send 3 ints and 2 strings - doesn't mean client will accept the data. If client doesn't accept the data, because data is wrong - is snoop broken or is packet data broken?
  7. This thread is sad - please all of you grow up. Why is it so important for you fight over who has the biggest e-penis and fixing small stupid shit? Write a proper spawn engine mimicking retail - get correct formula's for everything - mimic the retail effect system. (And if your real pro - start emulating the good AI of l2off for that matter). Tons of stuff to do beyond weird customs and epenis fighting. ...and just because you know a format for packet S>C - doesn't mean you automaticly can send anything you want as data. Hence why snoop stopped working - and no one bothered to fix it aka research the actual client handling of data. Snoop being User-based - is not the same as a Clan based snoop. So why the hostility in the first place? it's a simple share that be useful. Come fucking on.
  8. 8GB will make shit crazy slow - but if you can stand it. any public version is retail, so get the one from this forum.
  9. made a mistake, see above if you didn't dl with new ini configs.
  10. 1.07 version updated. http://www.multiupload.nl/WDJCMD4EN2 someone get nick to update. Edit - number two... player to summon buffs uses categorydata 113, custom: //categorydata category_define_begin name=[summoners_group] category={@necromancer;@soultaker;@warlock;@elemental_summoner;@phantom_summoner;@arcana_lord;@elemental_master;@spectral_master} category_define_end //pch [summoners_group] = 113
  11. ....This just reeks of half-truth leaving only your version of the story. But that's your business i geuss. And sounds more like you need an investor than developer .... no "servers" have opened with customs beyond scripts in interlude l2off in... forever.
  12. Then you write a system that does that. Either via extension or a php\cached\sql patch fixup thing.
  13. I think like characters - data is still in DB. So, yes it's possible if that is true. Go check the table and find out.
  14. ...so what's my benefit for making a forum with you? I'm already succesful - and you cant' stop me from posting my server in private server forum. 99% already know about me - and i ALREADY have access to ALL your users. Your not answering the key questions here Nick - why should anyone do this with the risks it poses for the servers community if it's already established? You just assume you'll be succesful in persuading huge servers and somehow gain traffic\users that MXC can use. What's in it for the owners? - Nothing unless they're unknown "random" servers - which they will most likely be (Generalization okay - but i'l sell my left nut if any big brand would sign up for this). How will an unknown server even bring new players? Will PMFUN or other forums even ALLOW the servers to link to their "MXC Forum" without banning the post? ( Not likely unless they're stupid). How is that supposed to bring us more people when servers can't do much at other forums? And even if your succesful in pulling a big brand server - how does this solve the problem we currently have in terms of reasons for players hanging around? Think they'll stay when the Servers MODs get lazy - and "elder longterm members" go on a diarrhea mouth spree insulting for X reason? The crap will still be seen - alot and cause more drama before removed. It seems very silly when you have plenty of other options - if you want more player\user rather than devs.
  15. ...so Catalin should spend time moderating two forums and allow his community to be fractioned between regular players and MXC players? Really? He doesn't NEED you - nor does l2tales or averia or russians etc etc. They don't need you - maxcheaters is just one place. That's dwindling of importance in terms of players - infact for players i'd say pmfun probably has more credence than MXC has. Atleast how i've heard people talk - MXC is more development\market than players. This plan benefits us - but kills any longterm goal for a server owner who wants to build something and keep his own traffic. Which leaves crap servers that will be "sponsored" - which makes MXC waddle around in the same problem it has now. This just attempts coerce server owners to throwing player capital into MXC - yet MXC still has nothing new to offer the player. This does not fix the player content problem, in anyway. Have fun dealing both with Server fanbois running amok - and "develop\owners" ddosing each other with 20 dollar booters because one is "sponsored" and the other ...well is not.
  16. Why on earth would any owner let you host their forum here? Users get attached to MXC and not the servers brand - and they have zero moderation full control over what's done\said in other parts. So it'll invite more chaos. Only servers that should consider this are those that die out fast and have tarnished names anyway. It changes nothing of the current forum issues and will 100% invite more beef between players & devs - when they spill blood wide across the entire forum. I can't stress enough how bad this idea is - and how it changes nothing of the current issues and at best potentially invites more of the same problems.
  17. There's a param that controls size. I can't really seem to find it now - but it's there. Only thing i remember is - that it's a Double and not integer. And its' either 50 or 100 as "index". so change that abit around on a double thats 100 or 50 and see.
  18. If license trading is okay with the owner - it's okay period. Having different rules based on different products is ABSURD. either your say a or b - not switch based on liking the product or product creator.
  19. Scripts leaked. AI is part of scripts. are you retarded? http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/99398-freya-pts-scriptsai/
  20. NCSoft. -_- jesus weener ur getting thicker by the day :P
  21. You can't - and you need a new skill effect.
  22. L2Off\Retail has always had it - based on damage dealt to active hp FYI. Locking drops only only to party\player with most contribution.
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