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...and what happens when a most followed server dies yet has an inflated ammount of users actively "following it"?
Make Maxcheaters.com Dedicated To Lineage Ii Only?
mcbigmac replied to Maxtor's topic in Votes/Polls Area
Then tell them to learn something in school - or gtfo. MXC cannot survive on "L2" is popular in GR anymore. This is not half a decade ago. -
Make Maxcheaters.com Dedicated To Lineage Ii Only?
mcbigmac replied to Maxtor's topic in Votes/Polls Area
Drop all language except english. This whole it's okay to go amok with kapsoura and manele - is killing the forum for any possible outsiders looking to join. That will be worse with Spanish + RU added into the mix. Also it's stupid to focus on one game - because...well been said many times. If you don't listen then you won't listen now anyway. -
Help I Can't Find This In The Ai - Cubics
mcbigmac replied to ericvini's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
Oh ffs, your using GF. CubicData you twat - you didn't look at script folder? -
...and how was it triggered by client? The dialogs are just messages - you should be able to fire of a ConfirmDLG with the pincode MSGID and get a DLG with numberin without issue. Logic is serverside - so if they're not in C4 client they're not supported by C4 server and need your own system attached. Even GF does not really have any configs for this system - so much of it points to the unleaked premiumserver and ohter daemons. Either way DLG system in itself is smart and simple - but to use it as a pin\locking feature you'll need to write your own addon to support that.
Any VPN\Proxy will do. Altho you'll need to find something that's doing it on application level to use it proper. So google application vpn\proxy or similar and youll probably find a service\program.
Help I Can't Find This In The Ai - Cubics
mcbigmac replied to ericvini's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
ERIIIC WEENER ERIC WEENER ERIC WEENER - EE EE EE RIC WEE NAAAAAAAAR. (You have to sing this to the tune of halleluja or it's not funny at all ). i_summon != i_summon_cubic cubic_data_begin //DD마법을 사용하는 큐빅 //큐빅ID;큐빅레벨;지속시간;공격확율;공격딜레이;공격횟수제한;큐빅사용기술ID;큐빅사용기술숙련도;큐빅마력 dd_cubic={1;1;900;12;10;30;4049;1;282.0} dd_cubic={1;2;900;12;10;30;4049;2;434.0} dd_cubic={1;3;900;12;10;30;4049;3;644.0} dd_cubic={1;4;900;12;10;30;4049;4;919.0} dd_cubic={1;5;900;12;10;30;4049;5;1141.0} dd_cubic={1;6;900;12;10;30;4049;6;1394.0} dd_cubic={1;7;900;12;10;30;4049;7;1673.0} dd_cubic={1;8;900;12;10;30;4049;8;1975.0} setting.txt -
I dont know l2j - i don't care. But this is just about de-mystifying the Dialogue system. the unk refers to a request ID - that just like trade channels on official - is uniquely generated number. Imagine code being written for the auto-ressurection dialogue here when you die. ( http://l2wiki.com/Feather_of_Blessing ) Now lets say you die without it - but know it's MSG ID X and _answer needs to be 1 - and third requestid/_unk param is not checked. That would allow any player with a packet editor to abuse the system and get automaticly resurrected without any checks. L2Off\Retail for trade,dlg, other systems - generate unique id's each time such a packet is sent and only accepts dlganswer's with a matching ID. (possibly also locked to character or socket, not just global wide).
No, it has a integer option. Whatever you do with it - is up to you. It does however send back the MSG ID - therefor allowing you to differentiate logic based on id and the integer responce. Without l2server and IDA present - i'm not 100% sure. but i do believe you send this: http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/unstable/L2J_Server_BETA/java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/ConfirmDlg.java basicly a SYSMSG packet wrapped in the Dialog option - where you can predefine the message and variables as a normal SYSMSG and make it appear on screen with a dialog. One of the vars will most likely contain option for use of field or just "ok\no" button or similar.
Packetlog - and find out? Kinda simple that way. However in order to answer yes\no questions for certain skills and other shit - it sends back this: http://svn.l2jserver.com/branches/L2_GameServer_it/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/clientpackets/DlgAnswer.java It could be that the reply is really just integer based - (which is possible since nothing in those sysmsgs direcly points to a string answer clientwise) so therefor creating some sort of non numberbased responce is out of the question. Again packetlogging the C>S packet fired when entering clanname and trying to send those other msgs to client will reveal how it handles the callbacks to server and including possibilities to do logic based on them.
...do you count small restricted SCRIPT language addons for WoW as WoW development - or do you say writing the EMUs is? LUA is script - and uses a simple API interface to do restricted actions defined entirely by the creator of the original software.
Unless MXC is ready to throw it's development and private server list\possible topsite down the drain building an l2server itself is suicide. A Server will most likely draw more players to the forum - but will also make things awkward for servers owners, developers alike due to massive bias towards MXC's own work. (Wether technicly superior and playerwise popular or the shittiest shit of the shit). I still salute the idea of a private validated topsite - thats not so much a topsite as it is ranking list\blog\review feature for both players and devs\owners. Requiring certain aspects of openess and technical honesty from server owners - and making it "mark of awesomeness" will pull both sides to MXC. It seems a step backwards to sacrifice one part for the other - and not really solve the long term problem of active userbase,
I'm trying hard to understand your point. WoW is bigger than L2. Football is bigger than L2. Porn is bigger than L2. Alot of stuff is bigger than l2 - but its NOT BIGGER than l2 in mxc and not what keeps the forum alive. Trying to rank content based on what's globally popular is pointless when you have the history MXC does. Then you again might as well make a new forum. Stuff should be ranked based on what content we can provide to get people to spend time here - and their potential playerbase. LoL is good option - but has zero development oppertunity. And i think RIOT is doing a decent job at stopping exploiting by whatever ways possible no? So the only content pull would be other players - which i'm sure there's official and other bigger forums that cover exclusively. Youd need to find a way to get thousands of LoL players to visit MXC - for no other reason than MXC. Got the magic formula for that?
Rules\Powerstructure: New specific rulesets that are simple - and hard to interpret in different ways. GMods and\or a ban-council gain full access to everything, logs, setup, boards, etc. If you don't trust them - don't make them gmods \ part of the group. You need more people with power to officially start and manage projects - you can't possibly do stuff alone. Forum Structure: We need more games outlined than L2 - instead of putting games inside subcategories. L2 drives our traffic - but we need it to expand as well for new visitors and putting L2 on a holier than thou pedestal while relegating rest to categories is stupid. Pick a few games - (MC etc) and pick some individuals who want power to create and build that section. Have monthly meetings viewing progress in terms of traffic, activity and potential. Etc: Consider limiting the GR\RO talk - to specific sub language forums. This is not an immediate concern in my eyes - but it needs to gradually improve in order to attract more users. Nikolodous said it in the other thread - in his own weird way - but Western EU is dead including GR. Be more international. @XDem: No shit it's not his main account - but was that post really bloody helpful or neccesary at all? Politely pointing out - that 1 post accounts whining with horribad english won't be taken seriously - is what's needed. Driving and raising the mental capacity so all forum people avoid talking like 10 year olds with aspergers - if they want something.
I don't understand why this exists. iAndre shouldn't posts at all - and kiku shouldn't report someone because they "have not sold to me when i asked them". This is retarded - and what is killing MXC. If you get scammed - aka pay for something and do not receieve it - you report it because you got scammed. You don't report friends who got scammed in the past when a report happens to come up on the person that scammed them. Fuck you kids - can't you use your brain? You all look like money-hungry kids - and FYI - if you keep acting like this MXC will die and you won't have any places to get more money from. Think about that.
What Do You Really Think Maxcheaters.com Needs? V2
mcbigmac replied to Maxtor's topic in Votes/Polls Area
No they're not. Because you can't draw correlation from WoW's success to L2's demise. The fact remains Innova and NCsoft is making more Cash since F2P. Western "rich world" is tired of L2 - Alot of other areas aren't. Your entire argument is based on the fact the dominant english speaking playerbase is\has dwindling\dwindled yet other markets have increased a ton. And because apparently you can't create servers for new markets and\or player those new markets whatever it is - you feel a massive need to downplay L2. WoW is small compared to 5 years ago and so is L2 - and that's completely okay dude. So is UO, and EQ and EQ2. Nothing stays at the top forever. But because it doesn't fit in your little view - you whine and attack without use of facts. If it's to somehow support an argument that maxcheaters needs to dump it's only remaining content draw - you should just leave now and let the forum do what it wants. Because without L2 - maxcheaters is nothing. There's a MUCH GREATER chance of success of just making a new damn forum - if you want to somehow kill the entire history that made MXC. Without embracing the history of L2 - there's zero content or pull for any user to decide "Hey i'll just spend my limited time here". -
What Do You Really Think Maxcheaters.com Needs? V2
mcbigmac replied to Maxtor's topic in Votes/Polls Area
No you didn't. You posted your own opinion - without direct facts from a credible 3rd party source. Secondly - you speculate because L2 is no longer popular on private servers in EU (Or rather lets say, Western Europe) it is dead. When infact NCSoft after their massive slump before F2P are increasing their revenue. Please, if you want to try whiny "mature adult" argument with me - get the facts ready. And do not even try moving goalposts in your next argument of the definition of "dead". -
What Do You Really Think Maxcheaters.com Needs? V2
mcbigmac replied to Maxtor's topic in Votes/Polls Area
@Herlitz: I'm surprised i see someone like you - but it warms me heart a few people of intelligence like you. @Xdem\Niko\Universe\Others\Etc: Why is it you always whine and talk with vile tone and language? You claim to be adults of intelligence all of you - don't you? If i was maxtor - i'd have removed every single one of you until you learn how to argument WITHOUT ad hominem attacks all the time because apparently your life is based on insults on mxc. It's fine to be opinionated towards a side - even based on historic data that shit won't change - but do it with grace for fucks sake. @Nick: The first step is realizing your doing next to nothing - and that's i think the honest opinion of many. You design systems and ideas around revenue constantly - instead of focusing on creating stuff people want and making a nice enviroment. Facebook purchased whatsapp for 19 billion dollars for roughly 480 million users - and yet their total revenue is probably under 150 Million. You think facebook would have purchased whatsapp if it had 100 million users with 1 billion in revenue - and had ads and shit all over? Fuck no. Focus on the users - then revenue later if you want this not to die out slowly and painfully. You either have given up or clearly don't have enough time to even REMOTELY take care of this forum when you basicly have no right hand to help you. No one has the power to change boards or fully log bans and get development rolling for potential servers, projects. It's all you - and no one can reach you and you do weird shit half ass projects. We've said there's a million ideas and serious tightening of the protocols for rules and management - and simple systems amongst staff to implement to get them to work. Yet nothing happens. ..but whatever you do fucking not in any fucking way reward staff with any monetary gains. This has to be the most stupid retarded fucking idea in the history of MXC - people on staff should WANT to make MXC better. They should FIGHT and do it because THEY WANT TO - to help change the mindset\tone and rebuild. Else they can fuckoff - because they'll leave and do nothing the minute they feel unrewarded. -
Help Cached Packets Working But With Error?
mcbigmac replied to tk422's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
http://phpjs.org/functions/fread/ google is your friend. -
Help Cached Packets Working But With Error?
mcbigmac replied to tk422's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
You don't seem to close any connections - most php implementations do this and if my brain remembers that is how it's designed for in cacheD. NINJA: argh didn't read proper you already saw that. I'll test if i have time myself. -
Help Cached Packets Working But With Error?
mcbigmac replied to tk422's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
Whats your code look like? -
deMEV: Do you know if any developers worked on an way to read heightmaps off the .map files? (open source, preferrebly) Or has it always been privately shared since stazis began?
Help Confirming Summon Skills Synthax
mcbigmac replied to ericvini's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
Have thy Sir Weener or have thy not! - tested the intervals for consumption of item? is it random? is it specificly timed? -
Help Confirming Summon Skills Synthax
mcbigmac replied to ericvini's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
EricWeener doesn't know. HaHa. It's funny because the obvious answer is infront of you - but because ur so weener you don't bother testing. So you know in GF - 5% exp is taken by the summon you know one param is 95. You know in Freya - no exp is taken and one param is 100. Do the math. You know in GF and Freya there's a reference to a pch_name (In this case an item) and 2 variables. You know items changed in GF>Freya - but else you know items will be consumed periodicly. So if we had some more braincells - we should probably go look at the vars AFTER the mentioning of our periodicly consumed item. 1 and 3600 2 and 3600. Could 3600 possibly the time passed - and could it possibly be some time variable seconds or mili seconds? Test and then do the math. -
Help How To Create A Gm Pack In Vang
mcbigmac replied to Epica's question in Request Server Development Help [L2OFF]
Please don't run l2off - if you can't figure out what amped is and where it's configuration is. For that sake stop running anything. Try poke around in certain .ini files - and see if you can fin something relater to Builder\GM IP filters.