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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. I can gaurantee you - YOU will not fix it solo. If that wasn't clear by now. However even as the hot mess Smeli's c1 project is.....downloading it and trying to configure it to c3 might help you. Beware youll have to compile stuff yourself and figure out how to properly set C3 from within source etc. etc.
  2. Sure you can. Learn how - and then fix it. If your not using any specific dlls\project of c1 - it's most likely packet format c1>c3. so write an ext or do raw hex hooks to make format work in l2server.exe
  3. Don't use anything that's c1. Problem solved!
  4. ......and that value dies immediately once a copy gets sold to a bad seed - so your paying for the best in the current time of purchase. If more people would pay for bleeding edge in l2off - we'd probably not be so dead and more of us would be left. Ironic eh?
  5. Go steal a car. Then go put an advert in the local newspaper asking for people that can unlock and create new keys for said Car - for free. Go on. You even seem to be so dumbfounded as to expect people to actually do something that gives value to you for free. (Something severely complicated due to modern armadillo). Value that could be valued up to what 75% of AdvExt retail price? Are you that stupid really?
  6. Don't think lameguard supports Vanganth or most l2off infact ;) ...how much are you willing to pay for working protection from the privatebots\l2tower\phx\etc ?
  7. ...and a brilliant reason why it's pointless to crack :P
  8. ...well It's not for interlude. So there's that - and if you downgraded already you'd probably able to easily debug this error. Sooooo...
  9. Oh for fucks sake. Delete yourself please - and stop posting crap.
  10. Make the timer count only when the user is logged in. ...oh thats right you can't cause you didn't code it, dawid did. Hence forth is a feature by dawid for his customers. Nor could you replicate the feature to a different chronicle. NinjaEdit: Also quoting a post when you edited it to show you named pack\product - and sighed has the original post (just below quoted) without the named feature\product to support your argument is kind of douche. Don't you think?
  11. ....saying "look i have a feature that i didn't make and have zero control over because i purchased everything" doesn't really help him get the feature now does it? Nor does it say what product your using to inform him that he'll get this feature if he switches from X to Y. And the necro thing is also kinda weird.
  13. We need a new rule in here - that states when people that post "LOOK I HAVE SOURCES OF Y" or "I HAVE CRACKED X" - in a "shares forum". yet doesn't share.....needs a ban ASAP. ...although why anyone would want a C4 build from 2011 to run servers with is beyond my comprehension :P
  14. They're actually saved in each of the own GK's AI instance. editing the master template classes is a really bad idea in general, if you don't have experience.
  15. That vote system is based on 1 site - that's probably 5% of what topzone\gamesites is. If you want a webbased vote system, make one as part of your account system that verifies from within a session in a iframe or similar.
  16. There's a reason no one really wants to help your C1 Project when your like this. (Clueless, whining and not learning anything). Secondly - obviously there will be DB differences from C1>C4>GF. Including params\args on procs and data-types + columns. ...if it's not designed for c1 whining that it doesn't work with c1 is the most retarded thing you could possibly choose to do.
  17. that's not updated. http://www35.zippyshare.com/v/122319/file.html here's the newest ver again, 1.07
  18. Server would be relatively easy. New packet and some condition checks. ....client part will suck donkey tho. So good luck without opening the wallet big style for that.
  19. That's quite a big project of going thru their old codebase. Looks like a mix and match of some c2-c3 stuff, then c4-int- and so on. Would be interesting to see how they balance things and which chronicle they stick to interms of algorhythms and logical calculations. Gonna suck for EU pservers if it comes - but it's not gonna come thru West that's for sure. Innova will be first on the spot...which means certain people get access to it atleast.
  20. 90% the code is COEP - so YES it's copy pasted from COEP. Period. It's however extremely dependant on ET - since there's no full pledge work and missing CW and no huge packets like User\Char info etc. Several hooks are also changed to hook into ET for events like enterwordl etc, instead of hook directly into L2Server. It's an odd project - and alone is worth northing without ET. Share the full thing - if you have it cause it's pointless as a standalone. ..and if you expect to fix stuff - removing the "ET" check should be piece of cake. If you can't even remove and understand simple checks how are you gonna fix anything?
  21. Several funny incidents here. 1. You can't somehow decipher that the text on your message box also exists in your code. Your missing exactly what it says. Given that the entire project relies on ET looking thru the other sources - it's gonna be fairly worthless without it. 2. Who made this and how'd you find it? - who would write an addon with coep stuff that also functions with ETs age old stuff?
  22. ...then your still doing a system outside via web\php. Either way your not doing it automaticly - althought having the GF duration system helps.
  23. if ( len(@char_name) < 3) if ( @char_name not like '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]%') done.
  24. Change the experience param, according to the npc experience table.
  25. ....yet none of them still fix all the basic algorhythms and structure systems as retail. It's his choice - i don't blame him. If you want to learn l2off - atleast learn how to script and understand how to basicly run it. It's not complex.
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