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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. text was correct, link was not, whoops. updated both.
  2. http://www.4shared.com/rar/-vs2VL-q/l2off_gracia_final_euro.htm whoops password.
  3. DL the leaked GF pack and your good to go. ...and before you whine it's not uploaded, here's an internet tip. Find filename, search for filename...and google finds all: https://yadi.sk/d/JYEBBUcMPvy3o
  4. look before asking, seriously. 1. you answered yourself + client for display. 2. sync_level
  5. I don't want to help. Your the not nice type that expects full solutions. That and you won't get GoD++ htmls - due to html_file_names are unknown. They'd have to be manually fetched and dumped with a character.
  6. ...wait wait wait wait. "Hi i'd like to upgrade my computer to be able to video-call other computers". "Sure thing - i'll upgrade your skype module here to support video calls - that will be 40e". "okay great" You are the most perfect example of why L2J has died. You should not touch anything that is technicly complex - or try to adminstrate\run anything complex. You level of Intelligence\IQ just doesn't merit more. Please become a carpenter or plumber or something. If all your types did that - hNoke types would cease to exist. They'd have no market to buy their supposed "services". ...but i geuss L2J people will never learn that.
  7. There is no all package, dumbass. It's idiotic to expect anyone to deliver a complete solution for you - for something that can be complex out of the box. Work for it - or gtfo. L2PHX has been the only known integrated packet sniffer for L2 since what? 6-7 years?! (Didn't know about packet samurai, hey ho!). Why should i write a specific piece of code\dll for you - when you barely seem to understand the logic of how computers and the internet communicates? Server sends Client a full HTML - that's all you need to know. Now go find a way to get said HTML out of client - for manual dumping. And i already told you - any piece of local stored text can be gathered with RequestLinkHTML. (Local File Inclusion sploit). Now put 2 and 2 together and start working - or as said early, pay up and have someone do it for you.
  8. If you need to ask what lib to use - in order to build a dumping tool for another applications memory, you will NEVER build it yourself. It's not complex. There's a famous sniffer that can do things manually as well.
  9. The same LFI sploit that's always worked. RequestLinkHTML. - if not write a client dll that dumps all htmls received with name.
  10. You can do much better than that. You can gain all htmls, you know names of per-request due to LFI exploit. but i geuss people won't know Ertheia names.
  11. No, that would be retarded. He wants to leech all HTMLs from Retail. ...pay up bro, pay up.
  12. probably hardcoded within i_summon Can't really see anything in script files that would control this. NPCDATA as usual controls the time it stays when dead - but yea.
  13. It does exactly what it's supposed to. When you can't read the script - the error is you not the code.
  14. ...i'm tempted. But it's impossible to tell without preliminary research into creating new UObjects for the ICON itself. Math based rendering on top would be...yea suicide.
  15. ...i don't have issues with HT and C4. Just sayin'.
  16. you don't need a client modder - you need a typical reverse engineer to create dlls to add extra functionality to the client. ....that being said... "Protection\Catsguard" - pretty much has POC for this by a smart master-render hook that will atleast be applicable to GF to H5 chronicles. Although i can imagine for proper icon drawing - we're gonna venture into more Direct3D knowledge required - and a hook before the final/master render ala what catsguard does. That or some serious pixel detection skills on the master direct3d canvas.
  17. So in otherwords your using a cracked - old - leaked version - and you wonder why shit might not work the way it does in a licensed updated version?
  18. No, but you have a p_ skill-effect that increases buffslots. So... a. Make a new passive skill add p_ effect and add autolearn to all chars in skillacquire lvl 1. b. Add to existing skillset like item grade penalties or similar. Think think think.
  19. Stop fucking asking a forum full of developers where 99% has not actively themselves made the key-decisions that has lead to a 500++ people server. This goes for everyone. NO ONE that knows the specifics of catering to mass crowds - would freely post all their knowledge and secret tricks of the trade - so you also can zip drinks in st.barts. You are competitors... get it?! Use your small brains people -_-
  20. Does not work that way. Either way interlude = ext support. Ext support, set it yourself in configs.
  21. Average people post on bot forums and people give them solutions. No to mention newer bots like tower and co - use more than simple tricks to avoid detection thus hGaurd fails right out the bat with those bots.
  22. No, it shouldn't. Thats like using nophx and changing authport. Name one 3rd party program that uses LS connection for anything? hGuard changes blowfish and detects - and if it can't detect anything then what?
  23. When you purchase an extender - and you find an extender bug - its common to post in said extenders forum about said bug instead of a random related development forum. Obviously something goes wrong in reading the locs - and it goes back to it's standard values. At first i'd have geussed on wrong string-key but since it changes back - it's a direct error by Dawid most likely.
  24. You cannot take offence for other people, period dude. And it's going nowhere cause you have no argument to your original claim because of the reason above. Eric knows me - and how i am and i've even written specific ext stuff just cause he requested it. Therefor you don't get to take exception to his supposed feelings. and NO ONE wants to learn, period. People PM me asking to learn - but in reality want solutions. You know why - cause learning this shit is just not weekend adventure like assembling IKEA furniture. How do i know this? It's been the pattern for well what 7-8 years now.
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