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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. You should read more on the JVM and JIT works - it's not some magic machine that can automaticly detect the 100% most optimal way by just reading programming statements. It can't view the program\application as a whole. It can only view it by statement\function. Your optimization possibilities as a programmer is limited - while one could go on an endless quest to optimize everything C\C++ if one wanted. One can have the whole application optimized by statements that takes least cycles - in conjunction with whatever ti's supposed to do. The step is there so you finally admit it - you had to turn the discussion for what ? your ego? I'm sure you can write the program faster in JAVA - but if you wanted the program faster in execution you go closer to metal. Thread is still he same as before, L2J is heading for L2Off territory. Knowledge dying - rewards too little for people with brains to bother enter the "community".
  2. Oh great graphs from some (i'd geuss biased, see ICC vs VS vs GCC for performance) - on random parallel math problems without any documentation to the real test. You realize the JVM core is created in C right? You realize something that goes: Code > Machine Code. Code > VirtualCode > MachineCode. The second one - if ALL things equal - will always be slower because of the extra step. Are you going to claim assembly is slower than java as well?
  3. ....Managed c++? I don't count microsoft's ambition to embed CLR in everything managed. "the JIT will be always better than the classic native compiler for server side programs" Statement, not a factual argument. It's not faster if speed is of the essence, the JIT needs to translate, internal bytecode to machinecode. Rather than a to the metal unmanaged language, already has done that on compile time. You loose there, it's factual, period. The same way ICC or VS etc - can be optimized by writing hand assembly for any programmatic logical problem.
  4. Your the one arguing - i gave direct points. Please do point out where i'm not factual - and have no argument ? ;)
  5. ...are you that fucking blind and in love with a managed language? Name one source leak on ragezone from obscure f2p asian mmo's to NWN to RoM - that uses a managed language. NO ONE codes raw performance server applications and no leaked mmo's actually support your argument. Fuck startup - it's about threading effectively (not loosing cache misses for opcodes) and handling IO\Networking as close to TCP as possible. So please name a high profile mmo that has to handle a million requests a sec from network level to memory - that uses a managed language to run. Doesn't exist - and the fact you somehow think a overhead of having a virtual machine having to translate and run code before it gets translated to machine level is faster than writing directly to the metal of the hardware is a joke. Seriously xdem - managed languages are able to create things fast but now just spewing bullshit without fact. No matter what you say there's a extra rounds of computing done when using a VM of any kind. (hence the point of a VM). PS: You know it's 64bit since after c1 - but i geuss your too "proud and awesome" to write me an autopickup ext for c4? you can do it for GF too if you want :) If you deliver the code working - i will pledge\promise to send you 100 usd. Pussy or....going to excuse now? @Intrepid: Your super clueless - do you read or just argue? Focus on points - or you look like an idiot. Your ertheia: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=110&t=30668 It's gonna take a long time before it's playable. You haven't developed anyything - and neither has NOS & SDW (whom i know...and are old l2off people ;) ) yet anyway. They are gonna get there as you say - but when? in 2 years? 3? years? will ertheia matter then? Does fixing a few packets make L2J ertheia now? Your either in 99% percentile with a project, or your not complete in L2.
  6. @ Drake2Wow: It's dead because not every unskilled scrub can maintain one - if that was the case you'd see tons of activity. Same for L2J - but there aint activity in either camp. Knowledge is dead in both sides. C++ is irrelevant in l2off as a whole and your typical whiny "i'm a real programmer too excuse" you put out on MXC in general - gets tiring man, please save it for the younger kids :) If it's easy - write me autopickup for C4 exe based on not last hitter, but on most damage done to the monster (This is a challenge, awaiting you to do it - hell ill pay you). You can't - because you can't just know what to write without research into the direct assembly\.exe and it's compiled machine code. L2Off is not "knowing c++ - i've written 1000s of lines, nub" - it's knowing what c++ code to write, thats the hard part. Knowing the language and it's memory management\pointer quirks contra managed language ala .NET\java comes second. Hell, some russkies in PP time used to write ext's in Delphi (Why do russkies love delphi?). There's zero difference from buying L2Reunion\L2DC\L2Scripts - and asking them to do all the work for mods - and then asking AdvExt to do the same. Both are unskilled scrubs - but its easier for most to get the source for the l2j projects and do some core mods than it is the other way around. This doens't change that L2J is heading the same way as l2off - private projects\private knowledge. I've yet to see much change in IO\Network management code when i compare L2Chef's original design ideas to newer l2j or other projects ive looked at to try learn a thing or two. Those that know how to change the real performance issues - won't share it publicly cause it's worth something. Same with L2Off - why should people share knowledge they've spend years researching\learning the binaries for free? ..and drake when you start whining about languages being super shitty for X reason - it proves your probably unable to master that programming language ;) There's a reason 99% of all performance related gaming-code in the real world is C++ - and a reason it's not managed languages...and also a reason why it's not direct assembly\machine code. One of the languages offer the right match of performance & difficulty in implementation of everything. @Intrepid: I'm going to ignore half your post - because you brain fails to realize i'm not looking down on a platform or programming language or similar. I'm explaining where things are headed, l2off or l2j - due to thirst for knowledge and learning being at lowly low point. (Which is why you posted in the first place, l2j devs are going where l2off devs have gone). Tell me where has the current heirachy model brought l2j? - in terms of retailness or correctness or performance for that matter. Where's all the new chronicles that l2j was always first at sniffing packets for in the old days? Upgrading after 1 month of retail getting a new patch - to new client protocol and adding some content here\there. The fact everything stopped at h5 sorts of indicates there was a BUTTLOAD of content work missing, a buttload of core logic needing changes and new systems to be written - doesn't it? My observations point more or less to fact - that publicly atleast - l2j is going the l2off route with closed knowledge in circles. ...and the reason i poked you - is because some of the issues that truly made l2off stand out in the old days (because l2off just happenedl) haven't really changed. And while i'm sure you've been able to do many cool things and projects - you and everyone didn't decide to try fix the framework that was created "just to work" not to "work good, efficiently in a technical superior way". I don't see however what all of this has to do with l2off and maxtor - but i geuss you'd like to try pin everything that happens badly to l2off on l2off people (good luck!). Which sort underlines my points about your reading comprehension - and understanding of my message ;)
  7. I love how every reaction from you is mega negative and defensive. I geuss i hit the sweet spot - when i said in terms of core development and improvement besides adding simpler features ontop of already build systems\object - you personally haven't done much. Else why would you feel so defensive little girl ? ;) Quantitative L2J has had more developers - but if neither invest to improve the core systems that do need improvement - it's gonna be a never ending circle. (Note that the l2off projects that still exist have existed for a long time - because their developed by a one or two people over time.) 100++ developers not under tight control are going to deliver serious variations in quality code - from top 5 developers to the bottom 5. That's a problem - and is L2Js problem that still plagues it with all the million packs and forks. Until someone rewrites the base infrastructure for good (which those private RU projects may or may not have as they claim). Wether or not you whine like a little bitch (because it says l2off in my name) - that's the reality and it's the same thats happened to l2off. People want to earn some reward for their invested time - and kindness of community feedback\feeling ain't gonna be the driver for either l2off or l2j. It's gonna be small and private - and take a long time for feasible results with an "open" free model.
  8. Maintaning a large codebase with proper procedures and actual healthy design concepts was never l2j's thing. It was just meant to work - and it does... still. L2Off private leaks dominating the higher\newer chronicles - even l2j seems to fall out to "traditional chronicles" atm. It's matter of forced memory of a time that didn't really exist in reality. You just think it did. L2J has never from a core perspective been a better shape - it was 10 times worse when you were "king" most likely - and you didn't help to improve it much. From a programming perspective there's a fuckton of a metric difference from writing small systems and changing some logic here there - to designing and creating larger solutions of "multiple connecting systems" in a "proper way" that are efficient and don't cause shitty bugs. They can't shortcut like L2Off where one can actually protect ones work rather efficiently from being resold by the first idiot :P I'd not have geussed L2J would be suffering this fate a few years ago - but it's essentially going the same route of L2Off is now. (With exceptance of those private leaks).
  9. ....like change at most what 15 packets and your done? How the fuck can you code "mods" and shit for l2j in general - and not fucking change data in packets? (Sorry i'm curious and wondered offtopic).
  10. First - define what you want in CLEAR english. Your horrible greeklish does not help. Second - post in market section and what your willing to offer to solve your hardcoded application challenges. Third - pray that some reverse engineer feels pity and will do it for you for previous stated reward.
  11. Use diffefrent areadata\geo - and find which area is causing crash when being set on a geofield. And stop using 4 gb of ram, it's too fucking little. With enough bloatware or other apps - server could easily run out of memory. Lin2error suggests otherwise however.
  12. Skype IDs resolve different IPs. PL for deedlit, vs GR for the other guy(mmoplay) Lightfusion - you were scammed - but if your so naive thinking their the same - then your asking for it as welll. Much less what a IP log thru both Deedlit's account and the mmoplay account will probably reveal. IF you have so many issues why have you not tried public posting on mmoplay.eu - to ask whats up? Pressuring Deedlit to understand his role would be interesting. Even if he most likely claims "he never took a deal". ...but quick 5 minutes of research points to exactly what strain is saying. Their not the same person.
  13. He wants a param that does not exist in native c4. Unless hes on GF - it won't exist natively. If he's GF duration will work, but it will have to be specified in itemdata.
  14. Actually no - even if MMOPlay was a middleman for the actual services, the "deal" is between LF & Him. Topic or not. If not the rules need a serious fucking tweak to display any private based deal is not covered (which is stupid) - and any fucking seller can claim a private deal if a customer buys X+2% changes to what's stated in sellers topic. It's pretty fucking clear.
  15. 1. use c4 - exchange for new Q 64bits and item attrib to H instead of D. 2. Read the damn name for fucks sake. Why do you think ncsoft wrote it in the first place? Memory access > disk access.
  16. It's not. Not used to IL .u's but technicly you should be able to do without actual modding. Unless interface .u in IL is completely different when writing the icon\texture resource than GF/Freya/H5.
  17. If you want biters of the few that can do it, you might wanna try...lets say entice them with some prices\terms? and you know, define it more clearly.
  18. You do not disappoint - it's just how it is. People give up the minute it gets non-straight forward. I know this because - you could have spent 2 minutes venturing into the client-section to find this: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/182405-c4-god-patched-systems-file-editors/ I'd also say it's rather common knowledge that most newer servers have very updated antibots (some more efficient than others) - and therefor you obviously don't have the same serverside updates. ...and therefor dl'ing random servers systems will have a high probability of not working. all in all quite logical - but i geuss you are a noob, if you say so ;)
  19. If l2j can login - but you can't obviously your not connecting to the right thing. aka Login Port. go check for authport.dll or other small 3kb dll's and remove them from import tables of other dlls. Which you probably don't know how to - so just go dl a patched 746 system and change ip to localhost.
  20. As it clearly shows in your picture, clearly you haven't. And you've also made 2 entries with the same ID seemingly.
  21. No the reason is petty small un-intelligent people like you. With such basic knowledge of computers and no lack of lateral thinking to learn even basic concepts of how another human being could design something. Eric is never gonna be a RCE\Assembly wizard - but he quickly sees logic in scripts and what is possible to control and in that regard is probably smarter than many of the "admins" that post here asking basic questions - that with some... "trying" could learn themselves. The little time you venture into that/l2off you fail - and run away because you Litterally are too defeatist and un-intelligent to learn. Probably because you can't find an example to copy from - which in turn makes your programmatic thinking ability shit. Which in turn describes L2J's biggest problems.
  22. Actually what i said is 100% correct - and the definitive change comparing to before the hopzone update. Title was static before - now it's not and selects from a predefined list of stringtext. ....AND therefor a direct string search (which is how vangath works) is not possible anymore. But nice try to sound fluffy, non-descriptive and comparing it to your l2j.
  23. You can't fix it - if site setup has changed dramaticly. Go see your config and change string to match. EDIT: which it has - parser needs to changing to make a title= wildcard.
  24. Bit late - but if you think a 3 year old unpacked dll is equal to present dll 3 years later - i highly doubt you'll be able to do squat with a unpacked one ;)
  25. It's an icon\action. Now go search client dat files.
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