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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. The russian stint perhaps makes it look like some old Denis sources and\or whitelabel reselling. They have every oppertunity to prove people wrong - by documenting and showing knowledge atleast. So do that L2Ext - prove it. Release a free version limiting to 5 sockets etc. Price is no doubt competitive - but it would also depend on scripts which sounds like they're just ripped from certain other projects. Although would be interesting to test it stability wise.
  2. I never insulted. I asked why your a fanboi of something that obviously steals names to just gather people. There's nothing unique, features are copy pasta editing from any vangath\advext pack. You've been full of shit saying "OMFG ITS AWESOME AND SUPAH DUPAH" - instead of trying to read our complaints. Which is the fact the owner (not you, you seem far more english capable) suck so much they steal a name, and then somehow convince fentz\vindication to give them server hardware and auth\login alliance making it EVEN EASIER having the vindication\lineage2.gr accounts ready to log. This is fact - irregardless of what you want for you and you friends. You've picked a piss poor server on piss poor grounds - and for some odd reason you celebrate it. You are the reason L2 is dying - cause you and your idiot friends support stuff not worth supporting without examining\researching your choice proper. And that server now has less than 100 people online - even with the massive stealing and alliances with big name l2 brands. Random L2Js launch better, face it.
  3. Still not answering why you chose to STEAL names from past servers. You have nothing to do with the old server - so why did you take their name instead of build your own legacy?
  4. Answer the question. Why are you L2X? Your not the original staff, you have nothing serverwise that is the same as L2X. Your opening a completely different chronicle. There's no connection between the old l2 extreme and you - except the name. You could be called L2 CockBalls - and what you offer to the users would be the same. I'm not flaming - but your evading simple questions.
  5. While L2X staff was never the high-bastion of mensa community - even they could write english better than a drunk BR with internet rage.. You can't. You are not l2x staff - and it's simple because one of the original L2X staffers actually opened his own c3 server, as L2Extreme was most of the time. You cannot go "Hi - I'm really Taek Jin Kim - NCSoft CEO! Oh and i won't answer any questions from anyone about proving it's actually me!" . Stop being stupid and digging your grave - and eventually causing fentz damage to his lineage brand.
  6. Actually it's not its very alive - but the problem is you(l2extreme guy) cannot pay for a completely updated Extender that fixes all newer dupes\crashes\exploits of c4 - that never came to public in the old days. ......because no one is selling one. Tough luck huh?
  7. How does ths change the fact i'm right? This has nothing to do with L2X other than the fact you\adminstrators stole the name. Period. But none of you respond saying "Hey - you're correct! but we're still good because this this this this". You flame back - because you know stealing a huge brand name will give you more attention of the l2 player base. It's that simple. I geuss if i had a plug'n'play pack from AdvExt\Vangath interlude - i'd be scared too because i can't develop anything myself and i' m at mercy of bullshit marketing to try make me different from anyone who goes to buy a pack and setup a server.
  8. Seriously how bloody hard is it to write an NPC with NASC - that sets your level to 1 (If talker.sm.level >= 78) and adds a memostate. Stop doing that after a memostate is set the third time and then add some AI code to 4 rbs that checks for said memostate and gives Y item to highest contributer\party upon death? Sure the zones and all those items(refinement is so stupid) is gonna take some time - but you can more or less rip the stats from any l2gold client and then gogo gadget.
  9. Might wanna throw requirements. Developer is a fluffy word with big wide ends.
  10. I'd wager you don't know what your looking for. I'd take a look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requirements_analysis and then specify what you need :)
  11. Learn NASC - and make one with myself::IncrementParam.
  12. Really? you can't geuss? Come on fake mexi barto and xel -_- Disappointed sons, disappointed. Interlude and above includes different teleport-list - amongst other a cheap one during specific hours. You can even see it in your own picture, add it to both. And add it to all noblesse lists as well, if you want them to appear there.
  13. Actually they're downloaded and stored in client - and from then on given a ID to use for the client it looks up. So... technicly no :P
  14. Packs are coded over long time - and sold privately with hardware locks to avoid leaking. Certain leaks and cracks have happened over the years - and there should still be some links here on MXC. However if you can't even write your own buffer - you won't be able to do anything remotely along the lines of coding extension dlls. You should start learning - to do basic things and work your way up if your serious. If not - go support the authors of the packs and pay them their fee's like everyone other "interlude admin". Because going into this not comitted to learn will just yield bad results - easier to just buy a updated pack and depend on them.
  15. Because of the shareditemindex container would be constantly locked\modified most likely causing massive lag\waiting once items created into memory - that sort of mod ain't really "kewl" eric. The design of handling active created item objects - isn't easily receptable to mod a like that. And quite frankly sounds weird. Rather do autoloot on certain item_types. However to create autoloot - all you need to is hook classfornpc\boss\zzoldagu\whatever::dropitem and know how the ccontributedata works to select the "top damager" of the npc. Pop the item out of npc's inven, push into player and done.
  16. Can't remember tbh. If current olympiad step matches up with the time32 vars in DB - it should be "okay". Likesaid, a onetime restart and manual execution of lin_NominateHeroes generally doesn't kill anyone :)
  17. It's just on the first run you gotta watch it - or if it somehow crashes during calculations @ cacheD for hero it goes cock. Atleast as far as i remember. Once you get it on the "right" path it never fails.
  18. Do you? Why are you so afraid? There's no one else who can develop l2off. So clearly there is something unique comparing to your own offering - and what no one else can do or is doing atm. Is that why you are so afraid and pressure so much - act hostile even?
  19. because p_block_buff blocks all debuff/a2 skilldata params from affecting target. You cannot fix this without some hooks into ::ActivateSkill or re-coding a custom p_block_buff and\or the steal buffs effect. Wether C4 or GF.
  20. C4 is notorious for having pisspoor time management of timers and systems. What i do in those situations is: a. Shutdown cached\server b. run note current season before beginning, and note the nearest new starttime c. run lin_NominateHeroes with the new information d. restart server and do //olympiad monthly which should fix everything.
  21. .NET based i assume?? - wanna give up source or only selling compiled versions?
  22. Then you'll need to tell vanganth to clean up his ExpInc calls on user vTable. You could perhaps try something like this. But it will cause AI lag, i think. You can try with less loops like 100, to avoid DJ vangath catching it as a exp overflow in his Hooks. for(i9 = 0; i9 < 500; i9 = ( i9 + 1 )) { myself::IncrementParam(-4198652); }
  23. There''s no need to test if you follow formats - and you also have a piss wrong definition of algorithm and what any weblanguage is - but your lack of knowledge aside. It's packet based and works by simple script. $server = 'ip-here'; $charid = charidhere; $fp=fsockopen($server, "2012", $errno, $errstr, 5); if (!$fp) echo 'Error, cannot connect to server'; $buf = pack("c", 55); //55 = AddItem2Packet(); $buf .= pack("V", $charid); //char_id $buf .= pack("V", 0); //warehouse $buf .= pack("V", 575); //item_type $buf .= pack("V", 1); //item_amount $buf .= pack("V", 1); //enchant ? $buf .= pack("V", 0); //?? $buf .= pack("V", 0); //?? $buf .= pack("V", 0); //?? $buf .= pack("V", 1); //?? $buf .= tounicode("admin"); // remember to add function
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