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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Maybe your DISK are slow and failing - maybe something else. But unless you share what your using - it's impossible to go open IDA and take a look at why what's going into EAX @ 1001dedb is going pew pew.
  2. Well what it says. Deadlock on function execution. Impossible to know without all the extensions attached to cacheD - that may be causing indirect crashes because of whatever they're doing. Particularly what goes on @ L2CachePatch.dll at the address shown and then comparing to the registers. Possibly some memleak or bad pointer.
  3. It's impossible because no one wants to learn how to - and has no brains. And consumes alot of time - unless your very very well skilled in unpacking and analyzing what protections mechanisms are coded into the dlls.
  4. Completely unpossible without Extensions - in any decent way. Technicly the same way L2J - and storing it in DB or Active Memory. (Althought i havne't checked the l2j various methods). Suppose one could do it by active session cookies outside of game, and then use cacheD packets as an alternative.
  5. Most .u's aren't encoded\encrypted - that's just ignorance. They are however the internal bytecode format for unreal editor script. And if you want to edit them it's by bytecode hand hex editing. (which is not impossible as long as it's just changing ja to jb and so on). I seem to recall that the size of functions in bytecode is also somewhere in the headers of the files - so if you manage to hex in rather large change you'd need to account for the new size somewhere in the .U header. Althought i'm not sure tbh - maybe a client wiz can tell you.
  6. Files were not the same. Script was supplied by Aderyn\Mcrabben - rest was done from "scratch".
  7. I suppose uninstalling and then reinstalling is alot easier than just posting a damn screenshot of the "error" - in question?
  8. Then you have a fucked up script file - or you have no idea what the hell it is your doing. Screenshot. So much simpler. tSQL syntax is 99% of the same for all languages.
  9. And what errors are those and what MSSQL is that? I run 2012 SP1 locally here for testing and other stuff - so i'd say you have user errors rather than compatibility errors.
  10. the admin disappeared - and that means eventually stuff doesn't get payed - and you can't login to do anything. You can sit and guess what happened - but we won't know until we hear from the horse mouth.
  11. You don't need 2005, any MSSQL will do. (well maybe not 2003). It's built upon ODBC - not some propertiary connection.
  12. Jesus it's a pointless discussion. Each programming language has it's strengths and weaknesses. But a Managed language will never EVER be faster than to the metal hardware language in a pure performance standpoint.
  13. Totally it's not like Vangath\AdvExt has interlude features or have had interlude features AGES BEFORE l2j had it. Nope. If you don't fukkin know - then why pretend to? The difference is quite simple one is open source platform based on a JIT VM language - while the other way is the retail professionally compiled direct application leaks. Point being - it's a shitload harder to change a compiled application for a specific target (windows\x86) than a VM language with a intermediate language compiling to the target platform on runtime. And this is also the reason L2Off is practicly dead - because you won't get anywhere except open scripting without investing buttload of time to effectively cracking the daemons\exe's to change stuff. The further away you get from a base leak(c1,c4,gf) - the more work you intensively require to invest in learning\cracking to "make a system\feature".
  14. Not on native C4 without the nopping of a bad call too free() on a memclearobject. Most Exts should have that patched - but if your running clean native c4 with amped solo, youll need to nop it or hex it or something.
  15. So do that. Why do you need a second OS? start l2server daemons, start client set, done.
  16. Again - why are you trying to add a complex overhead of VMWare - when there's no need to? Drop it. There's no reason to actually run it.
  17. Assuming VMVare doesn't break some old instruction translation - and memory handling. If you have the memory\cpu horsepower for it - just test it. But if you have enough power - why use VMWare for it? waste of overhead just install it locally. I do.
  18. http://www.4shared.com/archive/gIEechaW/PP-IRC-C4Retail.html remember that filename - and save it.
  19. There has to be a few links working - should search abit more hardcore. Either way, you can go c4 native , dl some cracked version of Dvamp Ext (Old AdvExt Interlude) or buy Advext(depmax64.org)\Kation (l2service.org). And thats it. Ur done.
  20. No it cannot - you ignorant foulmouthed kid with poor english. For the same reason i tried to explain to your and your small brain. ABC to XYZ - L2 Encyption GBC to ABC to XYZ - Obfuscation of opcodes + L2 Encryption. Same shit, one more step. Even l2phx has supported it for billions of ages as part of options. Why is it you cannot understand that in order to communicate you need to understand the language - If you speak Spanish to me, i need a translator that translates to English for me to understand. This doesn't change if you do Portuguese > Spanish > English. However i need to know, your saying Portugeuse to me, so i can translate to Spanish, and then to English. Are you this stupid ? Come on - You are better than this. A cannot understand B - unless they both agree to a set language term that both understand. Simple. Same with packet communication.,
  21. I've PM'ed you regarding the clientside i might be interested in :)
  22. I didn't say it was custom. I said the need for something custom - even if simple beats the hell out of standardized process that's the same for everyone else. And yes you are retarded - because you do not read my posts nor answer them. You just act like a bigshot and call arguments senseless without saying specificly why. I geuss because they're logical and your used to garbled MXC idiots. Where yelling and throwing "OMFG MXC SUPAH DEV" tag helps an argument. You can't magicly invent a different way the entire subset of computers communicate and pretend it's awesome.
  23. Also FYI: There's always been encryption since c3 was it? - adding an extra obfuscation layer does nothing but complicate the data process and add more overhead in calculating the correct packet Opcode. Learn the normal encryption + the packet opcode obfuscation and you can still easily bypass anything. Hence the need for something "custom" even if it's Opcode^2 - and then make sure it's hard as hell to figure out it's just Opcode^2.
  24. Please read some books and learn basic security. If Server sends XYZ to Client - anyone on the clientside can snap that up and read it. If server obfuscates XYZ to ABC - Client needs a way to decrypt ABC into XYZ. If there's a algorhythm\function that does this - a sniffer without hooking needs to know the way ABC turns into XYZ. There could be several keys of variable length or one - but if that key is sent by server the sniffer can know the time during the initial connections where the server sends the key to turn ABC into XYZ. Sniff it - and replicate the algorhythm within the sniffer and boom protection is broken. This is true of any Obfuscation\Encryption\Algorhythm. This is weak - because there will be a standard established way to calculate ABC to XYZ in the client that NEVER CHANGES. And even if the key is random each time the server sends it to client - it would not matter because it would sniff the key each time. There is no way 100% protect - but if you change keys and the way to calculate ABC to XYZ and protect it enough in a DLL so it requires abnormally large time to fully learn the new calculation method - you'll keep out 99,9%. Simple logic, wether L2 or Hello Kitty Adventure Island. Spewing random shit like "PACKET CLOUDING MAYNZ" and "Obfuscation" that the newer gracia clients support (and do not support as well) is pointless - when you seem to fail to grasp the basic mathematical logic behind systems. By not touching client your relegated to NCSofts clientside functions of decrypting any data sent Server<>Client. Jesus christ - it's sad that your supposed to be a super high ranking mxc dev and you don't understand basic premises of communication -_-
  25. No it's not retard. Because any key that is sent FROM the server for any type of algorhythm\encryption - can be snapped up without YOU on the serverside able to do ANYTIHNG about it. Jesus christ - read some basic security strategies\system developemnt.
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