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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Maybe you suck at setting shit up - and the account managers are fine? If all fail - problem is most likely not the scripts.
  2. I don't mean to be an L2Off elitest angry man - but... You claim your not re-inventing the wheel here - yet you claim you won't be the wheel. I mean what? "Custom Quests": Which atm seems to be a custom html - albeit done in a super pretty way - is still just a custom html. It doesn't really do anything - and i doubt you'll invest time to code up 50 quests - some of which are also different than following the traditional kill\messengerboy\maybe slightly small knowledge\logic problem route. "Story": ....i'm at loss for words - you think the "insert very degrading word about average intelligence of L2 Players on PServers here" know who Grain Kain is? You think anyone read the max 10 pages of A4 text that contains the lore for L2? really? "Facebook display yourself et al": It'll wow the idiots of the "newness of personalization" ....but what about after 5 minutes when they realize it does nothing for them in gameplay? You claim to be different - yet you really aren't. Your the exact same - while trying to steal the focus away on the pretty new aesthetics - of features that really aren't features. Atleast gameplay wise. Which is kinda sad - because you do the presentation, the aesthetics, the show etc..... very very well. There's just nothing inside. People will eventually want more than pretty graphical presentation. I do at admire you trying - but your like 2 to 3 years late for the player who was worth fighting for imho :P
  3. My answer was to L2Off. Maybe you don't quite realize who's answering you. Now the conundrum for your little brain - what did i mean? PS: Read a little about Extenders, and how un-managed programming languages work.
  4. Wait. You know how to remove books from requirements - yet you won't do it? Fuck off - your the reason l2off died. That and fr3dbr.
  5. Seriously? Aren't you supposed to be a pro l2j dev? In the bloody server - where else.
  6. So...you can't figure out - with the general intelligence of a modern human being in the computing social media script age - to remove book requirements for skills by looking around the server files? ...We'll i'm at a loss for words.
  7. Check: lin2db.dbo.server If you can't setup by guide - it's going to be hard to run a l2off server. Especially a C1 smeli base.
  8. It's not about a platform - it's about fixing NCSoft's "whoopsies" in the code. But you can pm me on skype: mcbigmac if you want :)
  9. Symptom of your precious L2J scene - no doubt? ;) Seems to me both L2J and L2Off lack intelligence...unless you're a russian of course.
  10. Yes it was L2-Off. Not that anyone cared - for either high or low rate.
  11. 1. Search the forum for Ext Demo by Anarchy. 2. Search for autolearn. 3. Quit L2Off because apparently you cannot use the fukkin search function.
  12. Or you could pay someone to fix the exploits who has knowledge of C4. Like me. .... i don't do scripts and crap tho - only extender work.
  13. I just wanted to know - how do you expect to get anything accomplished - when you can't see things right infront of your bloody eyes? Seriously? MXC isn't full of scammers anymore - it's people that WANT to be scammed.
  14. ...did you not read my post? They rent setups - they do not sell the files to you. Last time they did that GF leaked - which is not good business. What is good business is renting them on closed secure servers for big brand names like Dex or other RU servers - for a big monthly payment + % of donations.
  15. L2Off: Won't happen for the same reason h5 hasn't leaked publicly from the Ru-Sellers\Innova insiders. GF only leaked because they SOLD the physical\logical files to rpgclub. Now they're in the SaaS business ;)
  16. Still looking - really no one has any pack no matter how crap ?
  17. Yes, the original full leak C4 PTS leak is total crap. It's not what EVERYTHING before GF was based on. Let's get tons of crappy idiots who don't know shit about the structure of the anything L2Off - to touch scripts and mess it up. Good choice. Secondly it's Postpacific - not ragezone C1>C4 pack. Will you MXC people ever learn anything?
  18. http://www.4shared.com/archive/gIEechaW/PP-IRC-C4Retail.html
  19. Already have most info in the ext already - Learn and stop being lazy as smeli would say. typedef void (__thiscall *USER_DIED) (DWORD * pUser); static USER_DIED Die = (USER_DIED)0x004ef010; typedef void (__thiscall *USER_KARMA) (DWORD * pUser, DWORD iKarma); static USER_KARMA SetKarma = (USER_KARMA)0x004ea990; defined in L2Server.h WriteMemory32(0x602E70, DieHook); void DieHook( DWORD *pUser) { SetKarma(pUser,999); Die(pUser); SetKarma(pUser,0); } Simple hook, simple fast way to test without worrying about structs and anything.
  20. Forcing a PK status != players dropping items. Altho if you just want players to always drop items - one could perhaps just hook User::Die, set PK Flag \ Attack Flag - call the original function and set back to original values. That would be fairly simple - even for any cosmestic effects that would happen. Your end result would be the same - players drop items when dying no matter what.
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