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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. 1. You sound like a dumbass. 2. No one except Smeli has worked on c1 since 2007; This means no one has structure research on objects user\cinventory\citem etc. That'd probably be some nuisance research work - to iterate thru the shareditemindex just to drop some damn items (Assuming smeli's pack is still chaos as fuck and nothing is structured). 3. Besides me - i doubt there's ANYONE active anymore that can actually work with extenders in L2Off. English scene atleast. So why should anyone - do it for you? And for what 40E? L2Off != L2J. Seek out smeli, and bug him - no one else with knowledge would bother with c1-
  2. ....or you could pm me or skype me or msn me. if you have something - i'm interested. Simple.
  3. No one has a pack + source for GoD++? Even if it's remarkebly unfinished shitty ? - i'm not relaly looking for a "complete working" pack.
  4. Hi, Looking for any pack - with source - based on The highest chronicle possible. Would prefer better core over a super up to date datapack. (Source should include a datapack, wether good or bad). skype:mcbigmac msn:mcbigmac@hotmail.com Add me on skype\msn or pm your info and prices etc etc.
  5. Id say it requires a clustered load CC somewhere including some client pinging functionality from client or a geolookup table. Without knowing you - i wanna see that happen (and working) before i'd believe it. Besides effectively actually proving better responce time and having a cost-structure that makes sense so cheapass MXC idiots will buy from you. But kudos if you pull it ;)
  6. I love how no one still on this forum - hasn't learned the basics of computing systems. The minimal gain you could achieve from this - in circumstances where you have some cheapass vps for a l2j with limited resources - would be hardly offset from just getting a decent box with decent bandwidth. If it's locally resource based, adding more code\application to prioritize would only cause harm to the majority and help the minority. If it's cause your using a cheapass hoster with bad peering agreements - nothing you put on the damn server will fix the bad peering to users far away from the server physically. Short of Psomas somehow creating a Peering network for himself to act as a CDN\Proxy for users with bad peering to a server (That would require knowledge of decent TCP\IOCP mechanics to make it scale appropriately + a clustered server approach - which isn't gonna happen). Does no one grow older in this forum and learn more about how the internet works?
  7. Here, dekarma me. Maybe you can learn the basics of Networking and Computing resources in the hardware you use daily. Now what's gonna happen If you ddos 1gbit to the hardware port before the actual server? Deadlock. Now what's gonna happen if you ddos 1gbit - and you have a 1gbit uplink on your box to your NIC? Youll be 100% starved - and your box even if it's a dual socket 16 core Xeon monster will probably go to it's knees\die - by processing all the incoming packets and directing them to the applications on the box\machine. Now what happens if you ddos 50 mbit? If it's a single source - Arias super awesome program might block it. But you'll still be using resources CONSTANTLY because it'll arrive thru the hardware uplink, to the Server\box Ethernet\NIC card - and use resources from your server. Now if that is all it takes to "take your server down" - maybe you shouldn't be running the gameserver without a decent filtering\banning technique for each connected user. Which i hope L2J has, and any L2Off extender has. Result? Your adding the overheard from having a seperate program\application deal with processing incoming data to your l2j\l2off server. And then transferring "accepted" data - using evne more resources - to the server. Awesome. Now lets be fair - there are firewall professional software products for the professional market. Do you think a random kid on mxc can write a firewall just as effective as a team of professional coders? Please stay in school jaharakal, you'll need it.
  8. Release a demo of your software. Lock it to expire after 5 day use. Easy peasy - but no you don't have balls to do that do you?
  9. You didn't read it cause your a stupid dumbass child of the internet. You cannot defy the laws of physics or the laws of the physical hardware which your software runs on. Your selling shit to idiots - shit which should exist in native l2j at any rate.
  10. this guy is trustable, always prompt/instant payment. sell himz as much as u have
  11. No one has Epilogue L2Off - because it'd require both brains to fix scripts and code an external dll. If it's based on C4 - you'd be missing a tons of a small\big feature\functionality. And no one of us few left that do code have done a Epilogue extension to GF leak. Youd have to pay coders and some scripters to make the extender and sort freya scripts back to epilogue. State how much your willing to pay - and you might get a pm from the few who can do this.
  12. You have no idea what you've written - do you? If you have One Door - that can fit 1 Person pr. second, adding a security guard to the door to check tickets won't stop an influx of people. It'll only take away the small percentage of people without tickets. You will still be able to only process 1 person pr. second. Just as the Hardware NIC and\or software will only be able to process data sent as fast as it's peak rates and it's coded too. If someone can take down a L2J server with an influx of packets or requests - it's because its BADLY coded. And has no routines to check packets from sources and validate them. Either way - It won't help shit if the data ammount exceeds hardware NIC, port bandwidth from a hoster or if it's an actual ddos with thousands of incoming sources. It'll stop one source\server from constantly trying to reach the destination server from reaching the actual software(l2j\l2off). But if the volume is greater than your port or NIC - then it's completely useless. If one source and some packets is enough to deadlock a program - the program is bad. And another software\application to handle that is just wasting even more resources on the hardware due to overhead. Doesn't L2J have a packet filtering on each socket anyway?
  13. Rollover check on the explevel checker function on ccreature\user table. Can't be fixed without the simplest of small code checks - but coding nonetheless.
  14. lin2log isn't a standard DB. Atleast not that i remember - if your using the log server it's a mismatch of the arguments send by the logserver and\or dll on cacheD that's trying to send it. Hence why stating your problem, version, dll and other crap is important. Else it's impossible to figure out if it's a native error or coded error from an ext.
  15. If your 100% sure the procedure exists, your odbc is connecting to the wrong DB in your SQL instance. Short of cacheD dll trying to call some procedures with wrong arguments, altho the errors suggest otherwise.
  16. How the fuck can you set a l2server up and not know what protocol is? Jesus. Stop connecting with a GF system.
  17. No one has it reworked, and no one will do it. because there's 4 people that would have the ability to do so. You not included. Pay up for ANY mod resembling l2j or learn assembly to write your own mods.
  18. No one will care, but ask smeli if he has a clean copy of meifu or sina files.
  19. Name another server using Asima.ws files. There isn't. It's corrupt Innova employees running those servers most likely.
  20. Try and read(Are you replying to me, or to sunbeam?). He says it's nothing to do with imbalance of custom gear, but the fact it looks shit. You say: Star Wars = +16 glow mania Which has NOTHING to do with CUSTOM GEAR, but more the enchant rate and how env.int is handled. Which is it?
  21. So a star wars server is what? Badly Animated\Texture Custom Armors? It's fine if they look good, but not if they look bad? ...what?
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