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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. If you can't post errors correctly, you really shouldn't be messing with a computer. What are you doing ? What programs? What is telling you the error? Screenshot?
  2. So you'll quit trying to pretend your an l2off dev and stop trying to make bad l2off servers? Else i've lost.
  3. Wow, you can't even write english. :D or make 1 point. Or defend yourself. You just whine and tell me to not speak. How about adressing my actual points genious? Learn basic L2Off, before pretending to be someone. The fact your don't acknowledge me, also shows you don't know who's left in the l2off scene, or how we began/evovled. Meaning your a copy paste kid. You can't even do AI. Make this. - NPC Gives 5000 adena to talker, if talker currently has Might as an active buff. Simple, come on. You should quit, you will never learn anything and your only damaging the precious little reputation L2OFF has left. Please, i beg you. Go to L2J - people are atleast expecting crap like this there.
  4. How come l2j people can't even look at the official l2j fork and see systems are there, before they start whining on every forum on the planet? Fuck -_-
  5. You should learn to develop first before making such a statement. Your at complete mercy of fr3d/kation - when you can open an interlude without them - then it's worth something. I'll put my left nut down, on anything you do - is probably included if they buy fr3d/kation (Which they'll have to short of using a cracked pack).
  6. /********************************************************************************* L2Ex[C5] © 2007-2008 RiVaL Productions (www.rivalproductions.com) **********************************************************************************/ hahahaa doesn't this bring back memories. Seems to be a collection of 2 things mostly: RiVaL's more or less ripped from Mcrabben(If memory serves), C5 Ext - which doesn't seem to fix anything. and also the other China Guy's Ext. There were 2 China Extender developers back in the c4 days.. Ezme/Ezasm and some guy i forgot. His ext being the L2ServerC5/Host.dll's He got fairly far, fairly fast but somehow stopped. ahh memories!
  7. AI can be used - there's a user enter world handler or something isn't there? EDIT: yep, USER_CONNECTED handler. or hook EnterWorld ..and User::ShowHtml simple.
  8. Also a relatively harmless log playwise. Won't really affect shit. Increase zone size or move npc spawn area inside zone.
  9. Clearly you didn't do what your said correctly, or your using some weird ext that has issues with l2npc. They are relatively harmless , unless it's a memleak that will stop spawning count in the npcmaker. Redo your work or share your work.
  10. LOL Grow some balls. IF i'm wrong do this on a random L2J server. Don't do this on Sublimity OR nostalgia or anything "big". Clearly your little girly feelings get upset, when fortuna doesn't consider sublimity anything special. Else your just secretly advertising like a little bitch. And you CANNOT deny that, pure fact. Feel free to prove me wrong ;)
  11. So like Viral Marketing for Sublimity. ...by telling players L2 is totally dead and they should make this their final server. Major fukkin fail - (Yet of course it will be allowed). Idiot Admins - and players who eat up their shit - you are the ones that killed l2. You played bandwagon and did the typical religion move to coerce others into your beliefs of what's right and what's not. (INT is awesome, c4 is awesome, GF is awesome, blabla). Maybe it is dying, but it's only cause you as players killed it. You didn't stop and form your own opinions about a server, about a project. You don't even know the game well enough to figure out what's retail and what's not... If anything, any intelligent l2 player that LIKES playing, would boycut this and stop up - think - and support the few admins that actually still try and invest time into their servers. If you want to show support for that server you loved - then find or better yet.. DEMAND a server that has what you loved in the old days. Demand something more than X Chronicle with "Insert Private L2J Server Fork / L2OFF Extender here". Else nothing will change. oh ps Sinnocent: "I'm not trying to make you play the server" Love that line - because in the next you ask the community to do just that. We have words for types like you, where i come from ;)
  12. That part is obvious. The part where the original owner for the past ...5...6 years? not being there isn't however.
  13. Then i will have patience. Respectful answer. ...but please don't make another failed P'n'P server causing more pain to the L2OFF name. It's suffered enough thru Fr3d\dvamp\kvoxi and the idiot admins that are given oppertunities they should never have. So will expect some ground up dev work, now that you say you can ;)
  14. BS. You've done nothing. You just mention buzzwords. What unique thing have you done that will make you different(Besides being L2MXC)?' Your complete lack of explaining anything intelligent you did, and staying from any technical term - makes it pretty clear your a bloat handed twat. You can probably barely change numbers in files -_-. ...but then again - you don't actually have to do any developing - do you ? ;) Just have to set rates and ask fr3d... PS: "we developed a unique server economy totally balanced for donators and players which is the main problem of the other servers." PROTIP: Not the problem of other servers. PROTIP2: "I've developed a complete new unique way to begin the construction of a much improved way in regards to maintaining a uniquely balanced way for the user to begin understanding why we're in better shape on the subject of balancing how you obtain the ...." Do not just add a shitload of words together trying to explain your product/feature, without any description of what actual said product/feature does ;) It makes you look really dumb.
  15. So your buying everything, yet need some random dude to make a new Nick and be a L2MXC dev? I find it kinda funny.
  16. Ill bite. PM me, and lets see what you have ;)
  17. skill 2099. altho i believe, the different escape_mode buildercmd/EscapeMode l2server.ini are settable there from 1 ot 4. one of em should change to 2100, which is 1 sec. Or something like that, can't remember tbh. Just give them a SOE skill instead, same thing.
  18. Because there's 3 groups(4 total people) of people left that can do what hes asking for l2off. That's why.
  19. Then they're there, and your a blind idiot. or check AI class for what is actually called and if it' really is multisell. It's simple.
  20. You don't really know the difference between l2off/l2j, do you? Set Html Caching to off, while developing and messing with htmls. Altho recommended to be on, for live use. Actually never measured the overhead of caching off - other than the massive clog annoyance on console.
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