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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Same way you do it on C4 or GF. Infact you using native GF - you should look around. Use search - if you fail the logic of adding npcs\multisell\shops, you shouldn't be running l2off.
  2. No. Make it yourself - there's a few packet differences from 83 you will have to fix \ support. Make extender or use GF 83.
  3. No it hasn't. 9 years counting KR. Stop being a moron and look up public information. Also congrats for this; You:"I've played it for 12 years!!!§½1½1½1½1½!" Me:"It's not been released for that long, it's been released for 8" You:"ACTUALLY DUDE IT's BEEN RELEASED FOR 10!!" Wanna contradict yourself more while your at it?
  4. Impressive you've played a game released 8 years ago - for 12 years. You must be super insanely good at L2 O.o
  5. despite the fact that he has only 1 post, he is a trusted seller, i made business with him on epvpers. A+++
  6. Yes - the files that LEAKED from the OFFICIAL SERVER. That you somehow made better. Prove it - instead of BS. How exactly did you ... make files that are Retail LEAK PERFECT - better ? You even made this lame idiotic name - because your main name is probably known as a massive scammer (And\or completely clueless in l2off).
  7. They're freely shared you fukkin gimp. Do not buy something that is free -_- I should just give up and let idiots buy anything l2off - cause they're retarded. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=206481.0 http://www.l2devs.net/forums/showthread.php?t=68
  8. If your asking about a feature in a extender - go ask the creator. duh. If your asking if such feature exists natively....it doesn't.
  9. That's not entirely true. OpenPP is a good start :P
  10. I would find a capable PHP\CSS dude - and do a bit of work yourself. Find out what he needs to access to retrieve said information and how to encrypt passwords when inserting to db etc. Tell him - he'll do it. Now find out how to design the second part - and by action give an item to a player IG by cacheD. And then make a plan on how you want to store the data. EG; Should there be a storage pool on the web with info - or should it just directly add items to the character. Do some work yourself - and any intelligent php dev can fix things for you fast (Bare in mind, aesthetics\design requirements as well).
  11. That's the point - you can't. It stopped being developed by Bake - probably over 4 years ago.
  12. You can't. Simple. Unless there's some cracked version - that i'm somehow not aware of.
  13. Yes. Take a look at constructor classes inside IDA for sizes and references.
  14. Setup MSSQL. Run DB Scripts. Confing .ini's in each Daemon's folder (Usually only has to be done, if using offsite authdaemon or cached etc else everything is local anyway). Make ODBC (file dsn) - and make sure they're in the 64bit program files aka not x86. (CacheD being 64bit as well in GF). edit Lin2DB.dbo.server , add entry for your servers. Done.
  15. The Guide never tells you that it will name functions - it will only find the strings used by the L2SERVER_GUARD\CrashGuard to make Lin2Error debug info. IDC is IDA's "script" language - google it. If your missing the actual strings - go to StringTypes - change from ansi to Unicode (option 6), close Strings Tab, alt+f12 again to reload unicode strings. Problem solved.
  16. ....you expect IDA to analyze and research everything for you? There's a reason no one learns this in L2 (and probably other MMO's too). You need to map stuff yourself - and if your well versed in IDC script you could write one that: 1. Fetches said strings 2. Renames the function within to said string. Alternatively find a c4 func list - and write a simpler IDC script to rename functions. (Which all of us do).
  17. I'm intrigued tell me - i think you went the Last hit route rather than most damage :P
  18. Missing some fields - depending on your own interpretation, they could be vital or they could not be.
  19. Edit: was thinking of - offlineshop from roxaz my bad. The mem leaky one :P Didn't know anyone shared an AutoPickup System.
  20. Your are a fukkin moron - and i did something i never should have done. Trusted you - because i got a decent experience onetime from here recently. Then i trusted you - a random MXC idiot. One who cannot understand basic computing works. One who expects me to edit basic npcdata - because you can't read text or do basic math. One who PAYED for a Open COEP\PP - without the 64bit EXP fix + level 85 extensions from some random dude on MXC. (That should have warned me not to do anything - but perhaps after my good experience, i was a little too trusting in ze internet). No one says i'm a scammer - because i've never traded with anyone. I've done work for perhaps 5 people over the years - and i know those 5 people. You don't - and neither does anyone else. You will never open a HB OFF server without bugs - because no one is left to fix them for you. And trust - i will be there to take it down ;)
  21. ...did you ever consider posting what he must do? Such as do crappy shit for you - since you can't even do basic copy paste of AI or html. And then write stuff you for free - while you don't pay. Secondly you spend money on the first idiot who comes with a ancient PP HB pack from MXC. I'll look forward to your "live thing".
  22. Petre's scriptmanager builds from manual_pch for precompiled header ID's. This in short means that ab_root or whatever the definition for abnormals in manual_pch is - is not present in yours. This doesn't mean you can add new abnormals this way - you still need l2server support of course. But update your manual_pch - and also make sure it's not a custom abnormal if you dont have the support for it.
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