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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. check pm - or l2devs.. instead of asking to pay people for simple shit - just state the current problem your at. setting up is fairly simple.
  2. I think i might have misunderstood you. You want the PLAYER BUFF to be cancelled by an NPC (RB's in this instance) - if player casts skill and is near RB? Then you'll need to write a routine wether by extender or AI - that checks players buffs for said skill\abnormal and casts a skill based on it. You also need to get your brain working - because it sounds like you misunderstand what @Debuff actually does. the pch_name you give it - means it gets casted on certain conditions defined in the AI classes. Doesn't mean "Cast it constantly" all the time. secondly - you can't just invent abnormal slots. You need support for it by Extender\external code.
  3. How can someone that can't read - do anything on L2Off ? ;) No one hired me to do anything with max level - but feel free to sound like a desperate 15 year old MXC kid....again. Also i would like to hire you to make 24 buffslots on C4 for me - lets go! When will you finish? @calgar: Well considering the error AuthD is throwing that's its failing to read any entries in dbo.server and your 100% SURE there is an entry. your ODBC might be failing because of 32bit vs 64bit (cacheD\authD c4 is a 32bit programt). so: To setup an ODBC link for 32bit application you must use C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe (Using ODBC from control\search will start the 64bit syswow64 path application). remake and make sure they're in the default path for old xp\2003 kernels. and not in "documents" folders for newer kernels. Problem is first time AuthD\CacheD start they ask for ODBC and user\pass - and then save the info in the registry. So if you've run authD\CacheD before it will use the old values from the first time in the registry. Are you sure AuthD is ONLY reporting that error and not other SQL errors on startup? Are you sure SQL is correctly setup with protocols in SQL Configuration Manager? Are you sure there's a correct entry in lin2db.dbo.server? Are you sure ODBC wasn't configured in registry before - trying to connect to another DatabaseName? (Screenshot plix). or, gimme TW access when im home i'll find your error.
  4. Use attr_death the same way - c4 used to block i_death on Zzoldagu\Boss. Secondly - just adding a random skill and making it disable an abnormal type of the previous skill while adding it to the raidboss AI cast list is kind of.... semi retarded. If you don't know what the param debuff does - don't try use it as a solution. look up the RB passive skills and how skills using lethal hits\i_death is attributed and block it that way. (Short of it doing it by an extender of course).
  5. Actually he shouldn't do that - because he's using authD - not hAuthD! And a super pro like you would know that AuthD isn't string based but ODBC based therefor there are no user\pass configs to SQL. right? Or are you just gonna flame back cause your think your pro because you can copy paste AI scripts for people in L2Off ? ;) @Caglar: Check your lin2db.dbo.server table and that there's a entry corresponding to your local server. (Assuming ODBC is done correctly). Also are you by any chance using the Smeli's c1 packs and using the old connectionstring ways?
  6. sounds like you have not much knowledge - and just want to be babysat. In that case go buy from dvamp or kation\vangath. If you on the other hand have grand custom plans - l2off platform wise ain't really a smart choice.
  7. There's C1, C4 & GF. That's what leaked directly from ncsoft - for c4 obviously all you need is the leak itself. Most "packs" are based on C1 and by grunt assembly\extender work slowly upgraded to c2/c3/c4. Therefor don't get any pack - just get a plain c4 download from somewhere. (else' ill up it if ya want). Let me assume what your trying to do is technicly the same as what one aCis was guy was doing. Getting at the core root of how things are calculated. For example if you take the function that as a base is used to calculate magic damage cast from skills - you'll find plenty of values in script data. such as i_m_attack;4646 - but what use is the 4646 value to you if you don't know that turns into damage in other end? You won't really get that without serious research into the binaries.
  8. No one said it makes any sense for any logical individual - but possible it is :P
  9. Why can't i do this? You can't even set max level 99 on GF files. See i can do it too.
  10. Yeah - once you actually reply to logic and what i ask we could go on. Actually scratch that! - you did! Fully saying your apparently the last remaining GANGSTA DEV! yo! why u gotz to devz dat shit mayn when u just getz da pack and kation doez all brah. I getz free mayn! While i appreciate your cander towards honesty and facts about your ineptitude in developing - feel free to use them outwards towards others as well. So i think i'm done - if you wanna keep looking crazy keep going.
  11. Just like the GiveItem1 func will be called on each mob - at a certain point in the code. Further up that chain will always be a RAND call that determine wether or not the player gets lucky. In this instance, rolling a 100 dice and if less than 10 = success. All checks for quest\item requirements are usually done before. L41660 push_event // gg push_const 632 add fetch_i push_const 100 func_call 218169344 // func[Rand] shift_sp -1 push_const 10 less branch_false L41663
  12. ....are you like secretly trolling me by completely openly admitting your a dumbass and can't do anything because you don't have to when others can be payed to? Cause DAMN if not.
  13. ....what? Did you just type stuff and hope i'm a moron that baits? Your not that good a diverting attention. You should you know - do you own files someday and be willing to learn like februar28. Instead of being fairly useless and big mouthed and showing it. No one ever wanted to learn... sheesh. @Februar28: Check and find some of the Open PP\ COEP files. It would teach you a ton about the structure and how to hook and so on. Classes Research \ Offsets would have to be manually updated. but it wouldn't hurt to ask if you need anything :)
  14. Well for one your calling your npc definition - something it's not npcdata or atleast in npcpos. secondly it doesn't exist.
  15. That's just retarded sighed. Of course he can change the drop chance - find the rand call and change the max vars and cmp to match your percentage. It's just really really annoying when each quest has 3 to 10 mobs - and takes time. Secondly - there's no way to do it by ext unless i've completely lost it. AI Code does not differentiate from givingitems by quest, by newbie, or anything else. If you change ammount by direct function calls (l2npc or l2server) everything would be changed. Same for trying to hook the AI engine or changing the RAND func in l2npc.
  16. ironicly your a dumbass n00b with a big mouth - who'd have broken cycles, aug stacking, dupes and instance saving issues if someone didn't code and sell it to you for GF And then you go on to call COEP "broken" without even understanding what it was meant to be. Which is the exact opposite of you - fyi. I geuss you'd have to actually know and think logicly to find that ironic ^^
  17. Removing script data sure is easy. Using someone else extender cause your incapable of fixing any bugs - seemingly hard. There will be tons of small things from vitality to the calculations changed. The question is - if the stupid playerbase will ever notice actually. Id prefer the control COEP offers - but you'd need to you know have alotta experience and knowledge of l2npc\l2server\cached structure and ability to learn ASM fast to change anything beyond the scope COEP offers. But GF might be the fastest option for a scraped version.
  18. Each monster has it's own dropcode - change each dropcode for the specific item to not include the rand() calculations in ai.obj.
  19. Doesn't exist dumbass. C1 - C4 - GF has leaked. (H5 - GOD) are supposedly private with russians. Rest is extenders.
  20. In script folder. I have no idea what you want to edit - so you might wanna state what to help get more precise answer instead of just blurb general stuff.
  21. It made no logical sense due to the HEAVY requirements on subsystem IO\cache and memory in the past many years. But if your server of choice is some Dual Socket 6-10 core + threads monster with 128gb ram. well- then it could be make plenty of sence. Albeit a IO\Cache speed issue would arise alot sooner by N^Players with a Virtual system than a dedicated one.
  22. No. Although i'm sure people would love it - if you did.
  23. oh n00b me - i forgot anarchy even publicly shared it. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=183383.0 Freya Info(which works for c4) on the superpoint structure.
  24. I recommend you learn abit before just being a pussy and asking for help because it's requires 2 minutes of thinking in general.... 1. Superpoint has an internal format - research it or pesker someone that bothered. I can't remember if anyone did tho - probably not outside closed sources. I don't deem you the research type - so your a tad outa luck here. 2. AI. Go research. Find the archetype AIs and maker classes for 4s - look at script event code and find the timing checks. Change numbers to match desired "run time". 3. Thirdly, your comparing your own GF AI vs C4 AI. Showpage GF: 235012165 Showpage C4: 184680516 Your first part contains functions only availeble in GF and therefor it is not possible to use those functions in AI script. (AddPCSocial, SetPCLevel, UpdatePledgeNameValue - but ironicly you use C4 offsets\ids for vars\functions ala showpage). There is no public GF compiler\decompiler - and since everyone is a n00b i'm geussing you bought a GF pack that fixes the few errors GF has. Ask in the forum there for a compiler\decompiler. Fourthly - there are no differences between structure of GF vs C4 ai stack - they're identical. Only changes are possible params to functions and IDs. If your smart youll check all functions in your given c4 code for changes in GF - and move them to GF IDs (With corresponding extra params if neccesary). This is time consuming - but only option short of using the online compiler crap kation\denis\fr3d deliver. That or actually learning AI Stack by itself - it's not that complex if you "cheat copy pasta" checks and function calls.
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