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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Your dbo.server has LAN IP set. Set it your WAN ip. If you want to connect locally on the same OS with a client, you need to do... something Which i've forgotten at this moment. doh.
  2. Can't really locate bladeservers. They're too expensive to thwat off to mainstream Bulk Dedicated hosting for non serious customers. (That's us). Between getting proper storage from a SAN, a Blade Enclosure and blades.. thats' a hefty cost comparing to a bunch of rack servers. Most aren't bonded with drives and access storage via Fibre Channel SAN's. Most are used in terms of virtualization because of the small size and much ram utility with newer Processors. (Perfect for VM Cloud hosters with small "virtual" servers in quantity, or a larger company's internal organization). You can't really effectively protect against DDOS, you can only hope whatever host you choose - out of interest for their customer decides to help out. A real dedication to migrating a DDOS attack will cost you... ouchies knows how much. At the same time shellbooters are minimal ddos, so finding a good host that generally doesn't BOOT they're customers if they're attacked is key - and those who might help a bit. Most likely however they will have very outdated hardware, rarely capable of getting more than 16 GB ram due to the limits of the memory controllers on old processors. So for running GF, it's going to be expensive if you want the full deal.
  3. Depends what "platform" your on. C4 requiers nowhere near the ammount of memory access comparing to Gracia Final leaked Daemons. You can rent cheap dedicated boxes with +8gb of memory, left and right. Any of those will be MORE than enough to run probably +2k players. What matters is Disk I/O and Read/Write. Getting fast disks (15k SAS disks) and lots of ram. GF is another venture, in raw testing only i've come a bit too close to utilizing 16 gb of ram than i'd like. I can't imagine running a Live server without atleast 24 GB, just to be sure. L2Server will never ever utilize any processors full resources at any time, imho, so it's almost irrevelant as long as you get a Deneb/Thuban(AMD) or Nehalem(Intel) ++ in terms of microarchitecture. I think even less will do. Max 300 USD a month, for a server if not half that will do probably. DDOS is another matter, unless you piss off the wrong people or your known as a dumbass, i wouldn't worry too much. Thats without buying complete p'n'p packs from Fr3d/Kation of course.
  4. Look up frost. Look up how many people play on RU Retail vs leaked hFive RU servers. (Not counting l2j or GF at all) When the private servers which only has rates changes get more players then retail which is free 2 play, you can bet your ass something is not being done right. IF anything this might be good.
  5. A little polish boy with a WHITE PRIDE custom forum title. Little Waldek - shouldn't you pick battles big enough to matter, small enough to win? It might make you more succesfull in whatever you want to do in the "scene".
  6. Best @ cleaning up any non positive remarks. This will be the ultimate cash cow, so everyone get your money ready. I fully recommend this server.
  7. You might wanna explain better what you want, or what's in store for the "dev". Else you'll attract someone who'll whine and knows shit - or tell you something can't be done. Or overcharge for it.
  8. He's a good guy for anyone who's dumb and can't do anything themselves. ...so it fits yes.
  9. absolutely nothing based on your picture. but you too retarded to see that.
  10. read a guide. Really, or look around at the configs availeble.
  11. TL:DR Summary: Vector wishes to sell somethnig that consists of freely leaked files and a dll(extender) addon that will require a new license($$$) - while still maintaining he did a shitload of work on the "pack" without hinting any indiciation as to what work is done. Welcome to Maxcheaters.
  12. I'd reckon somewhere between 40k-60k of cold hard US dollars could do it.
  13. .... Maybe give more info or just quit it altogether.
  14. I have knowdlege. You don't need to decompile anything, you need to mass replace numbers. But okay.
  15. Create a new skill with mixed effects from ultimate evasion/dash and add ai code to a buffer when player's hp is < 30%, and cast it? Yea, that's impossible, totally.
  16. What happened to sharing it Shakal? I also didn't know dling an epilogue client and pasting GF engine/proto is a client side system. Instead of buying this dl the freya script pack and take various areas and paste them in the GF pack, and your done.
  17. How more specific do you need to be? A kid bought a fr3d pack, and is now starting a server. (Please note features and fr3d's updates). He did absolutely nothing himself, since he's going "retail". And is using the same weak fr3d client protection as anyone else who bought his shiz. (I assume this, granted - but if you can't do the server part, you can't do the client). How is it unique? It's not. How is it managed by experienced people? It's not(I geuss if you count cashcow management abilities, it may be). If you wanna go further take this: Full server protection against dupes, exploits etc. Get him to name 1 single dupe(GF, not C4) and how to do it specificly - and show you as well.
  18. Another fr3d pnp server with cash hungry newbies. So yes. L2Off.
  19. What proof do you have it's hardware protection? Secondly (I know your technicly totally ungifted to do this) - but how do i know your not eavesdropping on the traffic and sniffing the keys gaining all info you need from acc's, chars to password?
  20. Why would people buy from a random person on a forum known for 12 year olds - and especially such as sending all your traffic to him (gg all accounts)? Really? Welcome to mxc.
  21. Server will be "crashed" because you and everyone else are 12 year olds with no knowledge, therefor cannot fix anything. You don't need to.
  22. Ill broker a deal for you. 100.000 US Dollars however and possibly a flight to moscow. Still interested ?
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