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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. 1. What? 2. So your module which has obsolete security fixes and some custom mods - vs a complete interlude near complete hellbound extender written for 2-3 years. And the latter one is the worth less ? Really? dVamp just woke up one day and said ?" -beep- that ill give all my shit to fred!". Grow up. Just you wait, anyday now Kvoxi will share all his shit with me - and i'm gonna make Mac2NextGuardExDev. And it's gonna because of a l33t partnership - not cause i gave him anything of anykind. 3. You asked me along with everyone else. I already had skill parsers, and kamael extensions before you did it for my exe. Every Offset you did and how you did it, is useless to me after you did it anyhow. Get it in your head dumbass. I even have old msn logs of us talking about it. Stop trying to distort everything, use real facts and counter arguments. If PP was down i'd refer to the infamous thread where fyyre/roxaz accused me of the same shit, yet after sharing my way and source had to shut up. 4. Really? Why not make Depmax free for download? Oh wait.. taht'd hurt your money flow. 5. Well you see, we're not all born under same conditions - and some have it more rough than others. My problem has always been your holier than thou attitude - which you still keep up. You use excuses and mask the fact you want cash from your work. Fair enough you want cash for it, it's your work. You however change policies, and cloud the reasons for people to buy and use you. Which has culminated in such epic fact that people give you god status for not doing that much for them. 6. What exactly have i EVER used from you? Please name it. How am i the dual faced guy - for wanting you to stop pure misconceptions about yourself. You don't want to, they benefit you, benefit your project, benefit your wallet. Have balls dumbass. "Oh those exploits are fixed in the latest dvampire - but buy my security module anyway! it has a DLL add on to a application firewall - which as we know is 100% effective." Oh no lets create small custom mods and focus it on that now! 7. Name them please. Please do name the, even if private. I don't expect anything. That ship sailed. I expected(past tense underlined here) you'd be an adult by now and atleast not look the other way as people give you credit for something you did not do. From the early start of Depmax where you worked for everyone even remotely interested in l2off, to how it now has become a near obsession to keep the dollars rolling. A full leak is needed to reset everything. 3rd time's the charm to build a community with certain order and rulset.
  2. Fotislol Your a stupid idiot. Are you a developer? No. Have you developed an Extender? No. Do we sell extenders ? No. Name one dupe exploit caused by native L2server code that kvoxi hasn't fixed, fr3d has. You can't - period. Run latest Fr3d(Dvampire *cough*) vs latest Kvoxi(NextDev/La2Guard) with 1000 Active Sockets. See who crashes first, it ain't gonna be kvoxi. Features? What Features does AdvExt(Again dvampire + fr3d custom crap module) - have that La2Guard doesn't ? None. Lets not count offlineshops and olympiad changes and all this custom crap kids thought of. Let's instead measure up against retail. Secondly, DO not speak of shit do you do not know. Fr3d asked for sourcecode for a PRIVATE PROJECT from everyone he bloody could for Open PP. People shared, created a base - then pulled a 180 and shared EVERYTHING. Why? So he could get credits to download shit on PP - when it wanted leecher policy to prevent anyone from downloading everything. Who kept updating it? fr3d? -beep- no, several people even some who were just trying to learn and do small extenders. What happened once fr3d got what he wanted ? - Back to depmax - back to cash. Back to lost Car, Computer x 5495049504 - please buy i need money :C Thirdly Fotis retard - NO extender on the known MARKET is based of Open PP. Ezme/Ezasm never was. Kation/Vangath has his entire own(Which stability functiontionality wise kicks dvampire/advext imho). Kvoxi has his entire own aswell with god knows how much rewritten by himself. You know what's saddest? That i'm trying to enlighten people in this forum full of absolute unintelligent 12 year olds, who like to get stuffed in the ass.
  3. What does fred have to do with anything? O.o? For those interested.. There are no other files - no daemons, no other database scripts or anything. They leaked "encoded" from an updater fault from NA/EU Retail for bout 1 hour or so - in late oct/early nov. Only people who win here is La2Guard/Nextdev/kvoxi and very smart L2J people. (If any left).
  4. Such coding skills as opening the source and seeing clear plain text comments about hooks for dvamp exe and "native openpp" exe side by side?
  5. Or learning why it happens, and then fixing it proper. Trade dupes occurs because of the temp itemlists that are created during trade. ANYTHING that modifies a TRADEABLE and STACKABLE item during a trade (Where trade copies a temporary inventory item list over) = dupe. Such as.. moving item to pet inventory, watching olympiad matches when it cost money (modifying adena), Using a soulshot(soulshot consumes X of itself), using any Item that consumes itself etc etc etc. Even a Skill that consumes a specific item as requirement can be used to dupe, as long as that item is stackable. That's how it works. Now go think of new creative ways to do this. PS: Eagleboy - Your problem is hardware lag, and or coep being written badly. Most likely a combination. COEP is like L2J, openly contributed. While some work is done by people with heavy knowledge, some parts arent. Those parts can in the worst case scenario cause massive bottlenecks when code is executed many times. Also, i seem to faintly recall some sort of ASPD limit in C4 - also some problems with the algorhythm not programmed to consider such high values. Maybe i'm wrong, and someone else can clarify.
  6. There are some geodata loading limits - that it won't load and crap out errors with. If it's steel citadel specificly can't remember But hopefully you'd know by startup load errors if your geo for steel citadel doesn't load , or if you have it in the first place. Else, scary.
  7. C4 Leaks are optimised for windows 2003 and build for it. 2008 wasn't availeble when it was build. So yes. Certain fixes exist, but they ultimately cause memory leaks and crash stability on higher pressure(Or so people say).
  8. Alternatively use brain and remove the affected class. Take it out manually and figure out why it breaks (new dvamp events, functions and then change to some working id to get in nasc form).
  9. I can't quite remember if the i7 processors matter. You could ask yourself what kind of hosting company your at, when they offer you servers with consumer/desktop based processors in their servers in the firstplace(Read - shitty). Nehalem based processors work fine in the Xeon lines, so i don't see why the i7 shouldn't. There could be, knowing intel, be some instruction set differences, causing l2server or any extender to go poop. Which would require lots of manual research to figure out where and change it proper. Second of all, software raid is retarded if your going for HD write speed(which is one of the bottlenecks, atleast in heavy demanding populated l2off servers) - and you'll never ever NEED 3 tb of space. (nor more than 12 gb of ram, at an ansolute max). It's more than enough to run an L2Off server, with the exception of win2008. Since you'll probably never go above 500 or 1k constant players - unless maybe if you get the hype factor from the dumb l2 kids who like to bandwagon every 3 months.
  10. Core.dll mod required. C4 Isn't compiled to run on vista/7. Try search for it or try some c4 servers with it. Or even fyyre?
  11. sysstring-e + htmls + one of fyyre's dlls for unicode support for the correct chars :) start translating.
  12. That's because you a lazy dumb kid who didn't search. If you did youd find answer to your questions.
  13. A filter is not exactly a firewall. Here's a little lesson for all the kids in l2j and l2off and the ddos protection that extenders provide. Imagine you have a tunnel that fits 2 cars at a time per second. If you send down 4 cars to it a second, we get a traffic jam, or a "denial of service" for the tunnel. If we however put up some police and check/stop before the tunnel that rejects cars made in america, we might however cut down the traffic to 2 cars a second. However again, if we then get 6 cars, and the police/check/stop can only filter half or 2 cars - we again have a block. No matter how much you put infront of that tunnel, it can be blocked and ddos can occur. The difference is where it occurs. If your machine has 59435094054 ram, and you use 10000. There's no reason not to reject and control the traffic at your server - wether network level, Windows/os level or even in l2server/extender. Sameway if you buy a super duper cisco firewall, with an amazingly fast cpu and a throughput of 500 Mbit. If someone sends 1000 mbit - the cisco dies and so does your tunnel(l2server). There will always be a bottle neck.
  14. No, not even the slightest sense. Good BR fail tho. That disables ip filters for ips logging on a builder defined Character. Nothing of which he asks. Login flag, must be set to 16... or was it 0x16? one of the two.
  15. Seems extremely unserious. Fits for the l2j kids i geuss. If you wanted something serious, you should know the "scene" and who's kicking ass atm - contact them, and propose your vision and begin. If you yourself have no knowledge of a subject, how the hell will you judge them?
  16. As it says. ODBC cannot find your entire SQL server. Judging by your complete lack of any sort of troubleshooting skills: Remember to put ODBC information into the 32bit folder, instead of native 64bit. L2server = 64bit, CacheD = 32bit.
  17. Long ago in c1. Switching from l2j to C2 modded. I think 5 years ish ago - maybe 4,5?. Sina was out before Meifu i remember, and the korean files were not very user friendly. Not that i did much but changing a few numbers in text files ,and still managed to screw that up - alot too. I believe we called it L2Max. Infact later on Anarchy dropped by and displayed why not to open a cached port ;). (And that was before people thought of injecting via it - luckily - coulda completely lost a server there!).
  18. That's the problem. You don't answer to anyone. Neither do any of the kids, or the other l2revenge server for that matter. The sheep get so lost when they don't have any kind of way to establish any claim in l2off anymore. No one challenges anything cause no one really knows anything. Even in your earlier servers when you payed a certain someone to do some php scripts - even if you did check them - you probably wouldn't have noticed anything that smelled like foulplay It's a sad circle.
  19. Yes however, you gladly take credit for something you didn't do. And features that aren't done by you. If dvampire wasn't publicly known or kation/vang you'd prolly say you created it all yourself. Now that it is public, your just marketing features and ever so avoiding the question if you actually did anything yourself. Hence the point - nothing but money hungry famewhores left to run servers. That's however mainly cause there's no players left worth running a server for, but that's another matter. And if you actually just wanted a good interlude server, you'd create one - not rip off a ton of server's build up name and credit to the playing base.
  20. Thats' funny cause creating a new monster, linking a Texture model to it, and making it drop a few new items really does sound like it. Atleast GTH and his weird custom world really did custom things. If people applaud adding "more" to already crafted systems by ncsoft (wether they do it balanced or not) amazingly custom - you really can't expect much can you? It's not like ANY of the "custom servers" go for create completely new gameplay (As much as it now is possible) ideas that are fun. Or give people extra choices how to "grind" trade advance or supply a need to make choices how to move through the game - as compared to grind, level, belittle your opponent.
  21. An actual developer. Not that kids would know anything bout the history of l2off or the scene ;)
  22. What's funny is both sides claiming knowledge when they have none. That of course doesn't matter to the blind kids, the fanbois (of both sides mind you) or spectators. Oh woe is the l2off scene on both ends. It's like a real intarnetz soap drama - all live here!
  23. Did you consider searching, finding something extremely similar, learning and then changing a bit? oh wait i didn't serve everything on a silver platter. excuse me, ignore me!
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