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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. No, you need to stop being retarded kids and show you want to learn to those of us who are experienced. Then we'll probably share and answer any question - sometimes with full solutions. That's the whole reason no one shares - and now after ages of time? no one probably can.
  2. Hi i have 10-20 dollars(aka nothing). I have NO IDEA wtf im asking about, so please scam me of the little i have.
  3. A: Hi, i would like to learn how to make a calculator program! B: Here you go, here's a full source code for a calculator! Already compiled for you too! A: Thanks - i'm a programmer now!. Geuss which one you are dumbass? And geuss what you learn from it.
  4. I really hope you publicly advertise your server - so i can get my hands on it. Cause holy shit your an unintelligent baboon that does not search for his answers, or use logic. All you want is to play admin on a server, or generate cash. Jesus christ learn to look down.
  5. Protocol 800 doesn't exist for c4. (atleast to my memory thats c5/int? if not kamael). Change the serverside protocol instead? it's just a number check, nothing more.
  6. Wrong section. post in client section. all of the work is moving textures into seperate containers and putting in client. Then just adding some own armors serverside.
  7. Why would you want more than 100x normal adena rates. And no its not the max, no matter what you use. I geuss your just fairly uncreative in ways of changing things ;)
  8. Everything is market regulated. A fool and his money are quickly departed ;) If you ask for a drink, get milk - it's not the sellers fault if your lactose intolerant.
  9. Would but would require someone to spool resources. Testing is an integral part :) But with the current situation it would also be lopsided, it'd be one of the few of us left pooling most work. And then it's one short step to "if XYZ does most, why should all profit?(not in direct monetary sence, but overall)".
  10. Haven't had time to check the adress. Will tonight. As a big search area/parameter look thru any NPC <> L2Server information (Not sure there's that much in Open PP - if i remember correctly) And look for loose/bad pointers and so on. General memory no no's. Link to the SVN of the one you use snoweagle, ill dll it and check. Minideed: It' still freely availeble with quite alot completed for a framework - if anyone wanted to continue. Problem is the balls and brains to do so seem lacking :)
  11. You have no idea what your posting do you? Check specificly where it crashed, and what function lead up to it. Is it inside dll or l2server? Threadlog gives good insight, but always check. See if some of them would be suspectible to any form of overflow/crash situation. Then you can determine wether its direct dll code, or some data passed from dll to l2npc makes it boomeloom. and then make proper checks to ignore when it is.
  12. Actually it has 1 that be accessed several ways, but 1 hook/check to stop em all. Comm servers haven't been updated and touched since c4 leak. therefor many don't use them - coupled with the injection issues early on and no one able to fix it proper. Second of all the L2J Comm board is horrificly different and nothing like the real thing. (Atleast i remember it was being that way since .. forever). If you however do want it, your looking at setting up the L2Comm servers.
  13. I FAILED TO FIND WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR IN "X"- THEREFOR IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT THERE. Maybe caps will illustrate your shortcomings - you'll learn from your mistakes, grow as a person and try different approaches - like asking in the correct forum from someone with expertise in the area you need.. Maybe not. EDIT:* Holy shit he did. Well props to you - maybe you could also search on the topic and get more information and solve it yourself.
  14. Try very hard to look for those names in your configuration files. and also try to look for files with the name event in it perhaps.
  15. i believe be wants client animation of healing skills/spells to disappear. Which technicly would be done completely by messing with your client skillgrps.
  16. Sorry would like you freshly stolen server files from ncsoft with that too - so you can try make some more cash with your crappy plug'n'play server?
  17. Would learning to actually do something and making it yourself be an option?
  18. Other than it was written specificly this way, not without examining everything myself for various crap you may also have. (Learn to check the official classifications of the skill for that chronicle). Use logic to figure out why THIS specificly is not working. Since it's not a general constituted error and configuration booboo. Is it the ONLY skill that does not save to database? Try different abnormals for fun. If it's the only skill that does this - i bet its the unique abnormal. alternatively switch effect parameters order.
  19. So skill works even after restart? And disappearance from buffline? pay attention to what im saying. If so, what's your problem? Probably just that p_self_resurrection is saved as single abnormal or some userinfo bool/int in dvampire. And still works based on how he injects code on user::ondie
  20. Then check your cached commands when it's saving, something has to error out. buff appears on buff line when you cast, but the minute you restart it disappears. Does the effect still work? pre/post restart?
  21. An a2 skill with a defined abnormal will automaticly be saved. So something more is wrong if that's not working.
  22. What exactly does that have to do with packets and opcodes? It's fairly simple for just adjusting the limit in the first definition of abnormals(isn't it like 36 max abnormals natively?). If you wanna save them tho, that's where you'll need your own asynch connection to the database and a way to load them, or modify the cached <> both ways routines to save data :). Assuming you use dVamp, it's gonna be more of a bitch, since you'd have to rewrite his part in memory, or hook to your own(after his) in cached/l2server.
  23. setparam undying 1/0 if i remember correctly.
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