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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. So you like the fact, you bought something you can find on this forum? For free? You bought a toy from him with batteries included. Yet, on the other side of the street the toy is free, excluding batteries. In essence you payed a shitload for batteries - is that what makes him a good dev? He gave you batteries? Because your too lazy or scared to find batteries somewhere?
  2. now post lin2error logs. and also, are you wise enough to figure out if cached is crashing or l2server or? either post all their lin2error logs.
  3. It's not a "problem", it always flushes mem before it crashes. GoodT, you cannot know this problem - since it LITTERALLY can be ANYTHING. Do you often ramble about stuff you don't have knowledge of? Post your lin2error logs, and possible console logs from before crash.
  4. If you want get it to zero, just always decrease by max lvl 78. simple. Since there's no EXP var/event in AI, it gets tricky if you want to decrease to level 40 or something else. That's where it's get tricky. I recommend your own small checks, with decreasing exp based on level. Kind of like a array, that's not an array :P
  5. BAAAAAAAW drama for kids who can't develop save their lives - instead buying from talented people. Then drama ensures about who has the best files from the talented people - to clarify who definately is the "shit". Awesome scene nowadays.
  6. Actually i think he just wants a html customized like that with buffs. Which can be done by simply ripping packets. Fairly easy. he'd have to of course connect AI proper, assuming it's not some simple PCH menu_select.
  7. So you want when ALL Boss Jewels are worn together, to give a Set Bonus ? Or are we completely wrong? Quickest way would for a manual fix would probably be equip/unequip item hooks, check slots and item id's - apply bonus if success. Since your looking at a set definition not done. I'll put my left nut however this is out of your range.
  8. I'll be annoying cause i believe it will actually help you further in the long run. As you said yourself, it's not npcdata. It is however in another npc something.
  9. Here's a tip, post in SPANISH/BRAZIL and someone will translate. cause that shit is messed up bro.
  10. Why don't you share that , working for most clients?
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=153661.0 dude. Your a kid trying to make cash of others work, sometimes even thru 3rd links and you CLEARLY have no IN DEPTH knowledge of what your dealing with. Atleast L2Off wise. So drop the whole "I never said i'm an expert crap". Just go look thru all your posts - and stop sprouting shit left and right. Your cornered now, are you a kid? or man enough to admit it.
  12. Anarchy, don't bother. Little Waldek like many others here, don't think beyond what others tell them. People see l2off as a mystery (probably alot of l2j as well, for any indepth coding) - instead of sitting back relaxing, and thinking systematicly. Probably cause they're children(under 18 k thx).
  13. Oh come on, atleast have balls fr3d. Nice one posting 30 secs apart. Seriously, wakey. Don't worry tho, doubtful anyone even notices if shouted into their brain.
  14. It's not implemented the way the skill effects were written in dvampire. Atleast not most cracked versions. You can search this forum, for some working but not optimal workarounds or learn enough assembly and studying of the dvampire.dll and add conditions yourself.
  15. Maybe because they're newbies and don't really know MYSQL? Or SQL in general? Maybe your one of them? MySQL has stored procedures (or routine's as they call them). A query with arguments, is a query with arguments. Wether you execute it yourself, or have something prepared in the database matters not. I'm sure however this is NEWS to you.
  16. Spoken like true idiot with no knowledge. Wether you use queries executed directly from your application or use stored procs inside the database matters not. It's TSQL and it's nearly the bloody same for EVERY single incarnation out there, postgre,oracle,mysql,mssql, etc etc. Shakal's comment made me laugh too. He's the same as everyone else who downloads a pack. L2OFF is chronicle 4 leak - in order to get further than that you'll need to look inside the application cause you have no source availeble (Well yet, who knows with NCSoft security it might not leak). You have to change already compiled code. This is where it goes wrong for 99,99999999999999999999999999999999%. How often is it that these files end up with a person with RCE/Assembly knowledge and knowing what to do, investing time into researching? Very very rare. How often do any of the people who get these files, begin to learn the the L2 Off daemons - and begin a well near impossible scaled task for somehow understading them, researching them and knowing enough assembly to start cross matching them and creating another application to rewrite the daemons? I'd say 0. The problem is not "L2Off is not supported lolz" - the problem is it's a closed enviroment from the start. Nearly anyone can learn BASIC JAVA SYNTAX and go change various elements of L2J , or if any public .NET/C# emulators. Who can write infrastucture, threading/pooling and memory management proper for this for l2j and their own emulator branch? Again 0. It's basic OOP for NASC/AI and for JAVA. Doesn't require much effort to get some results. Bothering to learn an application written for 1 platform, and changing it. Takes quite bit more effort even for the smallest results. Why doesn't anyone btw just see this is A HUGE COMMERCIAL for fr3d's buyout of dvamp? If it's not fr3d himself :D
  17. Somehow seriously doubt someone would write a keylogger and name the window application after a standard way of naming viruses by the big antiviral firms. Unless it some botnet pack/script, which is more likely. And your not going to get antiviral from simple non executables, aka noblesse ai. Unless you ran or accepted something odd as well. Logic. Track the name, watch processes and win services for some weird processes or starts ups, remove them along with their logical location. PS: Most likely the sality pack that's being sold on more illegal fronts. Any bigger AntiViral company has Server based antiviral software, however i doubt youll find some trial free stuff, since it's mostly sold business wise.
  18. Didn't know ODBC had ports. In general if you have problems, it always helps to say what it directly is for greater chance of being helped.
  19. So point out where it's flaws is. Unless you were just smash talking/lying.
  20. For Paypal: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=157278.0 Change this to support injections into the MYSQL database of your l2j server. Alternatively if L2J has some external command system(like cached admin sockets) rewrite it to use this. ExtraAlternatively google the millions of POC/CodeExamples on a telnet server in java and add it to your l2j server.
  21. I know everyone gets butthurt when they dont' get a fix directly. But fuck that . You can't even change numbers and test/try yourself in a text file?
  22. Frontpage currently has VIM asking for MONEY before the server has even OPENED. I don't know what to say. Whoever still trusts them has to be in denial. What happened to the old days? Running a server is a hobby project for whoever runs it. Hobbies cost some of your hard earned cash - period.
  23. Problem is not enough memory. Your not using a 64bit version of windows most likely - and l2npc can hog quite a bit. Quite a bit of difference from c1 spawned ammount of npcs and ai to handle to gracia on a 32bit limited application. I actually don't know if even a 64bit enviroment would fix it, since your still somewhat limited by the programs range. If your already in one, you can't really fix it except stop running c1 servers with that many npcs.
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