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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Open npcdata. go look at the above line as stated in the log. and find where the parser goes ghey, and fix it. Then check the entire npcdata for the same condition as it may have it multiple places.
  2. Probably because no one uses lotto, and some char/string in the bypasslink packet is being caught by dVamps string injection routine. You could inject your own code to stop it specificly for that string, or buy a newer version demanding it gets fixed.
  3. Make it. And the accompanying system to get ingame item(s) when giving you money.
  4. there exists some extender version ct2.3 from Kvoxi (La2Guard/NextDev/GuardEx). But they are not complete server wise nor script wise even closely compared to the leak naturally. Last i heard, he's lost all interest in l2 and is not developing ct2.3 for his customers. Search forum, many interlude cracked files from dVamp. There's old hellbound la2guard/nextdev/guardex and also 1 from dVamp. or the new one from fr3d which is basicly dVamp's modded a bit.
  5. Don't use weird dlls from .ru forums. 100% gonna have a backdoor - secondly the post is from me here in MXC in an earlier 2008 thread. Why switch adresses? Use dvamp adresses, use fixed base memory adress. something like "800 mill" or 1,2 billion adress. If it doesn't work, i can't see how it can't be that R2 of windows 2008 changed more. Unless you screwed up somehow, and have more dlls and so on. (Which i kind of still think a bit)
  6. Don't use weird dlls from .ru forums. 100% gonna have a backdoor - secondly the post is from me here in MXC in an earlier 2008 thread. Why switch adresses? Use dvamp adresses, use fixed base memory adress. something like "800 mill" or 1,2 billion adress. If it doesn't work, i can't see how it can't be that R2 of windows 2008 changed more. Unless you screwed up somehow, and have more dlls and so on. (Which i kind of still think a bit)
  7. C4. Ct2.3 leaked when some russkies supposedly stole it from the Innova (Russian Licensed L2.ru provider). Currently 3 servers use them rpgclub, graciafinal.ru and theonline.ru Fairly generally accepted those servers are real ct2.3, and they have managed to keep the leak to them sadly.
  8. Dumbass marko. Your using none DVAMP adresses. I didn't really notice til i read your code again by mistake since sandeagle posted what i told someone earlier in the forum. You've commented out the dVampire adresses for the win2008 fix, and instead let the normal open pp/c4 adresses be hooked. Which obviously won't work on dVamp exe. Switch adresses... bah.
  9. How exactly will that relate to his problem at all? Post your full code. Random base address or fixed? Try selecting a fixed unused adressbase in the project management. This used to cause me problems with quick fix dlls.
  10. Solution is - boot up without the WS 2008 fix, and note if it crashes during loading one of the scripts as it should on 2008. Boot up with fix, and note if the process doesn't even start but instantly exits, citing bad injection of code. Noting you fukked up - and that there's no difference from 2008 to 2008 R2. If difference exists, start researching(Yea, i know won't happen). Alternatively, downgrade would instantly fix it.
  11. If you have the newest version of dVampire properly licensed, this shouldn't happen. Try contacting fr3d since he bought out dvamp. Secondly the fix created is not for R2(released in 2010). It could be there's more poopoo's with the OS architecture in R2. In which case you'd need research to figure out where it is. Most likely however, it sounds like you fukked up the "fix dll", based on your error.
  12. Test it. While i'm 99% sure l2j auth server database is different - AND interdaemon communication is different. Maybe hint's could do it, but i don't see how it'd work with the differences in database and communication between processes that i bet no one has researched. You could of course just write your own, since it's just raw data that needs passing. If your talking 2 l2off, just add another server and done.
  13. Change the atomicdrop function rules, and make a vector with damage points on * CCreature objects. In other words, YOU, will never get it done. Pay someone with knowledge of extending/dll injection into l2server. (not someone who can just write dlls).
  14. GG is the class. AllocCodeInfoList is a function of GG. Learn general OOP and any modern language programming language.
  15. You want to know what commands does, or specific commands. Look at them, and what context they're used.
  16. Pic1: Nothing. Pic 2: Cached is trying to use said Stored Procedure, and failing cause it doesn't exist. Or it's connecting to the wrong SQL Server. Based on the fact your authserver is rejecting l2server's connection cause of a wrong config in dbo.server, it looks like you got some messed up internal network settings / ODBC / .ini configurations. Pic 3: Nothing is wrong, except l2server gets rejected by authserver due to wrong configurations. see above.
  17. I will laugh. Very hard. Because this just ask for it. Ha Ha.
  18. Learn english, please. You want a WEAPON, to do damage, but not let it show in client? In the info of the item, or in the system log?
  19. 1. bullshit, that was not how you started your project, stop pretending it is - cause you had to GIVE UP, cause you were unable to complete the chronicles. 2. c4 made it worse IS YOUR OPPINION. NOT the rest of the world. Certaintly NOT the developers of the game, who's choice it is. No matter what it would be EASIER to DISABLE features you don't like, than having to code some you don't know how to. Bah, smeli, i thought you were an adult.
  20. Your definately right there, smeli boy! Because ET, ZZCat, Ezme/Ezasm, and god knows how many other chinese people weren't privately developing in c1. And 99% weren't using extenders developed and then cracked/leaked by them. NO sirree! BS, as soon as people discovered there was money to be made, some people grabbed the chance (Human nature). C1, c4 or... ct2.3 whenever or if ever it finds its way to the public. Second it makes NO SENSE, to stay on c1 - and continue to build features already implemented in an newer version of the application leaked for everyone. Especially when in your case, you didn't even remotely finish any of the important features. Just kept adding newer client support. Why exactly you didn't do "C4 for all, smeli open project!" and reap the bloody benefits of newer more stable applications with more features? Your arguments have no connection comparing to what you wanted to achieve. And also give you a ton of more work - work you clearly can't handle alone. And now you yourself are going private - you shall teach someone c4(i hope to god, it wont be your c1 project) - instead of the fella trying himself and us PUBLICLY answering for all to see ;)
  21. Community contributed applications and code dying out. Let me... remember (WARNING!, perhaps not quite as i remember). There's the good ol php decompiler, if i remember correctly? And several compilers. These do not DIRECTLY MIX. Some use class::Function other's use class->function, therefor decompiling with sauron, and compiling with another will fuck it ALL up in the heezbeez. Note this. Also, all the compilers just compile into stack language without any checks for arguments and such. Therefor any newer functions could just be named as one of the rarely used messed up functions with correct arguments for dVampire new functions, and then manually changed on the function CALL Id.
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