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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. Well. Start your damn SQL server for one. :P (I can't imagine it's not, but just in case). Open up SQL Configuration manager and make sure the SQL Server service is started. Altho to me, it looks like Named Pipes are disabled(more common). In SQL Config manager, explore the services and make sure Named Pipes, are enabled (not just tcp/ip etc )
  2. make a query to lin2world. display result of said query in raw textform or super fancy artsy fartsy way. Really up to your design skills. Suggest looking into BASIC PHP and MSSQL queries. and/or finding probably several already made shiz floating around.
  3. He's the reason every one of you start interlude servers ;)
  4. use open pp. fix back to c5 packets. disable all newer shiz. more complete. more control than ET. but that require knowledge of course.
  5. Cause there is no "PPC" interlude. lotsa dvamp packs tho.
  6. setonetimequest others are for current memo controllers for quests that are active.
  7. 1. look thru gm commands 2. look thru ai, find the onetimequest var for the particular quest.. believe its '235', and then set by command. 3. look thru gm commands Seek the information, and you shall learn!
  8. ....so you burned an iso, checked that it's burned as an image....not a file. and you wonder why it doesn't show the normal windows "press key to boot from cd"? Did you bother to actually check how you boot order is? Edit: Are you trying to install it on your home machine?
  9. And the reason you'll never learn. You asked, you got an answer. And you made a retarded comeback instead of searching for the product, or more guidance. Fucks sake even so called "pro's" rely on others framework. bah, for you and everyone else. Knowledge will die and those of us from the "old days" will continue to have ever increasing field days.
  10. Hook it inside numerous places in l2server. Or specify more precisely what you mean.
  11. Tried actually googling CFF Explorer ? Maybe reading its product information on it's site on the FIRST HIT in google. It's a PE Editor. And what does it do? Amongst others allows you to rebuild import tables of libraries needed, or to be injected.
  12. There is a ampedx64 for dVampire, cypher made in the start for dex. This for really old vers however. However, what it does exactly should be countered by newer versions of depmax and the extender itself.
  13. If cps are insecure yes. start learning about injection.
  14. Everything is chained up to handlers in AI, in the deeper classes. teleport_Request calls teleport request handler which by standard loads the first teleport list defined by string name. just as the ask&reply id for nobless, calls menu_select and can then cause actions based on the checks of ask & reply. If you don't want to learn AI or even small mods... then don't run a server. Seriously arrogance galore. Better yet, set it up and point me to it. I'll take care of it.
  15. Oh boy.. lets hope i don't spam this time! 1. Learn AI/NASC, look at master classes for teleporters. The main "Teleporter" class for example doesn't support more than 2(3) standard teleports - predefined link wise.. Look thru AI. Youll have to map up AI with HTML accordingly. Ill have to actually recheck the standard practice before i'll comment further. May do that later. 2. They have they're own html parser. Actually can't remember, has to be possible tho... Isn't this more 'Nice to have' than 'need to have'? Find a server with colours in htmls, leech from packets. problem solved. 3. It's predefined and preset in castledata.txt in the bottom - sort of. Don't try specific days, c4 doesn't actually support that. Never bothered much with this, since SSQ dusk rewards amongst others needs to coincide timewise to work. Olympiad/SSQ/Castle Siege, in my oppinion mind you, aren't very... "flexible" without sprewing some side effect. Without hooking them directly inside l2server. 4. No idea wth your on about. Shouldn't set_castle_owner work with the AGIT identify wether, id or name. Youll have to prop up more info. Alternatively, kill cached, set up ownership in database, remove auction time in database. Boot up. 5. Limitations defined by extensions added to l2server. learn to read all ini's of the "packs" your using. And check if the item is sellable at all in the first place.
  16. Depends by chronicle. higher chronicle ... more heavier packets, more often. Rough estimate... 1 MBIT/1 TB a month per. 500 active players (peak timeish +/-) ?? geussing. someone else post.
  17. How do you run servers? please tell me your servers damn. take a look at your damn ini's in l2server folder before asking questions. take a look at every customizable file in your server before posting.
  18. This is for native c4/pp exe. aka le english exe. not the dvampire nor china one.
  19. Olympiad is possibly the most conservatively written system in all of l2server. While it's been a while, i'd say anyone who's wanted new schedules (and they're continued success) so haven't had much luck just by commands / editing Olympiad tables. I seem to recall tendencies to screw up cycles and 24 hour matches. You should test tho and report back.
  20. //ssq event_period yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss Remember the backslash. I'd suggest hooking GetWantedStatus inside the COlympiadSystem class. Also the init function calling CL2Time But maybe i just mind my own business cause you always state wtf you want! And i'm sure your dev can do this!
  21. ....why? do the same as manton? Pay for the newest dvamp packs, and make sure it's not some flaky reseller. (god knows how many sell.. and who's actually a direct link to him) And then whip up fr3d's modules - I'm sure hell do some custom stuff if you can pay too. Good to go. Unless you want custom shiz of course.
  22. Sorry, but that's how i see your reply. Either you know nothing about enviroments, and just barely can setup an l2off server or your ignoring my words. I think the latter tho (Oh look i'm not assuming shit!). Now also learn, that i'm still not talking about pyro, and the incident. I hope you know what packets are, and the different communications options that server daemons of l2off offer. Now imagine a bad port/and or a daemon was allowed publicy due to a server move. Lets imagine some of those packets contain strings, to be executed into a MSSQL daemon. And oh, lets think they're unchecked(And they are by c4 default) cause there not meant to be public. What would happen with a cmd shell ? ;) Can you figure that out? Of course it doesn't even have to come that far, if those packets themselves can do something interesting ingame. However, what you don't know is how dVampire protects you from the scenario above cause. And lots of other things it does, and doesn't protect you from. You don't know this, cause you just plug'n'play - like scarily large majority does today when making l2off. And therein lies problems when you defend your ego cause you wanted to do some l2off, and now shit happens to the other. And everything turns into a big piss contest, about who can piss the longest and assume the most. Yet for some reason every single player accepts it and listens to you(No, not you personally). I hope you'll make another server :)
  23. Embass, yes i do have my own project. I'm by no means an expert, but i did put time into it, managed to learn a thing or two about how things work. And it's by no means an easy feat dVamp and Kvoxi have done - i've been wanting to best them for a long time. If you knew the "l2off" scene (Kind of sarcastic to call it that, but still) - you'd know. And how the fuck do you think depmAx64 works, dumbass? Does fr3d have access to both la2guard and dvampire sources - that would be news to me. You research it, map it and build over it. For the cmd part: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms175046.aspx - do read. What do you think makes you secure against this? your setup? Your lucky dvamp has protection against execution, inside his cached detecting the input strings in Cached packets. Lets face it... 99% use SA as a SQL user - probably even you did. Therefor a cmdshell ironicly has alot to do with it, if it's setup badly - cause then what can you do with a little cmdshell ? ;) But goodjob showing your intelligence, by starting off with such a display of linguistics. Oh yes, let's hope for tons more l2off "distributions", so you can keep making servers to feed your ego's.
  24. Says who? You and a million other wannabes use dVampire and La2guard/nextdev. You never learn shit about the actual c4 server. most of you can barely script proper, not to mention write ai or nasc. Enlighten me how someone with no knowledge or research of the extender in question or executable/program, can possibly claim there's no "hacks" present. You now idea of knowing what mistakes lies in c4, dvamp or intentional loopholes. And more importantly, if someone bothered why should he share anything to anyone? (And no, this is not defence of pyro). No one bothers to learn in l2off anymore, not even basic things. Bad setups can allow direct shell and root access, wether your dvamp, c4 or nextdev. All it takes is 1 mistake.
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