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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. I have, several. L2 Extreme, BnB.Gr. Those two got actually targetted by interpol/fbi and were forced to shutdown. Doubt however much happened after that. Several others got COD's from time to time - but i think they've given up on sending those. New name, up in a few days if it happens. Also l2 is not so profitable anymore, not worth it to pay for lawyers and shit i believe.
  2. Learn how to unpack and RCE /Reverse Engineer / Cryptanalysis. Which sorry to say, you with 99,99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% you won't.
  3. Well then your not looking for a .NET developer or any other Runtime/Managed code developer. ...but why listen to me, your an expert on software and applications programming.
  4. .....and your asking in a l2off forum with compiled executables as base platform for devs with MANAGED code experience? You sure you know what you want or why you want it?
  5. Can you read? Check the skills are actually in skilldata and skill pch and check the column exist under the correct table in sql. Using a different sql server won't do shit.
  6. If you can do that, why is it you need someone? IF you can afford to pay fr3dbr monetos for his Luxury Mansion full of coke, whiskey and whores (This is how i imagine, and it 100% is the pure truth). You can surely afford 100 bucks a month on a dedicated box. And since it's plug'n'play and you have to exactly nothing, you don't really need a "dev".
  7. That's funny. Stability wise they'll KILL any l2j Gracia Final, statswise they'll kill l2j Gracia Final for accuracy. Minor fixups required for hp resurrection(changing 1 fukkin byte lolz), olympiad and the instancezonemanager/cdb classes. Some fixups to protocol ver and other potentially "deadly" traps. The problem is, you can't do shit cause you don't know anything except perhaps how to set up l2j or change simple text in it, ain't it? Same problem 99,99% will have. Which is the fault of the user, not the files. Instead of sounding like a fukkin retarded wannabe l2off dev or trying to be important l2j dev, name specificly what's so craptastic about it. They're the best l2off files around, cause they're bloody newest. There is NOTHING better than these around clean and ready to get build upon. Cause User is a simplistic monkey p'n'p type dude, shouldn't be a benchmark for the "packs" value. L2J or L2OFF.
  8. As opposed to keeping silent grudges and keeping everything yourself? Id prefer people know my position rather than shroud everything, i don't have stuff to hide. Do you? As Fiinto says, all he's describing is what's freely shared. But maybe you could sell it as well, like when you wanted 5000 for it ;) PS: That's generally how scamming goes, especially on these forums. People selling the exact same shit, with no or minimal changes claiming it's something awesome. Because neither seller nor buyer has knowledge to verify any claims. I see this as bad, maybe you don't for your business sake.
  9. No really ,your a retarded client mod n00b. And you didn't even bother to check that it's all been shared by fr3dbr in the section? Good luck with you life, you'll bloody need it.
  10. You want to sell stuff that's freely shared? Maxc... L2 Idiots unite!
  11. fr3d smeling money and incoming in .... 3 2 1......
  12. Fyyre - how fun to have you back. And even more fun that sighed should save your not edited comment :) Says just about all with this community :)
  13. Yes, change a < to a > inside ResurrectBy. (Or 0x72 to 0x77 for the more technicly inclined.) or do it fr3d style, get dvampire to rewrite entire function nearly!
  14. What's a matter fr3d? No sharing of auth servers from GF? or you didn't know how to work em ? ;) Edit: OR rpg club's dlls. don't want the fixes public, so kids will still buy depmax or kations' ext? ;)
  15. Funny how you whine about others useless posts, but can't even read others people post when "trying" to help them. Try again.
  16. If you know c++, you wouldn't even begin to make such retarded statements as you just have. Learn the difference between l2j & l2off , as you clearly don't. What is the defined difference? Grow older and try again or just give up. Result will be the same.
  17. Ezme's C5 Project. Virtually outdated, working only for a specific exe that's supplied and is slightly different from dvamp & normal c4. Can be shared if wished, but there's NOTHING of interest here, AT ALL. Of any kind.
  18. Really? Change the bloody backdoor int key token to something else and it's bruteforce trial and error...
  19. How many will be able to use the class to create a simple console or win32 wrap up for use ? ;) And shame on you for keeping this to yourself so long! BAD ANARCHY.
  20. Just like your fantastic useful information of saving people 3 minutes with this. Lets forget the fact that'd Anarchy pointed out how crap and weak the "hash" if you can call it that is, in l2. Not me. Using a new hash, you can google for it. Am i awesome for posting a SHA2 or ever SHA1 hash copy pasted from somewhere? Won't really help when no authentication process known in L2 supports it, will it? ;) Your a kid who's butthurt over not getting praise, but instead someone saying what you share is pretty much already shared, in another script/language. Which is what i did - FYI - not insult you in anyway. Stay in school kiddo :O
  21. Do you even know how the system of authentication works together with the first registration of a users information? In general how authentication processes has to be tied with the user info it has from whatever previous source? It sounds like you don't.
  22. Isn't 744 the "Test" builds of Interlude, and some packets were different comparing to the release when it went live with 746? Or is my memory playing tricks again. Of course you could also just buy the extender and get direct support from vangyboy.
  23. It's a simple conversion of every single registration script in asp/php's encryption method for storing passwords when users register. Infact it's scarily alot of copy paste, just wit a few changes to C#/.NET syntax. Not quite sure how it's useful, if you can't do this you wouldn't mess with it in the first place.
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