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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. I forgot to mention, if you want to pay for it. I'm sure some of us would listen.
  2. Sameway you'd do it on l2j. Easiest without any actual coding would be thru CacheD packets.
  3. Not for you, no. Or anyone else nearly.
  4. "Look there are are people with +24 but you must not forget there are also people with +3!" Your retarded. Who the fuck cares if there are people with +3? There are TONS of people +25, cause they donated THOUSANDS of dollars. Aka, they won't leave the server cause they can't get it back. The server barely has gm's active, barely correct updated patches. Nothing has happened in god knows how long time - cause they can't do anything. (Because dosmac is a bbanhammer equivelant - probably worse actually.) The ONLY reason you'd defend it, is if your one of the donators who's invested god knows how much monetos over the years in it. You might wonder why everything went to a standstill when thinlan left ;)
  5. No you don't. Unless it's c1 smeli, in which case.....don't bother. Really don't bother.
  6. Then post in L2J. I want Cold Fusion, but that doesn't mean even if i pay 100 billion USD for it - anyone can give it to me in a commercial working state, now does it?
  7. Okay here's some help and answer to your question. NO.
  8. Learn to post in the right section. And if anyone actually has them why would they bloody share them? Correct data would be worth gold.
  9. are you just retarded? http://www.smart-hide-ip.com/? Showing the programs name?
  10. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=232402 ;)
  11. could you settle for Freya, with everything working ? ;) http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=232402.new#new
  12. Youd know that, if you knew anything about l2off. You don't. Learn the basics please. Your problem is pretty much client related and how to tackle that, nothing else.
  13. Ask whoever you bought files from. They will give support, their script/extender. Since you blatantly to inept to post any other information.
  14. What's the point of going to a big lineage 2 private server forum posting that? ...Now what's the point of doing the above but SPECIFICALLY in this thread? Hidden agenda much? :O
  15. I approve of this server. And i am completely 100% totally impartial and unbiased. Honest, really.
  16. Where and when does error occur? Randomly? On Startup? on L2NPC? Rebuild pch files, and investigate wherever area is coming from.
  17. Cause he kept ignoring that argument. He's smart enough not to take the bait.
  18. triple slash lvl 1 - gf script: effect = {{i_p_attack;517;0;1}} triple slash lvl 1 - freya script leak: effect = {{i_p_attack;517;15;1;0}} Your right tho, lets just add 15 from Freya script to crush of doom, as second arg. It's 100% the same data - meant to be read the same way! You cannot increase the chance, ironicly with your setup they wont crit at all, since param 3, disabled that ;) goodjob numbnuts.
  19. No they will not. Cause GraciaFinal skill effects(that changed in epilogue) don't have support for critical chance. So they will not see a difference on crush of doom. But thats another one of your small bs lies, such as your "Extender". Why don't you show some code instead of keep it up and ignore my questions? you haven't really answered anything except keep repeating yourself. "Did you have sex with that woman Mr.President?!" deja vu :O
  20. So you modded a txt file, to change the code inside L2Server.exe? Thats what you just said. :D
  21. Hahaha. You do need 4 params, because your a dumbass that think the effect has functionality it doesn't. Wow your quiet, when you realized that huh? No skill crit for you :c
  22. ... Freya has 4 params. You might wanna read up on CSkilleffect_i_p_attack::instant and how it uses the 2nd argument. Since you've made an extender and all. ..Now geuss why i'm asking for it dumbass.
  23. error is here.. 88C759 creature + 22BE for armor checking? seems very odd - should investigate that. ::IsInItemGrade for weapons by a quick check of it's contents - which itself calls ::GetWeaponGradePenalty to return level difference of equipped gear vs expertise skill- so yay ncsoft for ignoring that completely! Seems to move bools 0/1 to the stack instead of the respective armor/weapon penalty level, thus only lvl 1 appearing. Seems a bit weird to me, since i noticed ArmorGrade NEVER appears. Easy fix would be hooking 88C7D0 and fixing ze packet yourself with correct level checking quickly. Since penalties themselves seem solid and correct after testing.
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