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B1ggBoss last won the day on March 26 2022

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About B1ggBoss

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  1. My account have been used w/o my permission, someone got my pwd somehow. To clarify: I dont have skype, i dont know who is that dengo or whatver is spelled and i dont sell any vote system code. You just got scammed If it makes you feel better, you can ban me. i dont give a f*ck at all.
  2. You must disable gameguard force in both loginserver and gameserver configuration files
  3. If you are not going to give a gloval reward, and only want to give away what rb drops, just store in a list every player who gave damage (or maybe in a map with the damange amount). So, those who at least give X damage to raid, will enter in a randomized drop away. Abstract example: L2ItemInstance rewardDrop; List<L2PcInstance> playersWhoHitted; L2PcInstance randomPlayer = playersWhoHitted.get(Rnd.get(playersWhoHited.size())); randomPlayer.addItem("RB Random Drop", item, null, true);
  4. ill ask for money depending on how my work impact in the server population and so
  5. I offer myself as server developer (dunno, but lately i feel like i would enjoy working for a server). It must be interlude or lower chronicle, and server must be alredy working or in his way to be started (dont plan me to design you a server) Interested may pm me here or contact me at twitter Forget about payments by the moment
  6. <html> . . . <body background="imagename.extension"> . . . </body> </html>
  7. Priority just give to the JVM the order in which threads must be executed, from 1 (lower priority) to 10 (max priority). And dont confuse yourself with the configs name. That "urgent" is not supossed for a critical execution peek or smth, the config itself is just the IOPacket thread pool core size.
  8. dont confuse io and general packet thread pools with mmocore tasks
  9. bad configured, they will ruin your server well configured, wont be a big performance impact, in fact, server wont feel so much difference between default config and custom config. This is a little explanation: A thread pool is a "recipent" where threads are create to execute enqueued tasks (Runnable). As you see, first parameters talk about sizes. That size is the number of threads which are created and used to execute those tasks in each Thread pool L2J Server uses various thread pools: General thread pool: to execute general-purpose code IO Thread pool: to read from/write to packet bytebuffers packets General packet thread pool: to execute the code with the data from bytebuffers packet It also has scheduled thread pool (thread pools wich executes the task in the future) Effect scheduled pool: used to manage effects time, add and removal General scheduled pool: general-purpose scheduled thread pool AI Scheduled thread pool: used to execute the events comming from AI execution In total, 6 thread pool, each one with his configured thread pool size. Now, what you must know and think before change the config is: There will not be never more threads in execution than your machine core processor. If you have a Intel i7 quad core with 4x processors, there will not be never more than 4 thread executing at the same time. Now, to proceed to configure it you should know about the kernel switch context and how it works, how threads are release (even if they are not finished) to give time to other threads, and how to get rid and use the time the cores are released by blocking access from threads. Resuming, dont touch them
  10. You must add imports yourself public final class CustomTeleport extends Quest { private static final String qn = "CustomTeleport"; private static final int X = 0; // Coordinate X from spawn; private static final int Y = 0; // " " Y " " private static final int Z = 0; // " " Z " " private static final int HEADING = 0; // Heading. Can be 0 private static final int NPC_ID = 0; // NPC which will be used as teleport private static final String HTML_TELEPORTED = "<html><title>Custom Teleport</title><center><br>You are being teleported to YOUR_PLACE</center></body></html>"; private static final String HTML_LOWLEVEL = "<html><title>Custom Teleport</title><center><br>You must be at least level 79</center></body></html> public CustomTeleport(int questId, String name, String descr) { super(questId, name, descr); addFirstTalkId(NPC_ID); } @Override public String onFirstTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { if(player.getQuestState(qn) == null) newQuestState(player); if(player.getLevel() >= 79) { player.teleToLocation(X,Y,Z,HEADING,0); return HTML_TELEPORTED } else return HTML_LOWLEVEL; } public static void main(String...args) { new CustomTeleport(-1,qn,"Custom Teleport"); } }
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