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Everything posted by BabayG

  1. Is he the owner of the files that you bought or whatever happened? I ain't read all posts. Don't wait for mods. Contact your bank if the product is not what the author claims to be.
  2. check inside tooltip.uc all color functions, experiment with them and you shall find it
  3. just take h5 and downgrade it . why do you want freya? you don't like warrior rushes?
  4. probably you didn't notice that he does not refer to the words "real" or unique ips, so you get my point.
  5. https://l2under.com/lineage-2-story-english/ 7th comin in 2039
  6. mate better waste your time on learning the services you wish to buy. In this forum all divas are paid to do as they wish, they work if they have the mood. Ofc in the end they will tell you, you were not specific with your request or it is not their fault. i can see many scammers back. great job guys
  7. To galazio gia global moderator poio alani to skefthke?
  8. kommatia filou kai aderfou mou . kalh apolaush stis teknatzoudes tou forum
  9. i have no experience with sunrise, but... this happens only when you use the specific custom buff from cb? I mean does it work generally? buff lvl is correct ? maybe there is a config for this?
  10. Mlka gia to Theo poses fores tha anoiksete ta mpourdela SAS???
  11. Hi. L2j server is the best to start. So you can gain experience and start developing by yourself. If you have the budget though, you have more choices.
  12. Jabber is scam. Shit code, no support + he sold me shared staff. He shouldn't have been a member of this forum since long time, but I don't give a shit anymore. No reason to report anyone here. In the end the one who is getting scammed has more chances to be banned than the scammers. Maxscammers <3 Jabber is scam. Shit code, no support + he sold me shared staff. He shouldn't have been a member of this forum since long time, but I don't give a shit anymore. No reason to report anyone here. In the end the one who is getting scammed has more chances to be banned than the scammers. Maxscammers <3
  13. i had that issue once but then i purchased an asus router and port opening was a piece of cake. Maybe your story is different though, don't rush into buying a custom router without reassuring that's the real problem you should deal with.
  14. If you are looking something like this prepare 150-300 euro just for the window and functionality
  15. [GR] opote thes stoixima staurouko oti thn sniffarw kalutera apo esena. Ai stadiala oloi oi asxetoi edw mesa mazeuthkate [GR]
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