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Everything posted by BabayG

  1. Συνωμοσιολογος κ έτσι. Τον πείραξαν τα ντρογκια.
  2. Boxes restriction is easily bypassable. In official servers there are ppl with 20+boxes. Only asterios team managed to limit botters.
  3. Μακάρι να ήταν τα greeklish το μοναδικό σου πρόβλημα. Από σύνταξη και νόημα προτάσεων σκίζεις.
  4. Τα ελληνικά σου είναι γελοία
  5. Οταν η μοναδική εμπειρία που έχεις στη ζωή σου είναι μπροστά από μία οθόνη και δεν έχεις επαφές με τον έξω κόσμο, τότε είναι λογικό να μη σέβεσαι κανέναν άνθρωπο αλλά και την άποψη που εκφέρει, είτε είναι Πακιστανός, Αλβανός, αμόρφωτος, πρεζάκιας είτε Ελληνας, μορφωμένος κτλπ. Απ τον κάθε άνθρωπο κάτι θα κερδίσεις και αυτό είναι γεγονός. Στην θεωρία και στην παπαρολογια όλοι είμαστε πρώτοι. Οπότε φίλε Vince μη δίνεις σημασία στο κάθε ζωντοβολο που ισχυρίζεται ότι γνωρίζει τα πάντα, ενώ έχει βγάλει σπυριά η κωλαρα του απ το πολύ καθισιό ασκώντας κριτική σε ένα φόρουμ.
  6. No matter what you do bots can not be eliminated and even if you change some features significantly so as to minimize their impact to the game it still won't have major differences. You can only keep away newbie botters, elite botters will still dominate with scripts. Epic boss fights? I ve seen whole clan of bots. Sieges, events, fort, =same. It's not only farming and questing. So basically you allow botting or you hunt botters down by any means whether it's complex patters, captcha, reworking mobs Ai or bot hunters.
  7. fafurion is new. not tested by players e.t.c it's logical to have many bugs. you shouldn't invest so much in a test version. yes i call it test version, since how many have tested this pack? 10 ppl?
  8. And tell me why should I change photo or nickname? I don't care about what you or any forum member thinks about me. If a troll Pic or a name I used back in high school seem retard to you then so be it. You are free to judge, I won't take anything personally. Believe it or not I am one of the wealthiest Greek forum members in here and it is not because of luck or because of my Tati. Sure my father helped me as regards the financial burdens, but still I own 1 company. 3 stores and resorts in Andros and mykonos and I am only 22. As for the server you mentioned some posts before, I am not a dev and I am not willing to learn coding since launching a server won't be profitable. I trusted some Kappa legit devs in here but it was a waste of time and money. And that is serious just like my passion , not like my Pic or my name. P.s.1 I am not mentioning all those to to brag about myself but because you are constantly underestimate me and every forum member without any valid evidence. P.s.2 I am still here because I enjoy some people posts whether they are troll or not. I am not here to sell services, just some wasted money at Innova servers.
  9. Probably Maxtor got bored of your bullshit, spam and hate. Whenever I send him a message, he answers immediately. Even ppl of the past who claimed that they got scammed by you, don't give a shit anymore. No matter what Maxtor or the community do to you, you still can't live without mxc. P.s1 if every client/server developer I paid in the past was legit, maybe I would have launched a server. I wasted more than 10k euros and I am not bitching around all over the forum for my server launching failure. P. s2 xaxaxa yes I am xdem's bitch. That's a bit difficult but OK 200 iq guy no one can argue with you in this forum. P.s3 even if you are a psycho full of hatred, I still believe that there is something good in you.
  10. Probably the best you can find. I would suggest you though to find a trusted owner/Reseller of the sources. Their prices are way too expensive for a simple server owner/tester e.t.c.
  11. God spoke to him. The future is already written. He is the chosen one.
  12. Be my guest. You know better than me that I am not the only perv in this forum. I still have photos of your Ukrainian girlfriend.
  13. L2 crimson. Best pvp Freya server ever existed. So many memories. Top 1 pvp "Starscream"
  14. Well guys you are only mentioning negative aspects of the game. Let's see what happens if you think always like this. -Women will fuck you only if you have money, cocaine, fame or a very adventurous life. -Money will come to you only if you win the lottery, trade drugs, guns, whores or by inheritance. I can find many more but I am sunbathing now. Anyway, probably I am writing bullshit drinking my margaritas, but what I wanna say is that for sure there is a server out there suitable to your tastes. Nothing new to learn here l2 scene is the same since 2k12. The only difference is community is far less nowadays. Back to drinking now)).
  15. indeed mxc banners are overpriced, i would never buy them for 10 visits per day, but i would never buy your banners or hopzone banners. You delete server votes for money. You add rank 1 to paying servers like stalonka and lionka . You have nothing to complain, especially about copy paste. Mono aisxrokerdeia sixamata gmtxs.
  16. 1 guy 1 jar ton teleutaio kairo .
  17. You can use box trickster prannah++ Against op mages.
  18. Full str without berserker buffs. Augment pvp p.atk. Attr doesn't matter. Armor depends on your play style. Experience will make you a good dagger. So never say no to a fight. Even if it is totally unfair.
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