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Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Vision

  1. Put a price for what you're selling. Read our marketplace rules.
  2. Don't waste your time in comments without sense.
  3. Man structure your post a bit lol it's like a mess. Also, put price for what you sell. Read the rules before you post.
  4. Add some price on what you sell. Read the rules of marketplace.
  5. How did you manage to solve it? Tell us so others can know.
  6. Make it like a list and put prices. Check the rules of marketplace.
  7. Ok, locked. It could help others with the same problem to tell them what you did wrong though.
  8. You need to provide prices. Read the rules before you post.
  9. If you have any proofs send them to me via PM.
  10. Δεν υπαρχει άλλος δρόμος πλέον xd
  11. Πχ Content Creators γκου χου
  12. Mate it doesn't work that way you need to provide price of what you are selling. Before you make a post read the rules we have about marketplace. If you don't wanna give the real price you want give something so you can negotiate. Also what items you are selling piece by piece price or overall price.
  13. Good and decent work you can recognize it when you see it. Nice job mate you are having something good. Good sales!
  14. You need to prove conversation which will make him guilty. Some message history print-screened and post this conversation here or personally to any Global Mods or even me I can pass it. We need proofs in order to action.
  15. You could add some more info into your post but is ok. I think that you are building a serious project. Good luck!
  16. I have no idea what is this but, thanks for sharing.
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