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aCis - another CRAPPY interlude server


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Blackbird PTS informations



aCis (acronym for "another CRAPPY interlude server") is a Java emulator, based on L2J work, focusing on Interlude chronicle. Project leader is named Tryskell. The project begun around december 2010, after the end of L2JArchid. At this moment, none European L2JIL pack was maintained.



We focus about retailness ; a big emphasis is done to reproduce the good aspects of L2OFF behavior, using all informations we still have.


The customs are dropped when not needed. It allows you to make WHAT YOU REALLY WANT, avoiding any conflict. The time saved not developing customs is fully used to enhance retail behavior.


The pack is under a freemium concept, which mean you can contribute with money or with code, and get rewarded with latest sources access. Read the dedicated thread to understand the whole concept.


Countless reworks have been done, but the biggest could be named as:

  • XMLization of all static tables.
  • Completion of quests under Java, with drop rates and behaviors checked using L2OFF.
  • Rewritten AIs using L2OFF behavior.
  • Numerous reworked systems : movement, duel, knownlist, retail-like spawn manager, admincommands,...
  • 800+ reported bugfixes - without counting my own edits/fixes.


Types of groups


  • Public branch is updated every year.
  • The stability state isn't guaranteed - it is delivered "as it".
  • Free users can access to the Discord channel to get support.
  • Free users, even based on outdated branch, can contribute to project, and be rewarded for their work (see "Contribution" section).



  • You will be registered into the private Gitlab, for the time of your subscription.
  • You will have access to specific forums boards, such as "custom" && "FAQ".
  • I will give support for any retail issue you report, based on my own IRL timelapse / project handling. I don't busy about customs.
  • If you contribute to project, you can be rewarded for your work (see "Contribution" section).



  • Free users, as Donators, can reach that status sharing enough bugfixes or contributing enough to the pack they're declared "essential".
  • Main contributors are rewarded by "Supporter" status, they got a direct access to sources, to all boards and don't pay any fee.
  • That access is maintained until they stop to contribute or contribution amount becomes too low.




All your reports and shares (bugfixes) are counted as a CONTRIBUTION. Contribution is taken in consideration when your work is COMMITED, and is based on the complexity of the report/bugfix.


The contribution system is visible on forums. A specific field, named "Cookies" was added.


Cookies can be used instead of money, and is spent on a ratio 1:1 over either the initial Donator subscription (100 cookies) or to pay the monthly fee (10 cookies / month).

If you stack up 12 free months, cookies are then translated as money reward (paid over Paypal).


Ratios are as following :

  • one report : 2 to 10 cookies, depending about the severity
  • one bugfix : from 2 to 100+ cookies (from typos fix to complete reworks)


Bounties & Bounty Hunters


#bounties Discord channel allow you to deliver some tasks as a requested code for a fixed fee and based on a description. That fee is paid using subscription money.

Any game feature or bug can be considered as a task. The priority is given to bugs generating instability. Tasks are defined by either me or Donators.

The fee is paid only if requested code is committed and final part of the files. A variable part of the fee can be cut depending about how buggy the proposed code is. If the code is too buggy, it will be rejected.

That fee can be either translated to :

  • Supporter or a Donator with enough credits (> 12 stacked subscription months) : real money, payment is done using Paypal ONLY.
  • Donator with good contribution background : Supporter rank.
  • Other : cookies, which can be stacked and spent as a regular money-base upon initial fee or monthly fee.

Any @@donator can actually use his own spent money to lead its own bounties. As an exemple, sending me 100€ as initial fee allow you to "spend them" on whatever task you want to be prioritized. Giving no direction means I can use them as I want.

If multiple concurrent people deliver code for the same task, the less buggier version and the most "aCis-friendly" (documented code, using aCis standards, etc) version will be chosen. The only rewarded people will be the chosen code's author.

In case multiple concurrent people propose identical solutions in terms of "code coolness" and "features", the first posted version got the priority.

If multiple friendly people work together to propose a code, the reward will be splitted between authors. Define the % of authorship between yourselves.

In order everyone works on the same stuff, and as L2OFF is as bad as L2J in terms of data stability, here's a unique source for data :


In this zip, you will find following :

  • AdvExt Setp2019 HTM folder
  • AdvExt Setp2019 scripts folder (since L2OFF IL fstring.txt sucks ass, both IL and GF versions are added. L2OFF GF version must be used, since it's far better translated.
  • Decompiled ai.obj for L2OFF IL Vanganth and L2OFF GF


Joining donation: 200€
This fee has to be paid if you are joining aCis project. Next month, and all other months, you will have to donate only basic monthly donation.

Monthly donation: 10€
This fee has to be paid every month.


Blackbird PTS


aCis got its own Public Test Server, named Blackbird !


This server got the latest master branch pushed, and can also welcome experimental branches - in this case, special announcement is done on Discord. All accounts and characters got admin level. You can use //help ingame to refer to the admin commands and see what you can do.


More infos can be found on both aCis forums and Discord about how to reach it.


Edited by Tryskell
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I profite about the number 15 commit to make a bump :).


In program, full config refactor, and around 10 deleted configs. Think to update all your .properties files.


Next commit tomorrow or in 2 days, full MMOCore refactor.

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Tryskell its a very nice and trusty person.

i recommend it, and wish u all the best with your project.


brb i search u in my msn i wanna talk with u :))

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Starting alone a project... Do you think u can handle it ?

why u need 2000 ppl's ? imo if u know what u do, a lonely project is best, since u do all u want, and if u mistake ur the one, not others, and u will not get nerves for others.

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