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Autobots | The best Fake Player & Autofarm Engine


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I no longer have time to maintain and develop the project so I'm sharing it for free with everyone. Anyone who bought it got a full refund.





So almost 3 years ago I released a very primitive Fake Players engine called L2jRoboto. It lacked many features and it wasn't really manageable.

Thanks to the quarantine situation I decided to spend some of my spare time writing a completely new engine from scratch. 


So without any further ado I present to you, Autobots, the most Advanced Fake Player & Autofarm Engine.


Code: https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2Autobots


I will NOT be offering ANY support to install or do whatever with the engine. You are alone.


I MIGHT offer some help to anyone that is in our Discord server: https://discord.gg/6DYMDV4



The engine currently supports every class except for the summoner classes and prophet-like classes.


Features Autobots

  • Full autobot control through an in game dashboard with amazing UX
    • Spawn/Despawn/Delete
    • Inspect a bot's inventory, status, skills and buffs
    • Customise the bot's combat and social preferences in game
      • Target radius
      • PvP aggression and preferences
    • Self sustain with potions that can be configured in game
    • Infinite buff replenishing
    • Infinite consumable replenishing
    • Ingame bot filtering
  • Persistent bots that are saved in the database and can be logged in where they logged out
  • Unique behaviour on each bot based on its class
    • Archers will kite
    • Spoilers will spoil and sweeper
    • Pet owners will have pets following or assisting them
  • Create an autobot in game
    • Name
    • Level
    • Class
    • Appearance
  • Create random Autobot
  • Bot chat control
    • You can see what the bot sees in the chat and you can do things like talk in general chat or shout chat and also use PMs
  • Bot clan control
    • Create a bot clan in game and change the members of the clan from the dashboard, including clan crests for remote locations
  • Full ingame bot control (movement, attack, skills, chat)
  • Automatic return to death area using gatekeepers


Features Autofarm

  • Fully automatic farming with targeting, attacking and self sustain logic


Here is a video showcasing the features as of 04/05/2020



Some images: https://imgur.com/a/ttFkkef


 New feature: Full bot control

  • Movement
  • Chat
  • Skills
  • Action
  • Combat
  • PvP/PK (Ctrl button support)



Configurable skill preferences per class



Configurable Private Sell Store




Configurable Private Buy Store



Bots will now return to their death area after they respawn in town



You you want to get a version of the engine that is already installed and it is easy to run check this out:


Edited by Elfocrash
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incoming new scammers selling this same engine, without any modifications for 50+ dollars as their own 

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Just now, HyperBlown said:

incoming new scammers selling this same engine, without any modifications for 50+ dollars as their own 

Haha the story of my life. Who cares tho. If they didn't bother to search, they deserve to get scammed.

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WTF! Thank you SO much for sharing things like this with MxC community! 

Your work is awesome and i think that everyone will enjoy it also this code will be a must-have code for every next project xD

Edited by Ugleethyn
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