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interlude [L2OFF] L2Mid


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As i saw in Giran was totally FULL OF BOTS

Make sure when u make Mass reward 1 IP get reward with 1 box.

Also fix ur Donate Section if y are not accepting pay safe cards.


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On 06.11.2017 at 1:35 AM, SkyLord said:

yea bots here too right?


now i understand from where that strange 7 unlikes......from haters and forum fighters from maxcheaters ...... that talk about l2 like some "pro" but in game they dont know to make nobless quest .....sad ....sad .....

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1 hour ago, SkyLord said:

Tons of haters



hate has nothing to do with facts...

Just saying.Did u even look at the photo?Blame it on hate and ignore the critism since they dont suck off ur D LUL

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19 hours ago, SkyLord said:

Tons of haters



Rofl this treshak clan so low like always :D beg2play

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