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Everything posted by BolvEk

  1. i got a problem and idk how to solve it..when i try to run game server or login i get java error..this message "could not open C:Program Files/java/jre1.8.0_231/lib/i386/jvm.cfg'" and idk why
  2. yeah cuz i dont have lightshot on computer xd
  3. Yeah this srv is so good https://prnt.sc/q4ppal Money hunter with sad packs Gl with ur trash bugged server :D
  4. Dead server.giran full of bots running around.50real onlin max
  5. 1h after openning db+mj l set..thats why this srv will die in 1week or less.
  6. Im not here to fight against ppl..thats my opinions :)
  7. Anyway good luck with ur server.
  8. I mean..1 month with action. Whats the point to play events 10vs10? :)
  9. go fix ur crappy dead servers first
  10. I know everything about eola.so dont worry ma friend ;)
  11. Server is totally fail..full of corruptions clan Disturbia.i hope this time u gonna spend all money from donates to ur cancer therapy Next seasons ppl wont join like l2sp fcktard
  12. This srv give us cancer..zero balance like devil..feelssadman
  13. Tell me what u except from a failer?lul
  14. Y but no black market on eola like u failer
  15. U will fail 100% as always :)
  16. x3 fails in 1 month :))))
  17. https://prnt.sc/hsqsf5 call it a big success..as i said yday u will fail 200%
  18. Oh my posts deleted like on l2hooligans hahahaa funny admin..pray to success pls cuz u will fail 200% :)
  19. Ofc also imagine why archer is op..infinity played as archer on every server..anyway this srv is dead max ppl 20.one more fail
  20. Worst server in the world..full unbalance and full of corruption..1st time on my life i see titan with frenzy/zealot/x2 might to hit mage 1k crit and mage hit titan 2k normal..2017 and u guys still failing..i feel so sad srsly
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