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Everything posted by Trance

  1. It really depends by server and chronicle.
  2. It's like Facebook. If you reply with BS to a post (server review in our case), more people will reply back to you, slaying you into pieces in 10 different languages.
  3. What does the "high numbers" logic have to do with stats, items vs skills. Anyways.
  4. You may accomplish more with Invision Community platform, and using a plugin such as (GFL) Multi-Game Servers List.
  5. RU sarcasm. You don't know if the killer is actually going to kill you or not. HAHAHAHA
  6. I included that as well, edited before your reply, I had a feeling someone would take it more seriously.
  7. You do this at enter and exist/teleport/logout, but you don't check the class like this guy needs to.
  8. Your "party.getMembersCount() >= 2" condition is for the party overall. You need to store the healers at-invite and remove them at-leave, so you know they are actually in the party. filter(player -> player.getClassId() == 97).size() or Fast and ugly for the sake of L2J: private static final List<Player> HEALER_LIST = new ArrayList<>(); If player.getClassId == 97: HEALES_LIST.add(player); HEALER_LIST.remove(player); You can use the condition If HEALER_LIST.size() >= 2 to forbid an amount and you don't need to check getClassId, because you already checked that at add/remove. You also got this: for (Player healer : HEALER_LIST) So you can do stuff with the healer while being in the party. Make the player to leave party while changing subclasses.
  9. What are you talking about? Why the player cares if the weapon has a passive or not, unless the developer is lazy to create the client side to make it look like a real SA.
  10. Don't do the mistake to add bonus stats to the item lol. Your players will have bugged stats and will require character restart to fix it. You got passives for a reason. Stop doing that people!
  11. Locked. Continue here:
  12. 0x30 is for mul - 1.1 = 10%, 0.9 = -10% 0x40 is for diff 0x10 is for base stats If you want to add extra stats for an item, create a passive skill as SA, don't do it straight on the item.
  13. I'm using DreamHost since 2014 and I always been happy with their service. They have the best UI you'll ever find for a web hosting company and you can pay $15 a month for a VPS which can host multiple domains/websites - so you can even split the bill if you wish to. They have very responsible staff on the chat during the working hours, they can even run and help you in different scenarios by connecting via SSH for you. Their Knowledge Base is huge and very well made. Their servers are in the U.S.A but it doesn't really matter from what part of the world your visitors are, it makes no difference - I've been accessing my websites At Sea, Airplanes, Asia, North or South America, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska(U.S.), Europe, etc. with the same fast load speed. Just a few SS: https://prnt.sc/siaz1w https://prnt.sc/siaztx https://prnt.sc/siaymv https://prnt.sc/sib0ea
  14. Would be nice only the "verified" traders to be able to post though. Let's not forget that, even a trusted member with no bad record can go rogue sometimes - for different reasons. So I guess it's very hard for @Maxtor or any Mod to totally vouch for a person. "Verified" can be used but people still have to use their common sense. We can only minimize the damage.
  15. It's a good idea, it's just that I'm busy these days.
  16. You can try Mobius.
  17. Move: To: https://maxcheaters.com/forum/39-request-server-development-help-l2off/
  18. Why the name L2Finest?
  19. Readers will have to use their common sense. There's nothing more we can do about it.
  20. Something like that I guess.
  21. I guess we can have a live streaming about this subject.
  22. P.S.: cool videos.
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