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Everything posted by Trance

  1. 0x30 is for mul - 1.1 = 10%, 0.9 = -10% 0x40 is for diff 0x10 is for base stats If you want to add extra stats for an item, create a passive skill as SA, don't do it straight on the item.
  2. I'm using DreamHost since 2014 and I always been happy with their service. They have the best UI you'll ever find for a web hosting company and you can pay $15 a month for a VPS which can host multiple domains/websites - so you can even split the bill if you wish to. They have very responsible staff on the chat during the working hours, they can even run and help you in different scenarios by connecting via SSH for you. Their Knowledge Base is huge and very well made. Their servers are in the U.S.A but it doesn't really matter from what part of the world your visitors are, it makes no difference - I've been accessing my websites At Sea, Airplanes, Asia, North or South America, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska(U.S.), Europe, etc. with the same fast load speed. Just a few SS: https://prnt.sc/siaz1w https://prnt.sc/siaztx https://prnt.sc/siaymv https://prnt.sc/sib0ea
  3. Would be nice only the "verified" traders to be able to post though. Let's not forget that, even a trusted member with no bad record can go rogue sometimes - for different reasons. So I guess it's very hard for @Maxtor or any Mod to totally vouch for a person. "Verified" can be used but people still have to use their common sense. We can only minimize the damage.
  4. It's a good idea, it's just that I'm busy these days.
  5. Move: To: https://maxcheaters.com/forum/39-request-server-development-help-l2off/
  6. Readers will have to use their common sense. There's nothing more we can do about it.
  7. I guess we can have a live streaming about this subject.
  8. FREEMIUM This DDoS service I provide haven't started as a business, but I gotta charge the people I never had an interaction with, I hope you understand that. However, tips are welcome. I'll try to answer some of the questions in advance. GAME SERVER TYPES I'm glad to say that, so far, so good. GTA5 servers were the most challenging so far, but we did it - the server owner and I. And of course, Lineage II in both scenarios - preventing and stopping attacks. TIME Some servers may require my attention for only a few hours, some for days if your server is already live and under attack, or even a migration to a new hosting company that I have to fully setup and do the needed tests. We start by using what you currently have and see how can we stop the attacks and then we move forward if needed. HOSTING COMPANY I will take care of the Firewall setup and all rules the hosting company provides. I'll setup it as good as possible as per server's needs. OPERATION SYSTEM As I mentioned in my main thread, I'm currently focusing on Windows Server because it's the most challenging, and this is just the beginning. This is where we need to pay extra attention because most of Layer 7 are bypassing company's firewall - seen as normal traffic. LAYER 7 IS SERIOUS If the OS is not setup well enough and all the security measures are not being taken care of - your database can get damaged, some files may get corrupted. We need all resources of the OS to only handle the server and its traffic, it can't help the server if it can't help itself to begin with. Then, I'll move on the networking setup of the OS. MY DEDICATION This is very important. I won't only setup a few things and leave you on your own. I'll try to be around for a while when you need me, especially if you have an opening date coming up - I'll try to make myself available for that day. Do not abuse my kindness though. NO PROTECTION IS 100% You know what I mean. Even the giant companies are struggling sometimes. What about us? We always have to work our way around it. You never know what target you got on your back. ONE BY ONE This is not one-software installation kind of thing. I have to focus on one server at a time.
  9. Theory and practice are 2 different things. You do have a point. That could go as a 3rd factor after my mentionings. However, I pointed out to both sides - players and admins from my perspective how I see it. --- Overall, it's a new era and everyone should adapt to the present - players and admins. Adapting (and improving) made the human race survive so far, wasn't? TOP WEBSITES ARE ANOTHER CANCER. This would help and make more sense if there was a new *topzone*, coming to life, filtering and categorizing private servers differently, not only by chronicles. The *toozone* team being less lazy and actually checking a server's quality and players trusting their observation I guess. A *topzone* needs a rating and reviewing system, where players can give stars from 1 to 5 and approved by the *topzone* team if the comments are legit. So players will only enter the servers that suit their style and admins don't have to waste time pleasing players (being toxic) that don't wanna stay anyways. It's a win-win. THIS WOULD BE A GAME CHANGER FOR THE COMMUNITY. I wish I could make a *topzpne* website with no advertisements and stupid ass banners everywhere - greedy motherfuckers. Nothing but a basic premium package for a small server logo/banner. And a separated donations system that offers no benefits in return.
  10. Most l2j pack have that respawn_random as -/+ hours.
  11. Apparently Lineage II used to slowly die, until now. This quarantine has brought many people back. Lineage II is dying for the same reason other games/servers are dying. Community being toxic and always in search of perfection that did not exist, just like how "balance" is misinterpreted, "balance" is not about equality between classes, each class has its counter. Every player has its own vision - how something should be/look like. That's why you need to let them know how your vision is and make them understand. Do you remember how clan members used to follow leaders and co-leaders many, many years ago? Now each of them believes that he/she is superior to anyone else. Everyone thinks they know everything perfectly. So it's a mess between players and clans as well. Another reason would be that, hell yeah, server owners, they don't care to learn something they don't already know, basic computer networking or how a small business should work. They don't wanna leave their comfort zone. As a server owner, you should know at least the basics of all of them - computer networking, server developing, client developing, web developing, how a maintenance should be done overall, and so on - everything that your server needs - only in this way can you control the quality of the server and the people who work with or for you.
  12. This is the free requests section, while you ask to contact you in private - this makes it a topic for the marketplace.
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