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Everything posted by Trance

  1. Add the price as per our forum rules.
  2. A reminder that while the server is under development for Season 2, the beta server is online 24/7 with several restarts from time to time. https://www.lineage2.gold/
  3. You need to list the items and the price.
  4. You are one of those people who confuses "what I heard" with personal experience. Some servers did pay the Adrenaline team, but this isn't the topic we're discussing.
  5. If there's something beyond your understanding, you better don't reply.
  6. You're offtopic.
  7. TCP is the only protocol used by L2.
  8. PC sepcs matters less. You are fine as long as you don't use a VPS in a busy node; better don't use a VPS at all. Use a dedicated server.
  9. UDP is not used by L2, you'll most likely forward an attack.
  10. Don't accept the payment if you can't deliver right away.
  11. Include the price as per the rules.
  12. Include the price as per the rules.
  13. It's not like any other protection is better regarding this anyway.
  14. Not true at all, I even had players from Argentina with no DCs or lag at all at any given time - Classic client. You may have issues on Interlude that is a client from the medieval ages.
  15. Definitely better than the rest.
  16. They'll are probably selling Elfo's Autobots which is shared for free. Careful!
  17. That's do dumb.
  18. That was Adrenaline's last fix, but AAC updated their protection again.
  19. Sometimes - by default Adrenaline can't bypass Active AntiCheat. Team Adrenaline can bypass it if you pay them extra, but Active AntiCheat is periodically updating their protection - you'll eventually get banned. Short answer to your question - not really.
  20. Add the prices to your topic.
  21. Add the prices to your topic.
  22. @Mr Snowball, please read the rules and add the prices to your main topic.
  23. @mrkarlota, please read the rules and add the prices to your main topic.
  24. @Somik, please read the rules and add the prices to your main topic.
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